In a interview with Tucker Carlson released Thursday, former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund provided his testimony of the events that unfolded on January 6, 2021, documenting what Carlson described as a “set up.”

Having been on the scene during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, Sund shared his perspective of how government agencies did not provide necessary information and potential warnings ahead of time regarding the Jan. 6 riot.

According to Sund, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) did not provide information regarding possible violence resulting from the “Stop the Steal” rally in D.C. in their intelligence assessments, despite having private concerns regarding the rally. 

“Think about it. I am the chief of police at the United States Capitol, probably one of the most prominent and should be the most secure building in the United States and the world. You know, you’d like to think of that,” Sund said in his interview with Carlson. 

Sund said there are currently “at least four congressional reports” that document the intelligence failures that occurred leading up to and on the day of Jan. 6.

During his interview with Carlson, Sund alleged that law enforcement officials did not discuss any of the warnings that the agencies had received regarding potential violence on Jan. 6, despite multiple emails containing anticipated threats of violence.

The former capitol police chief claimed that both General Mark Milley and Secretary of Defense Christopher C. Miller had discussed the possibility of locking down the capitol. However, regardless of any concerns of a potential riot, Sund claimed Miller prohibited certain weapons from being carried by law enforcement on Jan. 6.

According to Sund, former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi did not authorize him to call in the National Guard for additional security, despite his request for additional security.

“It doesn’t seem like people really want to get to the bottom of it,” Sund stated. “It really doesn’t. And it just gets worse. It gets worse from there.”

Sund claimed that while he received approval at 2:10 p.m. to call in the National Guard, multiple generals, including General Michael Glynn, had responded to his request for additional security by saying they did “not like the optics of the National Guard.” 

“This sounds like a set up to me,” Carlson said during his interview with Sund. “I’m sorry, it does.”

Sund claimed the National Guard ultimately did not arrive at the riot until hours later at 6 p.m.

Following Carlson’s departure from Fox News earlier this year, Sund questioned the timing of Fox News firing Carlson on the very same day that Sund’s original interview was going to be released on the program.

“On the day he was fired, @TuckerCarlson was planning to air parts of our 1-hour interview and showcase my book,” Sund tweeted. “It was an interview he was excited about and said it ‘made the hair on my arm stand up.’ But Fox canned both Tucker and the interview. Coincidence?”

Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund told then-Fox News host Tucker Carlson that events surrounding the January 6th riots at the U.S. Capitol appear to have been a “cover up,” in never-seen-before footage published exclusively by The National Pulse.

In the hour-long interview, Sund laments the behaviors of then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as well as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, who he says had intelligence to suggest problems on Capitol Hill, which they failed to communicate with Sund and his cops on the ground.

“If I was allowed to do my job as the chief we wouldn’t be here, this didn’t have to happen,” Sund begins, around 19 minutes into the conversation, during which he describes himself as “pissed off” about being “lambasted in public” over the events. Sund has written a book, Courage Under Fire, about his experiences.


Having served as a police officer for over 30 years, including taking over as Chief of the United States Capitol Police in 2019, Sund explains the events leading up to January 6th, including prior to the incident at the Capitol itself, and the aftermath, appeared to be a “cover up.”

“Everything appears to be a cover up,” says the decorated police chief, explaining that most things to do with his department were political, specifically because he reported to politicians including then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

“Like I said, I’m not a conspiracy theorist,” Sund explains, “…but when you look at the information and intelligence they had, the military had, it’s all watered down. I’m not getting intelligence, I’m denied any support from National Guard in advance. I’m denied National Guard while we’re under attack, for 71 minutes…”

The full interview has thus far been hidden from the public at the behest of Rupert Murdoch’s increasingly left-wing Fox News channel, which unceremoniously fired its prime time host Tucker Carlson allegedly as part of a private settlement with Dominion Voting Systems.


“It sounds like they were hiding the intelligence,” Carlson quizzed, to which Sund stunningly responds: “Could there possibly be actually… they kind of wanted something to happen? It’s not a far stretch to begin to think that. It’s sad when you start putting everything together and thinking about the way this played out… what was their end goal?”


