Advanced Metallic Materials & Characterisation Lab

About AMMC Lab

AMMC lab is a research group in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Incheon National University found by Professor Tea-Sung (Terry) Jun in 2016.

We focus on the investigation of materials processing and mechanical behaviour of advanced metallic materials for high value industrial applications (e.g. aerospace, defence, ship building, automotive and bioengineering).

We are interested in the fundamental question of how deformation of metallic alloys occurs on the level of individual microstructural constituents and the more practical questions of how the  deformation mechanisms can be applied to enhance the structural integrity of large-scale engineering components.


Upcoming Events

'24.10.28~30 KIM2024 추계

'24.10.16~18 KTS2024 추계

'24.10.16~18 KWJS2024 추계

'24.10.17~18 KSTP 추계

'24.10.17~18 KSHT2024 추계

'24.11.13~15 KSPE2024 추계


We are currently looking for highly motivated graduate students (MS, PhD, Combined MS/PhD) to join our research group. Students with strong background on one of the following areas (mechanical engineering, materials engineering or materials science ) are encouraged to apply. Please send a full CV via email to Prof. Jun ( 

학부연구생, 석사과정 및 박사과정 학생을 모집합니다. 연구실에 관심이 있는 학생은로 문의 바랍니다.

Recent Papers & Pre-Prints

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Incheon National University

119 Academy-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon 22012, South Korea