Other Research Interests

My other research interests include research methods and state-ownership, particular in China


Research methods

Villadsen, A. R., & Wulff, J. N. 2021a. Are you 110% sure? Modeling of fractions and proportions in strategy and management research. Strategic Organization, 19(2): 312-337.

Villadsen, A. R., & Wulff, J. N. 2021b. Statistical myths about log‐transformed dependent variables and how to better estimate exponential models. British Journal of Management, 32(3): 779-796.

Wulff, J. N., & Villadsen, A. R. 2020a. Are survey experiments as valid as field experiments in management research? An empirical comparison using the case of ethnic employment discrimination. European Management Review, 17(1): 347-356.

Wulff, J. N., & Villadsen, A. R. 2020b. Keeping it within bounds: Regression analysis of proportions in international business. Journal of International Business Studies, 51: 244-262.

Government-business relations in China

Lv, P., Arnoldi, J., & Villadsen, A. R. 2022. Gaining legitimacy or exploiting opportunities? MNCs’ response to the belt and road initiative in China. Chinese Management Studies(ahead-of-print).

Arnoldi, J., Villadsen, A. R., Chen, X., & Na, C. 2019. Multi-level state capitalism: Chinese state-owned buisness groups. Management and Organization Review, 15(1): 55-79.

Arnoldi, J., & Villadsen, A. R. 2015. Political Ties of Listed Chinese Companies, Performance Effects, and Moderating Institutional Factors. Management and Organization Review, 11(2): 217-236.