Learning Tasks

Becoming familiar with the topic

Let's get started with Unit 5 and complete the exercises on pages 126 and 127 which heading has the title "Famous people's jobs". Afterwards, let's explore two websites related to famous people 's jobs before they became famous. While surfing the websites try to identify and learn new words related to jobs:

Skills and personal qualities

Do you want to become famous? Do you want to succeed in your career? Well, it is important to match the right skills in order to be successful. Get to know some of those personal features by completing the following task. You will be given immediate feedback on your answers.

Never give up on your dreams

When it comes to follow your dreams, you may find some obstacles on the way but it is important to keep dreaming. There is a song which main message is "never giving up on your dreams". Click on the following link and complete the task. You will watch the music video and it will stop to ask you questions about it. You will be given immediate feedback.