
While Mathletics has many competitors who are more established, I would recommend Mathletics as an Educational venture because it offers a more personalized service than its competitors and maintains connection to ensure you have support before, during and after implementation. It has a competitive edge because of the reputable leaders steering the vision of the company, they are very experienced and have the skill-set to foster a creative learning environment. Mathletics has won several awards, and are growing their reputation globally. The platform is engaging and is constantly upgrading to keep up with the latest trends that is appealing for learners. An example of this is evolving to include more options for students to practice problem solving, reasoning, and critical thinking, all of which are at the forefront of many global curricula.

What makes Mathletics stand out is the fact that it caters to inclusive learning and the activities are aligned with specific curricula for countries, and even within countries. This enables teachers to adapt a student’s curriculum accordingly, and differentiation can be accomplished within an individual classroom or group. The added features of lessons, accessibility, ability to easily monitor student progress, effective tiers of user support, along with the hard copy workbooks available for each subject area, make Mathletics an excellent choice for students and teachers alike.

The key market trends includes product and customer expansion, accelerate growth sales, enhance experience and retention and a focus on performance. All these factors present a sound financial reason why you should invest in Mathletics!