The next portion of the interview, featuring a stunning conversation about Capitol riot “orchestrator” Ray Epps, will be released on on Thursday morning.

Just in!

Jared Kushner testified that Trump truly believed 2020 election was stolen: report

By Katherine Donlevy

July 13, 2023 7:16pm  Updated

Jared Kushner testified last month that former President Donald Trump truly believed the 2020 election was stolen, according to a report.

Federal investigators asked the former senior advisor to Trump whether his presidential father-in-law had privately acknowledged in the days after the 2020 election that he had lost to President Biden, multiple sources told The New York Times.

Kushner, however, maintained that Trump had not been intentionally fabricating a stolen election narrative as a last-ditch attempt to maintain power.

He is just one of the few close to Trump to support the ex-president throughout the federal investigation led by special counsel Jack Smith.

The probe seeks to uncover the former president’s connections to baseless assertions of widespread voter fraud and attempts to block congressional certification of Biden’s Electoral College victory.

7:18 AM · May 18, 2023

Whistleblower: FBI had informants, undercover officers in Capitol on Jan 6, they may be on video

An FBI whistleblower said the bureau’s Washington Field Office (WFO) refused Boston Field Office’s (BFO) request for footage of the Capitol storming on January 6, 2021, because “there may be undercover officers or confidential human sources on those videos whose identity we need to protect.”

On Thursday, Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) shared video of whistleblower George Hill’s deposition during a press conference with the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. Hill is a former FBI BFO employee.

Never Before Seen Footage of 2017 Inauguration Riots


Proof that the January 6 Rally WAS NOT AN INSURRECTION  

All credit to The King of News film crew. "Documentary film crew releases dramatic, never before seen footage of the 2017 Inauguration riots. The footage was gathered as part of an ongoing documentary about the fight for dominance playing out between establishment and independent news organizations.

The shocking footage exposes a coordinated attack on the 2017 inauguration of President Donald Trump. Highlights include anarchists preparing for violent clashes with police (10:22), violent attacks on attendees (2:08), destruction of property (9:50), and the physical premeditated blockades that succeed in preventing voters from attending the Presidential Inauguration (3:29).

Additional highlights include interviews with blockade organizers Code Pink and Disrupt J20, whose stated goal was to “shut this inauguration down.”

Code Pink organizer Tighe Barry is asked, “Are you guys going to cause some mayhem?” His response is an emphatic “Yes sir!” (3:56) He adds, “We blocked this street because we feel like we have the right to tell them not to come into our city.” (4:27)

J20 organizer is quoted saying, “These people should be referred to as neo-nazis, as fascist, as the legitimate scum they are, so they can be wiped from this country!” (1:48)

Black Trump supporters are seen being called “Uncle Toms!” while also having their Trump hats snatched off their heads. (10:51)

Producers of the documentary explained their decision to release this footage now, “It was never our intent to release any footage while we’re still in production. We have held this dramatic content for 4 years in anticipation of its final release in the completed film, however, recent events have convinced us of the imperative to release this excerpt now.”

The King of News has been in production since 2016, with an anticipated release of summer 2021."

Credit to Jim Hoft @gatewaypundit Read their article: "VIDEO EXCLUSIVE: Film Crew Releases Never Before Seen Footage of 2017 Inauguration Riots"


Okay for the Demon-Rat angels to injure people, break windows of businesses and vehicles; burn vehicles and set fires. And yet they Blame President Trump for a riot incited by agents that the Democratic party placed among the Trump supporters 6 January 2021.

Talk about double standards and HYPOCRISY!

VIDEO EXCLUSIVE: Film Crew Releases Never Before Seen Footage of 2017 Inauguration Riots

By Jim Hoft Jan. 18, 2021 8:00 am

Chicago, Illinois – Documentary film crew releases dramatic, never before seen footage of the 2017 Inauguration riots. The footage was gathered as part of an ongoing documentary about the fight for dominance playing out between establishment and independent news organizations.

The shocking footage exposes a coordinated attack on the 2017 inauguration of President Donald Trump. Highlights include anarchists preparing for violent clashes with police (10:22), violent attacks on attendees (2:08), destruction of property (9:50), and the physical premeditated blockades that succeed in preventing voters from attending the Presidential Inauguration (3:29).

