Educational Impact

My impact has extended beyond my roles at UNMC. My commitment to engaging and inclusive learning environments has resulted in educational impacts at the university level and outside the university. My efforts as the Office of Teaching and Learning director, Distance Education director, and Associate Director of the Interprofessional Academy of Educators have enriched the academic journeys of students, peers, and other educators. I promote innovative teaching practices through collaborations to share expertise, facilitate professional development workshops, create and send bite-sized professional development emails monthly, and host a YouTube channel to share my expertise nationally and internationally. Additionally, I have presented at multiple conferences focused on advancing pedagogical methodologies and promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in education.

My YouTube Channel was created to host videos for my students and faculty development sessions. I not only impact my UNMC peers and students but also have over 1,200+ subscribers worldwide and over 300k individual video views on my educational videos. Multiple videos are embedded on other educational sites, Centers for Teaching and Learning sites, and University websites.

Here are a few examples of sites that share my videos on thier sites:

The University of Central Arkansas

The University of Wisconsin

Indiana University

Human Capital Lab 

Kathy Shrocks Guide to Everything

Atkasens (international) 

OER Commons

As the Office of Teaching and Learning director at the College of Public Health (COPH), I develop and facilitate most of our 1-hour teaching workshops. Additionally, a Bite-Sized Professional development email with a read time of 5 minutes or less is sent to faculty six times per academic year.  All teaching workshops and emails are hosted on the COPH Teaching and Learning Sharepoint for easy faculty access. 


Bite-Sized Professional Development (in your inbox)

Workshop Samples

My course evaluations show my commitment to excellence in teaching by creating an environment and engaging with students for successful learning experiences and outcomes. I use my evaluations to improve the course and myself as an educator and human.