PI's Talks [International]

36. “Mechanistic understanding of titanium at room and cryogenic temperatures”, Global Forum for Materials Innovation, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Virtual Seminar, May. 15, 2024

35. “Mechanistic understanding of titanium at room and cryogenic temperatures”, Oxford University Solid Mechanics group, Oxford, UK, May. 2, 2023

34. “Deformation study of pure titanium at cryogenic temperature”, 3d-ICOMAS, Verona, Italy, Oct. 26-28, 2022 

33. “Evaluation of liquid metal embrittlement crack in resistance spot welds under intensive welding condition”, IWJC2022 Jeju, Korea, Oct. 4-7, 2022 

32. “Cryogenic deformation study for developing nanocrystalline titanium”, I-COST2022, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Sep. 23-24, 2022 

31. Investigating cryogenic deformation behaviour for developing nanocrystalline titanium via cryo-forging”, PRESM2022, Jeju, Korea, Jul. 20-22, 2022 

30. “Small-scale testing to unveil the deformation of titanium”, NANO KOREA 2022, Gyeonggi, Korea, Jul. 6-8, 2022 

29. “Deformation behaviour of commercially pure titanium at low and cryogenic temperatures”, ESMC2022, Galway, Ireland, Jul. 4-8, 2022

28. “Understanding cryogenic deformation behaviour for developing nanocrystalline titanium via cryo-forging”, ICKEM2022, Virtual Conference, Mar. 18-20, 2022

27. “Mechanistic understanding of titanium: Cold dwell fatigue”, ICEAM2021, Virtual Conference, Nov. 2, 2021 

26. “Deformation of titanium and its alloys at cryogenic temperature”, PRICM10, Xi’an, China, Aug. 18-22, 2019

25. “Understanding local deformation behaviour of titanium and its alloys using experimental micromechanics”, PRICM10, Xi’an, China, Aug. 18-22, 2019

24. “Understanding local deformation behaviour of lightweight metallic materials using experimental micromechanics”, AEPA2018, Jeju, Korea, Dec. 2-7, 2018

23. “Micromechanics for investigating deformation behaviour of metallic materials”, IUMRS-ICA2017, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 5-9, 2017

22. “Understanding rate sensitivity in titanium alloys using micromechanics”, AWMFT2017, Pohang, Korea, Oct. 15-17, 2017

21. In-situ micropillar compression and HR-EBSD studies of deformation process in dual-phase Ti alloys”, International Workshop on Mechanistic Behaviour of HCP Alloys, Oxford, UK, Mar. 30 - Apr. 1, 2016 [Poster Award]

20. “Strain rate sensitivity of Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-xMo – micromechanical comparison between slip systems and alloys: Part 1 - Experiment”, International Workshop on Mechanistic Behaviour of HCP Alloys, Oxford, UK, Mar. 30 - Apr. 1, 2016

19. “Investigation of deformation process in dual-phase Ti alloys – combined in-situ micropillar compression and HR-EBSD”, RMS EBSD Conference 2016, Manchester, UK, Mar. 21-23, 2016

18. “Local rate sensitivity in dual-phase Ti alloys - micropillar compression + CPFE modelling”, TMS2016, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, Feb. 15-19, 2016

17. “Understanding rate sensitivity in dual-phase titanium alloys – a combined experimental and computational micro-pillar study”, ECI conference on Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development V, Albufeira, Portugal, Oct. 4-9, 2015

16. “Investigation of strain rate sensitivity of two-phase Ti alloys”, The 13th World Conference on Titanium 2015, San Diego, California, USA, Aug. 16-20, 2015

15. “A study of local deformation mechanism in two-phase Ti alloys using micromechanical testing and CPFE modelling”, ICMM (4th) conference, Berkeley, California, USA, May. 26 - Jun. 1, 2015

14. “Micromechanics of Titanium Alloys”, Korea Aerospace University, Gyeonggi, Korea, May. 1, 2015

13. “Micromechanical deformation of two-phase Ti alloys, informed by EBSD characterisation”, RMS EBSD Conference 2015, Glasgow, UK, Mar. 29-31, 2015 [Poster Award]

12. “Strain rate sensitivity of two-phase Ti alloys”, Imperial College Engineering Alloy group, London, UK, Feb. 25, 2015

11. “Effect of expansion and compression on residual stresses in pipes”, ASEM11Plus conference, Seoul, Korea, Sep. 18-23, 2011

10. “Numerical and experimental study of residual stresses in a linear friction welded Al-SiCp composite”, THERMEC conference, Berlin, Germany, Aug. 25-29, 2009

09. “Residual strains in AA2024/Al-SiC composite linear friction welds”, ICMAT2009 conference, Singapore, Jun. 28 - Jul. 3, 2009

08. “Microstructure, residual strain and eigenstrain analysis of dissimilar friction stir welds”, ICMAT2009 conference, Singapore, Jun. 28 - Jul. 3, 2009

07. “Eigenstrain analysis of non-uniformly shaped shot-peening samples”, MESOMECHANICS 2009 conference, Oxford, UK, Jun. 24-26, 2009

06. “Inverse eigenstrain analysis of residual stresses in friction stir welds”, MESOMECHANICS 2009 conference, Oxford, UK, Jun. 24-26, 2009

05. “A study of residual stresses in Al/SiCp linear friction weldment by energy-dispersive neutron diffraction”, FDM conference, Seoul, Korea, Sep. 9-11, 2008

04. “A study of residual stresses in vacuum plasma sprayed tungsten coatings”, ICRS-8 conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, Aug. 6-8, 2008

03. “Linear Friction Welding of Aluminium Alloys and Metal Matrix Composites”, TWI (The Welding Institute, UK) Workshop, Cambridge, UK, Jul. 18, 2008

02. “Structural integrity and residual stresses in welded structures”, Oxford University Solid Mechanics group, Oxford, UK, Nov. 26, 2007

01. “Synchrotron energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction analysis of residual strains around friction welds between dissimilar aluminium and nickel alloys”, MECASENS conference, Vienna, Austria, Sep. 24-26, 2007

PI's Talks [Domestic]