Additional highlights include interviews with blockade organizers Code Pink and Disrupt J20, whose stated goal was to “shut this inauguration down.”

Code Pink organizer Tighe Barry is asked, “Are you guys going to cause some mayhem?” His response is an emphatic “Yes sir!” (3:56) He adds, “We blocked this street because we feel like we have the right to tell them not to come into our city.” (4:27)

J20 organizer is quoted saying, “These people should be referred to as neo-nazis, as fascist, as the legitimate scum they are, so they can be wiped from this country!” (1:48)

Black Trump supporters are seen being called “Uncle Toms!” while also having their Trump hats snatched off their heads. (10:51)

January 6, 2021 Insurrection is a LIE!

Click on title above to see pdf document


DOD 2002896088

It’s worth noting that the Defense Department inspector general, in a report that said top Army leaders acted appropriately on Jan. 6, appears to place the conversation between Miller and Trump on a different date — Jan. 3.


Mr. Miller and GEN Milley met with the President at the White House at 5:30 p.m. The primary topic they discussed was unrelated to the scheduled rally. GEN Milley told us that at the end of the meeting, the President told Mr. Miller that there would be a large number of protesters on January 6, 2021, and Mr. Miller should ensure sufficient National Guard or Soldiers would be there to make sure it was a safe event. Gen Milley told us that Mr. Miller responded, “We’ve got a plan and we’ve got it covered.”

But no direct order is mentioned. On Jan. 5, the IG report says, Trump and Miller had a phone call and “the President’s guidance was to do what was required to protect the American people.” Again, Trump’s instructions appear vague.


As can be seen on page 5 of the report on Thursday, December 31, 2020, Mayor Bowser sent a letter to MG Walker, requesting DCNG support in the District of Columbia for January 5 through 6, 2021.

MG Walker forwarded the D.C. RFA to Mr. McCarthy on Friday, January 1, 2021, and recommended that Mr. McCarthy approve supporting the request. Mr. Miller told us that he learned of the D.C. RFA on January 1, 2021. During the following weekend, Army Staff members coordinated the response to D.C. officials with staff members assigned to the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Global Security (OASD[HD&GS]) and the DoD Office of General Counsel (OGC). OASD(HD&GS) staff members also telephoned and texted their points of contact at the U.S. Secret Service (USSS), U.S. Marshals Service (USMS), U.S. Park Police (USPP), DHS, and USCP to determine if any of these Federal civilian law enforcement agencies intended to request DoD support for January 6, 2021. All of these agencies responded that they did not anticipate needing DoD assistance.

Following a January 4, 2021 meeting with Mr. McCarthy, Mr. Miller signed a memorandum that authorized Mr. McCarthy to approve the D.C. RFA, subject to consultation with Mr. Rosen and additional guidance. Mr. Miller specifically withheld the authority from Mr. McCarthy to approve riot control equipment or tactics; use military Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) assets; share equipment with law enforcement agencies; and seek support from non-DCNG units. Finally, Mr. Miller authorized Mr. McCarthy to employ a standby Quick Reaction Force (QRF) only as a last resort in response to a request from an appropriate civil authority.10 He directed Mr. McCarthy to notify him immediately if Mr. McCarthy employed the QRF.11


Former Chief of Staff to the Secretary of Defense

Mr. Patel served as the former Chief of Staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller and is responsible for leading the Secretary’s mission at the Department, including his executive staff and providing counsel to the Secretary on all matters concerning the Department’s operations.

Previously, Mr. Patel served as the Deputy Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Counterterrorism (CT) at the National Security Council (NSC). In that capacity, Mr. Patel oversaw the execution of several of President Donald J. Trump’s top priorities, including eliminating ISIS and Al-Qa’ida leadership such as al-Baghdadi and Qasem al-Rimi, and the safe repatriation of numerous American hostages. Mr. Patel also served as Principal Deputy to the Acting Director of National Intelligence, where he oversaw the operations of all 17 intelligence community agencies and provided the President’s Daily Briefing.

