Unit 5 - be ready to embrace new adventures


Year 9

Unit description

This unit is aimed to introduce you to a new topic related to something that will be part of your future (and probably sooner than you would anticipate) : your working lives and your future careers.

It was organized to help you to become familiar with some formalities, tips, and ideas on how to prepare yourselves to embrace new adventures, such as creating a curriculum vitae, writing an application letter, or anticipating the questions for a job interview. These skills are concerning more areas than only job applications, since they may be useful to obtain a scholarship, attend a university abroad, or become a volunteer. Let’s get to work, literally!

The first step is aimed at integrating skills, knowledge and attitudes. It starts by the easiest tasks. Its purpose is to get to know the topic (better) and acquire (new) vocabulary.

Here you will be provided additional practice and repetition, so you feel familiar with your task(s). The purpose is to focus your attention on comprehension skills (reading and listening).

Here you will find additional information in order to complete the tasks more efficiently. You will be asked to accomplish tasks by using different skills.

It's time to perform and follow the instructions step-by-step. Shall we create something creative?

Website Content

Module 1 – Learning Tasks:

  • Exploring vocabulary (websites)

  • Reading comprehension exercise (Form)

  • Listening comprehension exercise (Edpuzzle)

Module 2 - Part-task Practice:

  • Watching comprehension exercise (video)

  • Sample CV (video)

  • Exploring vocabulary (websites)

  • Listening comprehension exercise (genial.ly)

Module 3 - Supportive Information:

  • Watching comprehension exercise (EV)

  • Written production (Padlet)

  • Spoken Interaction (Flipgrid)

Module 4 - Procedural Information:

  • Reading comprehension exercise (Form)

  • Spoken Interaction (video production with submission on Teams)

  • Written production (with submission on Teams)


By the end of this Unit, it is expected that the student is familiar with (and is able to reproduce):

1. Contextual vocabulary acquisition

  • Recognizing jobs

  • Recognizing concepts related to the topic (different parts from a Curriculum Vitae, an application letter, an interview, a job advertisement, and other possible related words)

2. Text comprehension

  • Reading and listening on short and longer texts

3. Listening comprehension

  • Understanding spoken (audio) messages

4. Writing formal texts

  • Writing a letter

  • Preparing an interview

  • Producing videos (including the learnt concepts and contents)