43. 타이타늄합금의 Cold Dwell Fatigue”, 세아창원특수강, Dae-gu, Korea, Sep. 5, 2024

42. “Nanoindentation in SEM”, KIST, Seoul, Korea, Aug. 29, 2024

41. “HR-EBSD 활용한 금속소재의 변형 분석”, 2024 KIM 집합조직 전문가워크샵, Dae-gu, Korea, Aug. 21~23 

40. 타이타늄합금의 Cold Dwell Fatigue”, 2024 KIM 타이타늄 기술강습회, Seoul, Korea, Aug. 21~22, 2024 

39. “Nanoindentation in SEM”, 2024 Korean Society of Microscopy Workshop, KIST, Korea, Jul. 10-12, 2024 

38. “Investigating local deformation of metallic materials using experimental micromechanics”, 2024 KIM Sprint Meeting, Changwon, Apr. 24-26, 2024 

37. 금속소재의 극저온 기계적 특성 연구”, KITECH, Ulsan, Aug. 24, 2022

36. 집합조직에 따른 타이타늄의 변형거동 이해”, 2022 KIM 집합조직 전문가워크샵, Jeollanam-do, Korea, Aug. 17-19, 2022 

35. SEM 나노인덴터 실험”, 2022 Korean Society of Microscopy Workshop, KIMS, Changwon, Korea, Jul. 13-15, 2022 

34. 초저온에서 금속소재의 미세조직과 기계적 물성의 변화”, KIMS, Changwon, Korea, Jul. 13, 2022 

33. L-PBF방식으로 적층 제조된 Hastelloy X재료의 후열처리 영향 및 국부 크리프 특성 분석 기술 개발”, KITECH, Daegu, Korea, Jul. 11, 2022

32. “Multi-scale Investigation of Anisotropic Deformation Behaviour in Titanium”, 2022 KIM Spring Meeting, Changwon, Apr. 27-29, 2022

31. “Micromechanics-based characterisation of advanced metallic materials”, Samsung Electronics, Virtual Seminar, Oct. 27, 2021

30.  타이타늄 변형분석기술 응용사례”, 2021 KIM 타이타늄 기술강습회, Virtual Course, Aug. 26, 2021

29.  자동차용 AHSS 강재 용접부의 LME 균열 특성 평가 도금층 합금화 거동 분석”, 2021 KIM Spring Meeting, Gangwon, Apr. 28-30, 2021

28. “Understanding and analysing deformation behaviour of titanium using micromechanics”, 2020 KIM Fall Meeting, Virtual Conference, Oct. 28-30, 2020

27. “Small-scale testing at the micro and nanoscales”, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea, Oct. 14, 2020

26. “Characterisation of hot stamping wear in coated steels”, 2020 KTS Conference, Daejeon, Sep. 24-25, 2020

25. “Understanding deformation mechanisms of titanium at cryogenic temperature”, 2020 KIM Spring Meeting, Virtual Conference, Jul. 15~17, 2020

24. SEM 나노인덴터 실험”, 2019 Korean Society of Microscopy Workshop, Seoul, Korea, Dec. 17-19, 2019

23. “Deformation behaviour of CP-Ti at cryogenic temperature”, 2019 KSTP Fall Meeting, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 17~18, 2019

22. “Exploiting micromechanics for investigating deformation behaviour of metallic materials”, KITECH, Daegu, Korea, Jul. 24, 2019

21. “Understanding and Analysing Deformation Behaviour of Metallic Materials using Micromechanics”, KIER, Daejeon, Korea, Jul. 18, 2019

20. “Deformation behaviour of Ti alloys using micromechanics”, KITECH, Siheung, Korea, Jul. 3, 2019

19. “Understanding deformation behaviour of metallic materials”, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea, May. 24, 2019

18. “Understanding deformation behaviour of metallic materials”, 2019 Spring Conference of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering, Jeju, Korea, May. 16-17, 2019

17. “Strain rate sensitivity of titanium and its alloys”, 2018 KIM Fall Meeting (1st KIM-CSM symposium), Daejeon, Korea, Oct. 24-26, 2018

16. “Understanding local deformation behaviour using combined SEM/EBSD and nanoindentation”, Bruker Korea, Gyeonggi, Korea, Jun. 1, 2018

15. “Exploiting micromechanics for investigating local deformation behaviour of metallic materials”, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, Jan. 24, 2018

14. “Investigation of local rate sensitivity in dual-phase titanium alloys by nanoindentation”, 2017 KIM Fall Meeting, Daegu, Korea, Oct. 25-27, 2017

13. “Evaluation of residual stresses and strains using diffraction and the eigenstrain reconstruction method”, 2017 KIM Fall Meeting (NeX2017), Daegu, Korea, Oct. 25-27, 2017

12. “Characterisation of metallic materials using micromechanical testing and synchrotron X-ray diffraction”, Pohang Light Source, Pohang, Korea, Jul. 27, 2017

11. “Investigation of deformation process in dual-phase Ti alloy using combined in-situ micropillar compression and HR-EBSD”, KITECH, Yangsan, Korea, Jun. 21, 2017

10. “Micromechanics for Investigating Deformation Behaviour of Metallic Materials”, 2017 KIM Fall Meeting, Changwon, Korea, Apr. 26-28, 2017

09. “Local Deformation Mechanisms of Dual-phase Titanium Alloys”, 2017 KIM Fall Meeting, Changwon, Korea, Apr. 26-28, 2017

08. “Micromechanics for metallic materials”, KIMS, Changwon, Korea, Feb. 6, 2017

07. “Micromechanics for metallic materials”, POSCO, Songdo, Korea, Jan. 25, 2017

06. “Deformation mechanisms in dual-phase Ti alloys”, KITECH, Gangneung, Korea, Jan. 17, 2017

05. “Micromechanical deformation mechanisms in Ti alloys”, KJMST2016, Gyeongju, Korea, Nov. 17, 2016

04. “Exploiting micro-mechanics for preventing macro-failure in aeroengine”, KAERI, Daejoen, Korea, Apr. 19, 2016

03. “Exploiting micro-mechanics for preventing macro-failure in aeroengine”, KIMS, Changwon, Korea, Apr. 14, 2016

02. “Exploiting micro-mechanics for preventing macro-failure in aeroengine”, GIFT, POSTECH, Pohang, Korea, Apr. 6, 2016