Before joining the NSC, Mr. Patel served as the National Security Advisor and Senior Counsel for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), where he spearheaded the investigation into the Russian active measures campaign to influence the 2016 presidential election. Concurrently, he oversaw sensitive programs for the Intelligence Community and U.S. Special Operations Forces and worked to enact legislation to fully fund the multi-billion dollar budgets supporting intelligence and counterterrorism operations worldwide.

Mr. Patel joined the HPSCI following his tenure as a terrorism prosecutor at the Department of Justice (DOJ), where he led investigations spanning multiple theaters of conflict and oversaw the successful prosecution of criminals aligned with Al-Qa’ida, ISIS, and other terror groups. Mr. Patel also served as the DOJ Liaison Officer to Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), working with our nation’s most prestigious counterterrorism units to conduct collaborative global targeting operations against high value terrorism targets.

Mr. Patel began his career as a public defender, trying scores of complex cases ranging from murder, to narco-trafficking, to complex financial crimes in jury trials in state and federal courts.

A native of New York, Mr. Patel completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Richmond before returning to New York to earn his law degree, along with a Certificate in International Law from University College London Faculty of Laws in the United Kingdom. Kash is a life-long ice hockey player, coach, and fan.

Kash's Corner: How the FBI Failed to Act on Intelligence Before the Capitol Breach on Jan. 6 | CLIP

American Thought Leaders - The Epoch Times

American Thought Leaders - The Epoch Times  Jul 5, 2021 

Trump Authorized National Guard for Jan. 6 but Congress, DC Didn’t Request Its Use, Former Aide Says

Trump authorized as many as 20,000 Guard troops for use on Jan. 6, 2021, during a meeting several days earlier. The offer of troops was rejected by Bowser and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), he said.

Related: The Real Story of January 6 | Documentary

Trump Authorized National Guard for Jan. 6 but Congress, DC Didn’t Request Its Use, Former Aide Says

Under the law, a president can’t order domestic deployment of Guard; local officials must request it

By Joseph M. Hanneman, The Epoch Times, July 25, 2022:

A claim by the vice chair of the House Jan. 6 Select Committee that President Donald Trump didn’t order the use of National Guard troops in the District of Columbia on Jan. 6, 2021, is true because that would have been a violation of the law, former Pentagon chief of staff Kash Patel says.

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) told Fox News’ Bret Baier that Trump “never issued any order to deploy the National Guard to protect the Capitol.”

Patel said that Trump authorized up to 20,000 National Guard troops for use in D.C. or elsewhere on Jan. 6, 2021, but the use of those troops was later rejected by D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and the U.S. Capitol Police.

Under the law, the president can’t order the deployment of the military for use inside the United States, Patel said. At the time of the Jan. 6, 2021, unrest, Patel was chief of staff for Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller.

“She knows the truth—45 [Trump] authorized the National Guard days before Jan. 6, and Pelosi and Bowser rejected it,” Patel told The Epoch Times. “Cheney knows it’s unconstitutional for any president to ever order the military to deploy domestically. He may only authorize their use, then there must be a request.

In the new documentary, “The Real Story of Jan. 6,” Kash Patel, former chief of staff for the U.S. secretary of defense, said National Guard troops were rejected by Capitol Police and the D.C. mayor.


“By her own quote, she has cleared Trump of the very thing she has accused him of from Day 1—an insurrection,” Patel said. “So, yes, Trump never made that illegal order. He followed the law.”

Authorized 20,000 Guard Troops

As Patel explains in the new EpochTV documentary, “The Real Story of Jan. 6,” Trump authorized as many as 20,000 Guard troops for use on Jan. 6, 2021, during a meeting several days earlier. The offer of troops was rejected by Bowser and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), he said.

Under the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act, the U.S. military can’t be used domestically for enforcing laws or keeping order. Part-time citizen-soldiers can only be used under certain conditions.

“The Supreme Court said two things must happen,” said Patel, the host of “Kash’s Corner” on EpochTV. “One: the President of the United States has to authorize, not order, the use of the National Guard.

