

Aufnahmen von Lieder aus Schwanengesang von Franz Schubert, und Lieder aus Dichterliebe: Heine, Brecht, Kaléko von Nicholas Doig

Nicholas Doig (Tenor) und Shane Fee (Klavier).

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Doig: 'Die blauen Veilchen', Nicholas Doig (Tenor), Shane Fee (Piano) Live

A recording of Doig's 'Die Blauen Veilchen' from the song cycle Dichterliebe: Heine, Brecht, Kaléko sung by Nicholas Doig and accompanied by Shane Fee. Poem: Heinrich Heine. Recorded on the 20th of March, 2023. Live from the Immanuel-Kapelle in Bremen, Germany.

Schubert: 'Am Meer', Nicholas Doig (Tenor), Shane Fee, Piano

A recording of Schubert's 'Am Meer' from the song cycle Schwanengesang sung by Nicholas Doig and accompanied by Shane Fee. Poem: Heinrich Heine. Recorded on the 20th of March, 2023. Live from the Immanuel-Kapelle in Bremen, Germany.

Schubert: 'Der Doppelgänger', Nicholas Doig (Tenor), Shane Fee (Piano) Live

A recording of Schubert's 'Der Doppelgänger' from the song cycle Schwanengesang sung by Nicholas Doig and accompanied by Shane Fee. Poem: Heinrich Heine. Recorded on the 20th of March, 2023. Live from the Immanuel-Kapelle in Bremen, Germany.

Doig: 'Ich habe dich geliebet', Nicholas Doig (Tenor), Shane Fee (Piano) Live

A recording of Doig's 'Ich hab dich geliebet' from the song cycle Dichterliebe: Heine, Brecht, Kaléko sung by Nicholas Doig and accompanied by Shane Fee. Poem: Heinrich Heine. Recorded on the 20th of March, 2023. Live from the Immanuel-Kapelle in Bremen, Germany.

Doig: 'Die Mitternacht', Nicholas Doig (Tenor), Shane Fee (Piano) Live

A recording of Doig's 'Die Mitternacht' from the song cycle Dichterliebe: Heine, Brecht, Kaléko sung by Nicholas Doig and accompanied by Shane Fee. Poem: Heinrich Heine. Recorded on the 20th of March, 2023. Live from the Immanuel-Kapelle in Bremen, Germany.