
January 2024

Our paper on TlBiSSe was one of top 10 most downloaded PRB papers in 2023!

This work also got a nice synopsis in Physics magazine.

Read it here.

November 2023

Hot off the press: Our paper on EuCd2As2 is published in Physical Review Letters.

It got a bit of attention, too:



November 2023

Ana was interviewed for Alma & Georges. The interview is in French, and talks mostly about our upcoming project "Scientist Demystified". Read it here!

July 2023

Our group is a bit bigger for the summer! We are joined by Jamie Barret and Will Galloway, both from Cambridge University. Jamie and Will are working as summer interns. Our collaborator Zoran Rukelj is visiting us from the University of Zagreb.

June 2023

Ana was awarded the Ludwig Genzel prize "for her exceptional contributions to the physics of quantum materials obtained via infrared spectroscopy in high magnetic fields and at high pressures". 

June –  September 2022

Megan Loh spends a summer with us working as a summer intern.
It was a great experience for us.

June 2022

Olivier Papaux defended his MSc thesis.
Congratulations, Olivier!

June 2022

Florian Le Mardelé defended his PhD thesis, with flying colors.
Warmest congratulations to Flo!

May 2022

Jan Wyzula joins us as a postdoc within our MARVEL Agility project. Welcome, Jan!

February 2022

Hot off the press: David's paper on Weyl cones in TaAs is published as a Letter in Physical Review B.

September 2021

Two PhD students are visiting our group: Priyanka Reddy and Óscar Toledano. Welcome!

March 2021

Two Master project students are joining our group: Olivier Papaux, and Ioannis Laspas. Welcome!

January 2021

Mario Novak will spend six months with us, through an SNSF Scientific Exchange grant. Welcome, Mario!

October 2020

Edoardo's PhD thesis is awarded the EPFL Physics Doctoral Thesis Award 2020! Congratulations!
You can watch his public defense on youtube:

October 2020

We are looking for a new PhD student! Please contact Ana for more details.

September 2020

Naveen is visiting us for a week, from Vienna TU. He's investigating novel possible superconductors!
And cows.

August 2020

Congratulations to David, who got funding for his Spark project! David wants to tune Dirac materials by electrostatic doping.

September 2020

Hot off the press: Zoran's paper on distinguishing the true ground state of ZrTe5 is published in Physical Review B.

August 2020

Hot off the press: Edoardo's paper on transforming ZrS2 and ZrSe2 with high pressure is published in ASC Materials Letters.

July 2020

An interview with Ana is published on NCCR MARVEL website.

July 2020

Back to Grenoble! Magnetic fields now require face masks. 


Hot off the press: Florian's paper on the optical properties of a Weyl semimetal TaIrTe4  is published in Physical Review B.


Hot off the press: Edoardo's paper on metallic out-of-plane conductivity in 1T-TaS2  is published in npj 2D Materials and Applications.


Hot off the press: Our paper on magneto-optical understanding of TaP is published in Physical Review Letters.

March 2020

Ana gwas awarded an NCCR MARVEL Agility Grant!
The grant will pay for a new PhD student, to work on magnetic topological systems.


Hot off the press: our paper on intraband  physics of ZrTe5  is published in Physical Review B.

Photo: tiramisu made by David and Ornella.


Hot off the press: our paper on low-energy excitations in type-II Weyl semimetal Td−MoTe2  is published in Physical Review Materials.


Hot off the press: our collaboration on lead-bromide perovskites is published in Nature Communications. Here's how EPFL covered this!

September 2019

Zoran Rukelj joins our group as a postdoc. Welcome Zoran!

July 2019

Our group member spends a week in the company of Nobel Laureates in Lindau! Edo is photographed with J. Michael Kosterlitz, one of the recepients of the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics "for theoretical discoveries of topological phase transitions and topological phases of matter."

June 2019

An interview with Ana is published in MaNEP newsletter.


Hot off the press: our paper on low-energy band dispersion in ZrTe5 is published in Physical Review Letters.


Edo, David, and Florian spent a week at the beamtime in Soleil, working with a broad array of techniques and a large group of physicists, chemists and biologists.

February – May 2019

Our theory collaborator Zoran Rukelj spends three months in our group, working on theory behind the optical conductivity of Dirac semimetals.

January 2019

Edoardo, Shai, Florian and Ana, who was a part of the program committee, participated in the Saas Fee winter school which focused on symmetry and topology in condensed matter.


David gave a talk at GDR MEETICC plenary conference in Dunquerque, France.


Hot off the press: Our review paper on Cd3As2 is published in Physical Review Materials.


A few questions to Prof. Ana Akrap, interview with a new professor at University of Fribourg.


Florian and David presented their research at the FriMat Day, giving talks in front of a very broad audience of material scientists.


Ana gave an invited talk at the Symposium of the CPT Section and Elisabeth-Schiemann-Kolleg, at the Harnack Haus in Berlin. 

She had the fortune to meet the famous Steven Pinker.


Quite a crowd observing cyclotron resonances in 30 Tesla. We're uncovering the exciting physics of Weyl semimetals.


Our collaborator Dr. Zoran Rukelj stayed with our group in Fribourg for a week. Zoran worked on exploring the optical signatures of conical bands.


Florian, Ana and David took part in Explora, an outreach activity of the University. We had fun exploring sound waves with some very young researchers!


Our group is at the Swiss workshop on Materials. Edoardo gave a talk on ZrTe5, David presented a poster on Weyl semimetal TaAs, and Florian presented a poster on TaIrTe4.


Ana gave an invited talk  on Magneto-optics of 3D Dirac semimetals, at the 23rd International Conference on High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics,  in Toulouse, France


Group trip to the mountains near Schwarzsee.


Welcome to Shai Ben David (PhD student). Shai will be investigating topological crystalline insulators.


Edoardo and Ana are at the conference "From Solid State to Biophysics". The image shows an artistic view of Ana's invited talk on three-dimensional Dirac semimetals.


Florian and Edoardo are measuring high-pressure transmission in transition metal dichalcogenides.


We are going to 34 Tesla! 

High magnetic fields allow us to uncover the band structure and excitations in Weyl semimetals.


Hot off the press: Our paper about the energy scale or Dirac electrons in Cd3As2 is published in Physical Review B.


Hot off the press: our paper on inhomogeneous charge distribution in candidate Dirac material Cd3As2 is published in Physical Review B.


We are at the SMIS beamline of synctrotron Soleil, doing high pressure optical spectroscopy.


Welcome to Florian Le Mardelé (PhD student). Florian will be investigating nodal Dirac semimetals, and Weyl semimetals.


Welcome to David Santos-Cottin (postdoc). David will be working on the optical and magneto-optical properties of Weyl semimetals.


Our group starts at the Department of Physics at the University of Fribourg