01. “Structural integrity and residual stresses in welded structures”, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Suwon, Korea, Apr. 2, 2008

PI's Contributed Talks [International]

33. “Delineating the alloying elements on the formation of Fe-Zn intermetallic during the liquid-metal embrittlement of advanced high-strength steel”, S.C. Han, S.H. Uhm, D.Y. Choi, T. Vermeij, K. Wieczerzak, X. Maeder, D. Sanchez, D. Grolimund, T-S. Jun, TMS Specialty Congress 2024, Ohio, USA, Jun. 16-20, 2024

32. “Investigation of the interaction among the blank thickness, load, and wear behaviour in hot stamping”, M.K. Ji, H.S. Son, T-S. Jun, IDDRG2024, Melbourne, Australia, Mar. 11-14, 2024

31. “Revealing the Microstructural Evolution and Strengthening Mechanisms of Additive-manufactured Ni-based Hastelloy X superalloy”, S.C. Han, W.S. Kim, T-S. Jun, PRICM11, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 19-23, 2023

30. “Multi-Step processing approach to tailor texture for achieving ultrahigh strength and ductility in 2Al-1Zn-1Ca Magnesium Alloy”, H.M.R. Tariq, U.M. Chaudry, C.S. Kim, T-S. Jun, PRICM11, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 19-23, 2023

29. “On the Liquid Metal Embrittlement (LME) Susceptibility of 3rd Generation Advanced High-Strength Steel Spot Welds in Severe Welding Conditions”, S.C. Han, S.H. Uhm, D.Y. Choi, H.C. Jeong, T-S. Jun, GALVATECH2023, Seoul, Korea, Oct. 15-19, 2023

28. “Twinning Induced dynamic recrystallization of CP-Ti during cryocompression”, U.M. Chaudry, T-S. Jun, EUROMAT23, Frankfurt & Online, Germany, Sep. 3-7, 2023

27. “The role of texture in the deformation of commercially pure titanium under compression at cryogenic temperature”, Y.J. Koh, M.S. Lee, Y.T. Hyun, T-S. Jun, Ti-2023, Edinburgh, UK, Jun. 12-16, 2023

26. “Investigating macro- and meso-scale deformation behaviour of commercially pure titanium at cryogenic temperature”, M.S. Lee, Y.T. Hyun, T-S. Jun, Ti-2023, Edinburgh, UK, Jun. 12-16, 2023

25. “On the twin-induced dynamic recrystallization of CP-Ti under room and cryogenic compression”, U.M. Chaudry, M.S. Lee, T-S. Jun, Ti-2023, Edinburgh, UK, Jun. 12-16, 2023

24. “Critical Role of Process-induced Microstructure on Anisotropic Compressive Behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V ELI Fabricated by Laser-based Powder Bed Fusion”, J.R. Lee, M.S. Lee, S.M. Yeon, J.C. Yoon, H. Lee, T-S. Jun, Ti-2023, Edinburgh, UK, Jun. 12-16, 2023

23. “Effects of cryogenic treatment on the wear characteristics of Ti-6Al-4V”, M.K. Ji, H.H. Kang, J.R. Lee, T-S. Jun, K-TRIB2023, Pusan, Korea, Apr. 3-5, 2023

22. Tribological behaviour of 22MnB5 with controlling oxide scale under various load conditions in hot stamping”, M.K. Ji, H.S. Son, T-S. Jun, K-TRIB2023, Pusan, Korea, Apr. 3-5, 2023

21. “Investigating the microstructure and local mechanical behavior of FSW DP 780 steel”, U.M. Chaudry, S.C. Han, J.Y. Yoon, T-S. Jun, IWJC2022 Jeju, Korea, Oct. 4-7, 2022

20. “Microstructural Characterization and Mechanical Properties of Maraging steel M789 Parts Produced by Direct Energy Deposition Process”, S.C. Han, S.B. Cenalmor, S.M. Yeon, W.S. Kim, T-S. Jun, IWJC2022 Jeju, Korea, Oct. 4-7, 2022

19. “In-situ investigation and effect of silicon content on Fe Zn intermetallic phase transition of Zn coated AHSS”, S.C. Han, S.H. Uhm, D.Y. Choi, H.C. Jeong, T-S. Jun, IWJC2022 Jeju, Korea, Oct. 4-7, 2022

18. “Effects of Paint Baking Heat Treatments on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Resistance Spot Welded A5022-O and A6014-T4 alloys”, H.G. Park, Y. So, I. Hwang, Y.M. Kim, C. Park, Y. Jung, H. Park, T-S. Jun, T. Lee, IWJC2022 Jeju, Korea, Oct. 4-7, 2022

17. “Effect of calcium on the corrosion behavior of AZ31 Mg alloy”, U.M. Chaudry, M.S. Lee, T-S. Jun, I-COST2022, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Sep. 23-24, 2022

16. “Investigating the activation of deformation modes in pure magnesium and multicomponent magnesium alloy at various temperature regimes”, U.M. Chaudry, Y.J. Noh, K. Hamad, T-S. Jun, ESMC2022, Galway, Ireland, Jul. 4-8, 2022

15. “The role of microstructure feature on compressive deformation behaviour of additive manufactured Ti-6Al-4V ELI”, J.R. Lee, M.S. Lee, S.M. Yeon, T-S. Jun, ESMC2022, Galway, Ireland, Jul. 4-8, 2022

14. “Time-dependent mechanical behaviour and strengthening mechanisms in Hastelloy X fabricated by Powder Bed Fusion”, S.C. Han, W.S. Kim T-S. Jun, ESMC2022, Galway, Ireland, Jul. 4-8, 2022

13. “In-situ mechanical testing of commercially pure titanium at low and cryogenic temperature”, M.S. Lee, J.R. Lee, Y.T. Hyun, T-S. Jun, ESMC2022, Galway, Ireland, Jul. 4-8, 2022

12. “Effect of pre-twinning on microstructure and texture evolution of Ca containing Mg alloy”, U.M. Chaudry, Y.J. Noh, G.I. Han, K. Hamad, T-S. Jun, ICEAM2021, Virtual Conference, Nov. 2, 2021 (Best Presenter Award)

