Diversity in Organizations

My research on diversity in organizations focuses on antecedents and outcomes of diversity as well as discrimination in organizations. 


Ashworth, R., Krøtel, S. M. L., & Villadsen, A. R. 2022. Right time to join? Organizational imprinting and women's careers in public service organizations. Gender, Work & Organization.

Guul, T. S., Villadsen, A. R., & Wulff, J. N. 2019. Does good performance reduce bad behavior? Antecedents of ethnic employment discrimination in public organizations. Public Administration Review, 79(5): 666-674.

Krøtel, S. M., Ashworth, R. E., & Villadsen, A. R. 2019. Weakening the glass ceiling: does organizational growth reduce gender segregation in the upper tiers of Danish local government? Public Management Review, 21(8): 1213-1235.

Stritch, J. M., & Villadsen, A. R. 2018. The gender wage gap and the moderating effect of education in public and private sector employment. Public Administration, 96(4): 690-706.

Villadsen, A. R., & Wulff, J. N. 2018. Is the Public Sector a Fairer Employer? Ethnic employment discrimination in the public and private sectors. Academy of Management Discoveries, 4(4): 429-448.

Opstrup, N., & Villadsen, A. R. 2015. The right mix? Gender diversity in top management teams and financial performance. Public Administration Review, 75(2): 291-301.