
Purpose: To foster the growth of operational meteorology and the atmospheric sciences in East Tennessee by providing the community with a social and scientific point of contact for meteorological, hydrological, and other related scientific interests; to encourage collaborative research among its members; and to engage in continuing education on the latest developments in the various branches of the hydrometeorological and atmospheric sciences.

Membership: Open to anyone in East Tennessee with an interest in meteorology, atmospheric sciences, and related fields, and who agrees to abide by the requirements of the chapter constitution. Membership in the national American Meteorological Society is not required. Annual dues are $20 for regular members, $30 for couples, and $10 for students (payable to AMS Smoky Mountain Chapter). A member with a family member who doesn't qualify for the student rate can still pay $30 for the annual dues. Visitors are welcome to our meetings and will be allowed two free visits. After these two free visits, visitors are expected to become members and pay the annual dues. Those interested in joining should contact the chapter president.

Meetings: Four per year with two in the spring and two in the fall. The spring meetings are planned to be at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville in March, and at the Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Division (ATDD) in Oak Ridge in May. The fall meetings are planned to be at a yet to be determined location in September, and at the National Weather Service in Morristown in November. To subscribe to the mailing list to receive meeting announcements, go to https://www.climatemodeling.org/mailman/listinfo/ams-smc.