11. “Deformation behaviour of grade 1 commercially pure titanium at cryogenic temperature”, M.S. Lee, T-S. Jun, ICEAM2021, Virtual Conference, Nov. 2, 2021

10. “Effects of Al-Si coating thickness on friction and wear in hot press forming”, M.K. Ji, H.S. Son, J.K. Oh, S.W. Kim, T-S. Jun, 2nd Korea-Tribology International Symposium, Virtual Conference, Nov. 29 – Dec. 2, 2020 [Poster Award]

09. “Effect of oxygen contents on strain rate sensitivity of commercially pure titanium”, M.S Lee, Y.T. Hyun, T-S. Jun, The 14th World Conference on Titanium 2019, Nantes, France, Jun. 10-14, 2019

08. “Effects of strain rate an immersion time on tensile deformation behaviour in Ti-6Al-4V at cryogenic temperature”, M.K. Ji, M.S. Lee, Y.T. Hyun, T-S. Jun, The 14th World Conference on Titanium 2019, Nantes, France, Jun. 10-14, 2019

07. “Integrated micromechanical approaches to understand dwell fatigue: building constitutive understanding with micro-pillar understandings”, T-S. Jun, Z. Zhang, F. Dunne, B. Britton, The 14th World Conference on Titanium 2019, Nantes, France, Jun. 10-14, 2019

06. “Strain rate dependent deformation behaviour of pure magnesium at room temperature”, G.I. Han, H.K. Park, H. K. Kim, T-S. Jun, THERMEC2018, Paris, France, Jul. 8-13, 2018

05. “Effects of oxygen contents on the strain rate sensitivity of commercially pure titanium”, M.S. Lee, Y.T. Hyun, T-S. Jun, THERMEC2018, Paris, France, Jul. 8-13, 2018

04. “In-situ Micro-Laue Diffraction and HR-EBSD Investigation to Understand the Microstructure-deformation Interactions in Dual-phase Titanium Alloy, Ti6242, Using Micro-pillar Compression”, T-S. Jun, X. Maeder, G. Guillonneau, J. Michler, F. Giuliani, T.B. Britton, TMS 2017, San Diego, California, USA, Feb. 26 - Mar. 2, 2017

03. “Strain rate sensitivity of Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-xMo – micromechanical comparison between slip systems and alloys: Part 2 - Simulation”, Z. Zhang, T-S. Jun, B. Britton, F.P.E. Dunne, International Workshop on Mechanistic Behaviour of HCP Alloys, Oxford, UK, Mar. 30 - Apr. 1, 2016

02. “Dwelling on the Strain Rate Sensitivity of Industrial Titanium Alloys – A Focus on the Detail with Micromechanics”, T-S. Jun, Z. Zhang, D. Armstrong, F. Dunne, B. Britton, 2015 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Nov 29 - Dec 4, 2015

01. “The effect of pipe sizing by compression force on mechanical properties of line pipe”, W.H. Song, T-S. Jun, J.Y. Park, D.C. Hur, J.W. Yang, JWS2012, Ise, Japan, 2012

PI's Contributed Talks [Domestic]

100. “Mechanisms of microstructure evolution and mechanical properties in friction stir welded joints of dual-phase steel at cryogenic temperature”, H.H. Kang, S.C. Han, T-S. Jun, 2024 KIM Fall Meeting, Gangwon, Oct. 28~30, 2024

099. “Impact of DCT cycles on the surface hardening of pre-strained Cantor (CoCrFeMnNi) alloy”, S. Sadiq, H.M.R. Tariq, N.I.M. Nadzri, T-S. Jun, 2024 KIM Fall Meeting, Gangwon, Oct. 28~30, 2024

098. “Achieving ultrahigh tensile strength at cryogenic temperature without compromising ductility in AZX311 Mg alloy”, H.M.R. Tariq, U.M. Chaudry, T-S. Jun, 2024 KIM Fall Meeting, Gangwon, Oct. 28~30, 2024

097.  “Investigation of anisotropy behaviour in lamellar structure of pure titanium”, H.S. Baek, J.R. Lee, Y.T. Hyun, T-S. Jun, 2024 KIM Fall Meeting, Gangwon, Oct. 28~30, 2024

096. “Effects of thermal history on the wear and formability in hot stamping”, M.K. Ji, H.S. Son, T-S. Jun, 2024 KSTP Fall Meeting, Jeju, Oct. 17~18, 2024

095. “Investigation on the cryogenic friction and formability of Al alloy in stamping process”, M.K. Ji, Y.R. Kim, Y.C. Choi, Y.B. Kim, S.S. Lim, T-S. Jun, 2024 KSTP Fall Meeting, Jeju, Oct. 17~18, 2024

094. “Microstructural Development and Mechanical Behavior of Friction Stir Welded Dual-Phase Steel Joints at Cryogenic Temperatures”, H.H. Kang, S.C. Han, T-S. Jun, 2024 KWJS Fall Meeting, Changwon, Oct. 16~18, 2024

093. “Influence of Calcium on Grain Boundary Migration in Pure Magnesium at Various Annealing Temperatures”, H.M.R. Tariq, U.M. Chaudry, C.S. Kim, T-S. Jun, 2024 KIM Sprint Meeting, Changwon, Apr. 24-26, 2024

092. “Validating texture and Orowan strengthening mechanisms during various extrusion and deformation temperatures in AZ61 Mg alloy”, H.M.R. Tariq, U.M. Chaudry, J.S. Suh, Y.M. Kim, T-S. Jun, 2024 KIM Sprint Meeting, Changwon, Apr. 24-26, 2024

091. “Insight into the interrelation between alloying elements and the susceptibility to LME in a 3rd generation advanced high strength steel”, S.C. Han, K. Wieczerzak, T. Vermeij, X. Maeder, D.R. Sanchez, D. Grolimund, S.H. Uhm, D.Y. Choi, T-S. Jun, 2024 KIM Sprint Meeting, Changwon, Apr. 24-26, 2024

090. “Characterization of Microstructure and Residual Strain Distribution in Selective Laser Melting-Fabricated Hastelloy X”, S.C. Han, T. Vermeij, X. Maeder, W.S. Kim, T-S. Jun, 2024 KIM Sprint Meeting, Changwon, Apr. 24-26, 2024

