Public Management

My research on public management  focus especially on top managers and organizational dynamics. See my research on diversity in the public sector here . 


Top Management and Leadership

Huang, T. & Villadsen, A. R. (2023). Top managers in public organizations: A systematic literature review and future     research directions. Public Administration Review.

Grøn, C. H., Opstrup, N., Salomonsen, H. H., & Villadsen, A. R. 2022a. Managing in all the right directions? The relationship between public managers’ perceived autonomy and leading upwards, sidewards, outwards and downwards. Public Management Review: 1-23.

Grøn, C. H., Opstrup, N., Salomonsen, H. H., & Villadsen, A. R. 2022b. Together forever? The relation between (dis) similar demographics in politico-administrative relationships and executive turnover. International Public Management Journal, 25(6): 962-979.

Sørensen, P., Hansen, M. B., & Villadsen, A. R. 2022. Perceived Changes in Leadership Behavior during Formal Leadership Education. Public Personnel Management.

Hansen, M. B., & Villadsen, A. R. 2017. The external networking behaviour of public managers-the missing link of weak ties. Public Management Review, 19(10): 1556-1576.

Krøtel, S. M., Villadsen, A. R., & Hansen, M. B. 2017. What to do here? What to do there? The effect of change in organization size on public management. International Public Management Journal, 20(4): 675-700.

Villadsen, A. R. 2016. The relation between executive succession and corporate capacity. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 26(1): 19-29.

Villadsen, A. R. 2012. New Executives from Inside or Outside? The Effect of Executive Replacement on Organizational Change. Public administration review, 72(5): 731-740.

Villadsen, A. R. 2011. Structural embeddedness of political top executives as explanation of policy isomorphism. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 21(4): 573-599.

Villadsen, A. R., Hansen, J. R., & Mols, N. P. 2010. When do public managers imitate each other? Mimetic decision making in contracting decisions of Danish municipalities. Public Organization Review, 10: 357-376.

Hansen, J. R., & Villadsen, A. R. 2010. Comparing public and private managers' leadership styles: Understanding the role of job context. International Public Management Journal, 13(3): 247-274.

Organizational Dynamics

Løkke, A.-K., Villadsen, A. R., & Bach, A. S. 2023. Recruitment and Selection in the Public Sector: Do Rules Shape Managers’ Practices? Public Personnel Management: 00910260221146145.

Krøtel, S. M., & Villadsen, A. R. 2016. Employee turnover in hybrid organizations: the role of public sector socialization and organizational privateness. Public Administration, 94(1): 167-184.

Villadsen, A. R. 2013. Similarity or difference? The relation between structure and strategy isomorphism in public organizations. British Journal of Management, 24: S62-S75.

Mols, N. P., Hansen, J. R., & Villadsen, A. R. 2012. Plural governance: The effect of internal production on supplier performance. Industrial Marketing Management, 41(5): 874-885.

Rosenberg Hansen, J., Mols, N. P., & Villadsen, A. R. 2011a. Internal or external production and satisfaction with the chosen sourcing in Danish municipalities: different theoretical explanations. Local Government Studies, 37(6): 621-646.

Rosenberg Hansen, J., Mols, N. P., & Villadsen, A. R. 2011b. Make and buy—An alternative to make or buy? An investigation of four theoretical explanations in Danish municipalities. International Journal of Public Administration, 34(8): 539-552.