9. Amnesty International tree - Castle Park

Why we chose this location

Castle Park offers a blend of past and present, from the remains of a great medieval castle to the nearby modern city centre. It also contains a trail of twenty-five trees. Seventh on the trail is Silver Maple - it was dedicated by Amnesty International to The Rights of the Child.

You can find out more about the trail by downloading a leaflet on it here.

Thank you for taking part in our Human Rights Trail!

We hope you enjoyed it and have learnt something about the history of Bristol, human rights and how you can take action.

If you are able, we would really appreciate a donation to Amnesty International so this important work can continue.

You can donate here.

Please spread the word of the trail and encourage others to take part. You could take a picture by the Amnesty International Tree and share on social media, linking to the trail.

We are always happy to have members join the Amnesty International Group in Bristol, you can find out more here. If you have any questions just get in touch!