089. “Investigating creep behaviour of pure titanium at 293K~473K using microtensile stage with an aid of OM based digital image correlation”, H.S. Baek, M.S. Lee, J.R. Lee, Y.T. Hyun, T-S. Jun, 2024 KIM Sprint Meeting, Changwon, Apr. 24-26, 2024

088. “Strain localisation and grain-scale deformation behaviour of commercially pure titanium at low and high temperature”, M.S. Lee, J.R. Lee, J.W. Won, Y.T. Hyun, T-S. Jun, 2024 KIM Sprint Meeting, Changwon, Apr. 24-26, 2024

087. “Charpy impact properties of commercially pure titanium at cryogenic temperature”, M.S. Lee, J.R. Lee, D.I. Choi, Y.T. Hyun, C.S. Park, T-S. Jun, 2024 KIM Sprint Meeting, Changwon, Apr. 24-26, 2024

086. “Anisotropic Creep Behavior of Ti–6Al–4V ELI Alloy Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion: A Nanoindentation Study”, J.R. Lee, M.S. Lee, S.M. Yeon, T-S. Jun, 2024 KIM Sprint Meeting, Changwon, Apr. 24-26, 2024

085. “Understanding the Role of Molybdenum in Cryogenic Deformation of Ti–6Al–2Sn–4Zr–xMo alloys”, J.R. Lee, H.S. Baek, M.S. Lee, Y.T. Hyun, T-S. Jun, 2024 KIM Sprint Meeting, Changwon, Apr. 24-26, 2024

084. “Effect of multiple cryogenic treatment on microstructure, mechanical properties and wear performance of Ti−6Al−4V alloy”, H.H. Kang, S.C. Han, M.K. Ji, J.R. Lee, T-S. Jun, 2024 KIM Sprint Meeting, Changwon, Apr. 24-26, 2024

083. “Investigating deformation mechanism of AZ31 alloy in the temperature range of 25°C ~ 200°C”, D.I. Choi, T-S. Jun, 2024 KIM Sprint Meeting, Changwon, Apr. 24-26, 2024  

082. “Investigation on the cryogenic forming in aluminum alloys stamping process”, M.K. Ji, Y.J. Noh, Y.R. Kim, Y.C. Choi, Y.B. Kim, S.S. Lim, T-S. Jun, 2023 KSTP Fall Meeting, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 9-10, 2023

081. “Investigation on the wear behavior with respect to the thermal budget and load conditions in hot stamping”, M.K. Ji, H.S. Son, T-S. Jun, 2023 KSTP Fall Meeting, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 9-10, 2023 [진합학술상]

080. “Twinning Induced Strengthening in Mg Alloy and Its Implications on The Grain Growth Kinetics”, U.M. Chaudry, H.M.R. Tariq, C.S. Kim, T-S. Jun, KSME Annual Meeting 2023, Incheon, Korea, Nov. 1-4, 2023

079. “Synergetic improvement in strength and ductility by prismatic <a> activation in Mg-2Al-1Zn-1Ca achieved by thermos-mechanical processing approach”, H.M.R. Tariq, U.M. Chaudry, C.S. Kim, T-S. Jun, KSME Annual Meeting 2023, Incheon, Korea, Nov. 1-4, 2023

078. “Achieving enhanced strength and ductility in Mg-2Al-1Zn-1Ca alloy through cryogenic pre-stretching and annealing”, H.M.R. Tariq, U.M. Chaudry, C.S. Kim, T-S. Jun, KIM Fall Meeting, Daegu, Korea, Oct. 25-27, 2023

077. “Effect of extrusion temperature on room and cryogenic mechanical behavior of AZ61 alloy”, H.M.R. Tariq, J.S. Suh, Y.M. Kim, T-S. Jun, KIM Fall Meeting, Daegu, Korea, Oct. 25-27, 2023

076. “Investigating the impact of cryogenic temperature on friction stir welded Al6061-T6 plates”, Y.J. Noh, J.R. Lee, U.M. Chaudry, T-S. Jun, KIM Fall Meeting, Daegu, Korea, Oct. 25-27, 2023

075. “Unveiling the dynamic recrystallization mechanisms of commercially pure titanium during cryocompression”, U.M. Chaudry, T-S. Jun, KIM Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, Apr. 26-28, 2023

074. “Effect of extrusion temperature on the room and cryogenic mechanical behavior of AZ61 and SEN6 Mg alloys”, H.M.R. Tariq, J.S. Suh, Y.M. Kim, T-S. Jun, KIM Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, Apr. 26-28, 2023

073. “Investigating creep behaviour of pure titanium at 293K~473K using digital image correlation”, H.S. Baek, M.S. Lee, Y.T. Hyun, T-S. Jun, KIM Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, Apr. 26-28, 2023 [Poster Award]

072. 극저온 처리를 통한 타이타늄 합금의 마모특성 개선 연구”, H.H. Kang, M.K. Ji, J.R. Lee, T-S. Jun, KIM Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, Apr. 26-28, 2023

071. “Effect of cryogenic temperature on the friction stir welded Al6061-T6 plates”, Y.J. Noh, J.R. Lee, U.M. Chaudry, T-S. Jun, KIM Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, Apr. 26-28, 2023

070. “Effect of cryogenic temperature on the strain rate sensitivity of 6061-T6 aluminium alloy”, Y.J. Noh, M.S. Lee, U.M. Chaudry, T-S. Jun, KIM Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, Apr. 26-28, 2023

069. “Effects of elevated temperature on tensile behaviour of AZ31 alloy”, D.I. Choi, T-S. Jun, KIM Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, Apr. 26-28, 2023

068. 열처리 극저온 처리에 따른 타이타늄 합금의 마모특성 연구”, H.H. Kang, M.K. Ji, J.R. Lee, T-S. Jun, KTS Fall Conference, Gangwon, Korea, Oct. 26-28, 2022

067. 신개념 복합재료 제조기술을 활용한 다기능성 Mg-Ti 복합재료 개발”, S.H. Park, S.H. Joo, T-S. Jun, J. Jang, KIM Fall Meeting, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 26-28, 2022

