Procedural Information

Teenagers and Jobs

Maybe your first job experience won't be related to your dream job. It is quite common for teenagers to have part-time jobs and balance working hours with school responsibilities. The next exercises challenge you to understand the benefits and disadvantages of being a working teen. You will have immediate feedback once you submit this assignment.

Final Tasks - Communication Skills

Task 1 - Speaking

Remember everything you have learnt, in particular about the Curriculum Vitae (check the videos again). Create your own! Share the video on Teams (after submitting the assignment you will be sent feedback and you can check the criteria beforehand).

Task 2 - Writing

Write an application letter that you could send when trying to find a job. Use everything you have learnt. You can check p.140 to help you remember the structure of a formal letter. Submit your letter on Teams (after submitting the assignment you will be sent feedback and you can check the criteria beforehand).