
I appreciated this opportunity to act as an Educational Venture Analyst and investigate the investment potential of Vernier Software & Technologies. Through this analysis I came away with some key takeaways that I hope to bring into my own opportunity pitch later in the course. First, I was impressed with Vernier's continued success over a large time frame. Technology of course evolves rapidly, and it is commendable that Vernier was able to see continued growth as they created innovative products that incoperated new technologies. In terms of my own pitch, it makes my think about not only coming up with an idea that will be successful NOW, but how it may adapt to a changing world.

I also learned through this analysis that it is critical that a company be passionate about what it is doing, and that the change it is trying to create be meaningful. As an EVA, this is something that I will always look when analysing a company though an investment lens. It is clear that Dave and Christine Vernier were (and sill are) passionate about helping children become true scientists. For my pitch, I hope to find an idea that I am passionate about, and that has the potential to transform the learning experience for students.