066. 저온 CP-Ti 기계적 거동과 탄점소성 결정 소성 모델 적용 해석”, B. Jeon, M.S. Lee, T-S. Jun, Y. Jeong, KIM Fall Meeting, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 26-28, 2022

065. “Nanoindentation-Based Creep Study in Ti–6Al–4V ELI Alloy Fabricated by Powder Bed Fusion”, J.R. Lee, S.M. Yeon, W.S. Kim, T-S. Jun, KIM Fall Meeting, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 26-28, 2022

064.  “Effect of Microstructure on Cryogenic Mechanical Properties in Ti-6Al-4V alloy”, Y. Noh, M.S. Lee, T-S. Jun, KIM Fall Meeting, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 26-28, 2022 [Poster Award]

063. “Temperature dependence of slip/twin mechanisms of CP-Ti interpreted by simulating in-situ neutron diffraction strain using self-consistent polycrystal model”, B. Jeon, M.S. Lee, T-S. Jun, Y. Jeong, HANARO Symposium 2022, Sep. 29, 2022

062. “Prediction and verification of various low-temperature CP-Ti mechanical properties using an elasto-visco-plastic crystal plasticity model”, B. Jeon, M.S. Lee, T-S. Jun, Y. Jeong, 2022 KSME Spring Conference (경남지회학술대회), Gimhae, Korea, Jun. 10, 2022

061. “Effect of laser power on the microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of high functional parts produced by direct energy deposition”, S.C. Han, Y.S. Lee, H.J. Lee, T-S. Jun, 2022 KSPE Spring Conference, Jeju, Korea, May. 11-13, 2022  

060. “Effects of paint baking heat treatments on mechanical properties and microstructure of resistance spot welded A5022-O and A6014-T4 alloys”, H.G. Park, Y.B. So, I.S. Hwang, Y.M. Kim, C.H. Park, Y.I. Jung, H.I. Park, T-S. Jun, T.S. Lee, 2022 KIM Spring Meeting, Changwon, Korea, Apr. 27-29, 2022

059. “Room and cryogenic temperature properties of AZ61-xCaO magnesium alloy”, U.M. Chaudry, T-S. Jun, 2022 KIM Spring Meeting, Changwon, Korea, Apr. 27-29, 2022

058. “Understanding deformation mechanisms of a cryogenically compressed AZ31 rolled plate with extension twinning preferential texture”, G.I. Han, T-S. Jun, 2022 KIM Spring Meeting, Changwon, Korea, Apr. 27-29, 2022 [Poster Award]

057. “Influence of post heat treatments on the microstructural and mechanical properties of Hastelloy-X parts fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion”, S.C. Han, W.S. Kim, T-S. Jun, 2022 KIM Spring Meeting, Changwon, Korea, Apr. 27-29, 2022

056. “Effects of applied strain rates on the mechanical properties in 6061-T6 aluminium alloy at cryogenic temperature”, Y.J. Noh, M.S. Lee, T-S. Jun, 2022 KIM Spring Meeting, Changwon, Korea, Apr. 27-29, 2022

055. “Effects of cryogenic treatment on mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V with exposure time to the atmosphere”, M.K. Ji, M.S. Lee, Y.T. Hyun, T-S. Jun, 2022 KIM Spring Meeting, Changwon, Korea, Apr. 27-29, 2022

054. “On the Temperature Sensitivity of Stress Relaxation of Ti–6Al–4V alloy”, J.R. Lee, M.S. Lee, Y.T. Hyun, T-S. Jun, 2022 KIM Spring Meeting, Changwon, Korea, Apr. 27-29, 2022 [Poster Award]

053. “In-situ EBSD study of local deformation behaviour of commercially pure titanium”, M.S. Lee, J.B. Jeon, Y.T. Hyun, T-S. Jun, 2022 KIM Spring Meeting, Changwon, Korea, Apr. 27-29, 2022 [Oral Presentation Award]

052. “Investigation of cryogenic deformation behaviour and multi-axial forging in commercially pure titanium”, M.S. Lee, Y.T. Hyun, T-S. Jun, 2022 KIM Spring Meeting, Changwon, Korea, Apr. 27-29, 2022

051. “Research trends and analysis methodology for wear issues in hot stamping process”, M.K. Ji, T-S. Jun, 2022 KTS Conference Spring Conference, Jeju, Korea, Apr. 20-22, 2022

050. “Microstructure and local mechanical properties of Hastelloy-X fabricated by laser powder bed fusion”, S.C. Han, W.S. Kim, T-S. Jun, 2021 KSPE Fall Conference, Pusan, Nov. 24-26, 2021 [Oral Presentation Award]

049. 아연도금 초고강도강 점용접 모사 도금층 합금화 거동 연구”, S.C. Han, S.H. Uhm, D.Y. Choi, H.C. Jeong, T-S. Jun, 2021 KWJS Fall Meeting, Seoul, Korea, Nov. 11-12, 2021

048. “Effect of FSW parameters on the microstructure and mechanical properties of DP780 steel”, U.M. Chaudry, S.C. Han, T-S. Jun, 2021 KWJS Fall Meeting, Seoul, Korea, Nov. 11-12, 2021

047. “Effect of heat treatment on mechanical properties and microstructure of resistance spot welded A5022-O”, H.G. Park, H.J. Choi, T-S. Jun, T.S. Lee, C.H. Park, Y.I. Jeong, I.S. Hwang, Y.M. Kim, 2021 KWJS Fall Meeting, Seoul, Korea, Nov. 11-12, 2021

046. “Quenching & Partitioning of tool steel for wear resistance improvement during Hot Forming Quenching (HFQ) process”, F. Alkelae, M.K. Ji, T-S. Jun, 2021 KTS Conference, Jeju, Oct. 21-22, 2021

045. 합금화 부하 압력에 따른 핫스탬핑 공정의 마모 거동에 대한 연구”, M.K. Ji, H.S. Son, J.K. Oh, S.W. Kim, F. Alkelae, T-S. Jun, 2021 KTS Conference, Jeju, Oct. 21-22, 2021

044. “In-situ EBSD study of stress-relaxation in commercially pure titanium”, M.S. Lee, J.B. Jeon, Y.T. Hyun, T-S. Jun, 2021 KIM Fall Meeting, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 20-22, 2021 [Poster Award]

043. “Understanding deformation behaviour of commercially pure titanium at cryogenic temperature”, M.S. Lee, Y.T. Hyun, T-S. Jun, 2021 KIM Fall Meeting, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 20-22, 2021 [Oral Presentation Award]

042. “The Role of Heterogeneous Microstructure on the Anisotropic Deformation Mechanism of Ti-6Al-4V ELI Alloy Fabricated by Powder Bed Fusion”, J.R. Lee, M.S. Lee, S.M. Yeon, T-S. Jun, 2021 KIM Fall Meeting, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 20-22, 2021 [Oral Presentation Award]

041. “Microstructure and Local Mechanical Properties of Hastelloy-X Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion”, S.C. Han, W.S. Kim, T-S. Jun, 2021 KIM Fall Meeting, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 20-22, 2021 [Poster Award]

040. 자동차용 아연도금 AHSS 강재 용접부의 도금층 합금화 거동 분석”, S.C. Han, S.H. Uhm, D.Y. Choi, H.C. Jeong, T-S. Jun, 2021 KIM Fall Meeting, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 20-22, 2021

039. “Effect of cryogenic quenching on the properties of FSWed joints of 6061-T6 Al alloy”, G.I. Han, J.R. Lee, Y.J. Noh, T-S. Jun, 2021 KIM Fall Meeting, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 20-22, 2021 [Poster Award]

038. “Effect of Ca element and cryogenic deformation on twinning behavior in magnesium”, G.I. Han, Y.J. Noh, U.M. Chaudry, S.H. Park, K. Hamad, T-S. Jun, 2021 KIM Fall Meeting, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 20-22, 2021

037. “Strain rate sensitivity of Al6061-T6 alloy at cryogenic temperature”, Y.J. Noh, M.S. Lee, G.I. Han, T-S. Jun, 2021 KIM Fall Meeting, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 20-22, 2021

036. “Activation of prismatic slip system in multicomponent Mg alloy”, U.M. Chaudry, T-S. Jun, 2021 KIM Fall Meeting, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 20-22, 2021

035. “Enhancing the room-temperature formability of AZ31-0.5Ca magnesium alloy by a cost-effective technique”, U.M. Chaudry, T-S. Jun, 2021 KIM Fall Meeting, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 20-22, 2021

034. “Microstructure and Local Mechanical Properties of Hastelloy-X Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion”, S.C. Han, W.S. Kim, T-S. Jun, 2021 KSPE Spring Conference, Virtual Conference, May. 12-14, 2021

033. “Effect of post-weld heat treatment on mechanical properties and structural evolution in friction stir welded AA6061-T6”, G.I. Han, J.R. Lee, T-S. Jun, 2021 KIM Spring Meeting, Gangwon, Apr. 28-30, 2021

032.열처리 조건이 Al-Si 코팅이 22MnB5 강의 핫스탬핑 공정에서 발생하는 마모에 미치는 영향”, M.K. Ji, H.S. Son, J.K. Oh, S.W. Kim, F. Alkelae, T-S. Jun, 2021 KIM Spring Meeting, Gangwon, Apr. 28-30, 2021 [Oral Presentation Award]

031.  “Anisotropic Compressive Behavior of Heat-treated Ti-6Al-4V ELI Alloy Fabricated by Powder Bed Fusion (PBF)”, J.R. Lee, M.S. Lee, S.M. Yeon, J.Y. Park, T-S. Jun, 2021 KIM Spring Meeting, Gangwon, Apr. 28-30, 2021 [Oral Presentation Award]

030. “Evaluation of post-weld heat treatment to restore the mechanical properties of local weld zones in friction stir welded AZ31 plates”, G.I. Han, K.H. Lee, J.Y. Yoon, T.W. Na, K.H. Ahn, M.J. Kang, T-S. Jun, 2021 KIM Spring Meeting, Gangwon, Apr. 28-30, 2021

029. “Strain rate dependent deformation behaviour of commercially pure titanium at room and cryogenic temperature”, M.S. Lee, A.R. Jo, S.K. Hwang, Y.T. Hyun, T-S. Jun, 2021 KIM Spring Meeting, Gangwon, Apr. 28-30, 2021 [Oral Presentation Award]

028. 합금화에 따라 핫스탬핑 공정에서 발생하는 마모와 부하 압력 상관관계에 대한 연구”, M.K. Ji, H.S. Son, J.K. Oh, S.W. Kim, F. Alkelae, T-S. Jun, 2021 KTS Conference, Virtual Conference, Apr. 22-23, 2021 [Poster Award]

027. Al-Si 코팅이 22MnB5 강의 핫스탬핑 공정에서 발생하는 마모에 대하여 열처리 조건이 미치는 영향”, M.K. Ji, H.S. Son, J.K. Oh, S.W. Kim, F. Alkelae, T-S. Jun, 2021 KTS Conference, Virtual Conference, Apr. 22-23, 2021

026. 그래핀 나노플레이트렛의 형상학적 특성이 알칼리 실리케이트 복합소 재의 기계적 특성 열물성에 미치는 영향”, G.H. Shim, B.Y. Kweon, J.H. Kim, T-S. Jun, H.S. Ahn, 2020 KSME Meeting, Virtual Conference, Dec. 16-24, 2020

025. Zn-Assisted Liquid Metal Embrittlement of 1180MPa Grade Advanced High Strength Steels”, S.C. Han, S.H. Uhm, D.Y. Choi, H.C. Jeong, H.M. Park, Y.J. Kim, T-S. Jun, 2020 KWJS Fall Meeting, Yeosu, Korea, Nov. 26-27, 2020

024. “Effects of heat treatment on wear behaviour of Al-Si coated 22MnB5 in hot stamping process”, M.K. Ji, H.S. Son, J.K. Oh, S.W. Kim, T-S. Jun, 2020 KIM Fall Meeting, Virtual Conference, Oct. 28-30, 2020 [Poster Award]

023. “Effects of Al-Si coating thickness on 22MnB5 in hot stamping wear”, M.K. Ji, H.S. Son, J.K. Oh, S.W. Kim, T-S. Jun, 2020 KIM Fall Meeting, Virtual Conference, Oct. 28-30, 2020 [Oral Presentation Award]

022. “Application of machine learning for automated detection of LME crack in advanced high strength steels and their quantification”, S.C. Han, H.M. Park, S.H. Uhm, H.C. Jeong, Y.J. Kim, D.Y. Choi, T-S. Jun, 2020 KIM Fall Meeting, Virtual Conference, Oct. 28-30, 2020 [Oral Presentation Award]

021. “Effect of strain rate on the deformation of commercially pure titanium at cryogenic temperature”, M.S. Lee, A.R. Jo, S.K. Hwang, Y.T. Hyun, T-S. Jun, 2020 KIM Fall Meeting, Virtual Conference, Oct. 28-30, 2020

020. “Effects of heat treatment on wear behaviour of Al-Si coated 22MnB5 in hot stamping process”, M.K. Ji, H.S. Son, J.K. Oh, S.W. Kim, T-S. Jun, 2020 KTS Conference, Daejeon, Sep. 24-25, 2020

019. “Effects of Al-Si coating thickness on 22MnB5 in hot stamping wear”, M.K. Ji, H.S. Son, J.K. Oh, S.W. Kim, T-S. Jun, 2020 KTS Conference, Daejeon, Sep. 24-25, 2020

018. “LME characteristic of 1GPa grade steel sheet according to irregular conditions”, S.C. Han, S.H. Uhm, H.C. Jeong, T-S. Jun, 2020 Integrated Conference of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering, Virtual Conference, Sep. 14-16, 2020

017. “Critical assessment of cross-section area of friction stir welded AZ31 joint with geometrically inhomogeneous strain”, G.I. Han, K.H. Lee, J.Y. Yoon, T.W. Na, K.H. Ahn, M.J. Kang, T-S. Jun, 2020 Integrated Conference of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering, Virtual Conference, Sep. 14-16, 2020 [Poster Award]

016. “Effect of processing parameters and post-weld heat treatment on the mechanical properties and microstructural evolution of friction stir welded Al6161-T6”, J.R. Lee, G.I. Han, T-S. Jun, 2020 Integrated Conference of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering, Virtual Conference, Sep. 14-16, 2020

015. “Application of machine learning for automated detection of LME crack in advanced high strength steels and their quantification”, S.C. Han, H.M. Park, S.H. Uhm, H.C. Jeong, Y.J. Kim, T-S. Jun, 2019 Fall Conference of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering, Changwon, Korea, Oct. 30-Nov. 1, 2019 [Poster Award]

014. “Orientation dependent deformation behavior of BCC Fe-3% Si single crystal”, S.C. Han, H.K. Park, T-S. Jun, 2019 KIM Fall Meeting, Daegu, Korea, Oct. 23-25, 2019 [Poster Award]

013. “Influence of strain rates on the deformation behaviour in Ti-6Al-4V at cryogenic temperature”, M.K. Ji, M.S. Lee, Y.T. Hyun, T-S. Jun, 2019 KIM Spring Meeting, Changwon, Korea, Apr. 24-26, 2019 [Poster Award]

012. “Anisotropic deformation behaviour of commercially pure titanium at cryogenic temperature”, M.S. Lee, M.K. Ji, Y.T. Hyun, T-S. Jun, 2019 KIM Spring Meeting, Changwon, Korea, Apr. 24-26, 2019 [Oral Presentation Award]

011. “Study on enhanced adhesion strength of mixed alkali silicate adhesive by controlling curing conditions”, G.H. Shim, K.M. Kim, C.H. Lee, T-S. Jun, H.S. Ahn, 2018 KSME Meeting, Gangwon, Korea, Dec. 12-15, 2018

010. “Characteristic analysis of liquid Zn-assisted crack during resistance spot weld in highly stressed conditions”, S.C. Han, M.S. Lee, S.H. Uhm, D.Y. Choi, H.C Jeong, T-S. Jun, 2018 KWJS Fall Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, Nov. 15-16, 2018 [Poster Award]

009. “Local deformation behaviour of commercially pure titanium”, M.S. Lee, J.B. Jeon, E.Y. Choi, Y.T. Hyun, T-S. Jun, 2018 KIM Fall Meeting, Daejeon, Korea, Oct. 24-26, 2018

008. “Effects of building orientation and heat treatment on local mechanical properties of Direct Metal Laser Sintered 15-5PH stainless steel”, J.R. Lee, M.S. Lee, H.B. Chae, S.Y. Lee, T-S. Jun, 2018 KIM Fall Meeting, Daejeon, Korea, Oct. 24-26, 2018 [Poster Award]

007. “Effect of strain rate on macro- and micro-scopic mechanical responses in Ti-6Al-4V”, M.K. Ji, Y.T. Hyun, T-S. Jun, 2018 KIM Fall Meeting, Daejeon, Korea, Oct. 24-26, 2018

006. “Quantitative evaluation of LME crack characteristics in resistance spot welds of UHSS steels”, S.C. Han, M.S. Lee, S.H. Uhm, D.Y. Choi, H.C Jeong, T-S. Jun, 2018 KIM Fall Meeting, Daejeon, Korea, Oct. 24-26, 2018

005. “On the relationship between deformation twinning and mechanical properties in pure magnesium at room temperature”, G.I. Han, H.K. Park, H.K. Kim, T-S. Jun, 2018 KIM Fall Meeting, Daejeon, Korea, Oct. 24-26, 2018

004. “Global and local strain rate sensitivity of commercially pure titanium with different oxygen contents”, M.S. Lee, Y.T. Hyun, T-S. Jun, 2018 KIM Fall Meeting, Daejeon, Korea, Oct. 24-26, 2018 [Oral Presentation Award]

003. “Strain rate dependent deformation behaviour of pure magnesium at room temperature”, G.I. Han, H.K. Park, H. K. Kim, T-S. Jun, 2018 KIM Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, Apr. 25-27, 2018

002. “Effects of oxygen contents on the strain rate sensitivity of commercially pure titanium”, M.S. Lee, Y.T. Hyun, T-S. Jun, 2018 KIM Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, Apr. 25-27, 2018 [Poster Award]

001. “The effect of oxide scale on a new joining process for endless hot rolling”, J.S. Lee, Y.H. Kang, T-S. Jun, IWJC2012, Jeju, Korea, May. 8-11, 2012