Bodycam Video Shows Police Striking at Jan. 6 Protester Victoria White


Recently released bodycam video from DC Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officers provides more angles to the Jan. 6 beating of protester Victoria White in the Lower West Terrace tunnel at the U.S. Capitol in Washington.


The newest bodycam footage, from Officer Jeffrey Leslie, was captured directly behind MPD Cmdr. Jason Bagshaw, who landed most of the baton strikes and punches to White’s head and face during a four-minute span on Jan. 6, 2021.


In the Leslie footage, three officers land strikes, jabs, and stabs at White in the tunnel, starting just before 4:10 p.m.


An ear-piercing siren blared throughout White’s time in the tunnel, making it difficult to hear what was being said.


Bagshaw used his steel baton like a lance and a spear for some of the strikes on White, thrusting it through gaps between other officers and along the tunnel wall as White spun around trying to shield herself.


Officer Leslie slid his baton along the tunnel wall behind the legs of an MP officer standing on a ledge. It’s not clear if those strikes made contact with White.


At 4:08 p.m., Bagshaw jabbed overhand like a spear, then switched to forehand and delivered at least six blows. On the video, the bright red of White’s sweater was visible occasionally through the arms and bodies of the officers who surrounded her.


The bodycam of the officer standing on the ledge showed Bagshaw’s closed fist as he repeatedly punched White with his left hand. She was visible only briefly, but previously released overhead security camera footage captured the punches to White’s head and face.

‘You’re Going to Kill Her’


Another bodycam, from an officer farther ahead in the tunnel, shows a man in the corner who begged police not to strike White, just as Bagshaw began punching her.


At 4:09 p.m., the man said: “No, no, no, please! Please don’t beat her,” according to the video. Two minutes later, as police shouted at him to “move it, keep walking!” the man replied, “No! You’re going to kill her!”

White stood with her back to the tunnel wall with her arms crossed above her in an effort to protect her head from the batons.

At 4:09 p.m., an officer to Bagshaw’s left made an overhead spearing motion with at least nine thrusts at White, the video shows.


When White’s back was again pressed against the tunnel wall, Bagshaw used his right hand and stabbed his baton at her six times, the video shows.


White said she was horrified by the bodycam images.


“God allowed me to blackout for a reason,” White told The Epoch Times. “I honestly thought one or two officers beating me from the other publicly released footage was horrific, but it looks like four or more had beat me.


“To make matters worse is that all this footage I’m seeing for the very first time wasn’t shown to me by any attorney,” White said. “The last two bodycams were exculpatory, as I’m sure this is.”


White Faces Charges


In a superseding indictment filed in January 2022, White was charged with civil disorder and aiding and abetting, entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, and disorderly conduct in a Capitol building. She pleaded not guilty to all of the charges.


White had been scheduled to enter into a plea agreement with prosecutors at a February hearing, but decided days earlier to reject a plea and proceed to a May8 trial date. At a March 3 hearing before U.S. District Judge John Bates, White said she planned to obtain new legal counsel.

On Feb. 10, prosecutors asked Judge Bates to jail White because she had been on Capitol Hill meeting with GOP lawmakers as part of a group that included Micki Witthoeft—the mother of Ashli Babbitt, who was killed by U.S. Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd. They said White’s presence in Washington violated her terms of pretrial release. The judge did not jail her but said any meetings with federal lawmakers would have to be pre-approved.


In the original statement of facts filed by the FBI in White’s case, the government included video screenshots of White’s hands and asserted she was trying to grab a police shield, grab at the officer on the ledge, and use her hand “to block the baton.” The document says police were trying to “fend her off.”


The document does not mention the 39 blows to White’s head, face, and body delivered by Bagshaw and other officers. Nor does it detail how the officer on the ledge repeatedly sprayed oleoresin capsicum onto her face as she flopped back and forth between officers—something revealed on security-camera video.


Federal prosecutors in another Jan. 6 criminal case identified Bagshaw as the MPD supervisor who repeatedly struck White.


Metropolitan Police Department has declined to comment on White’s case. The department deemed all of its uses of force on Jan. 6 to be justified.

Army Staff witnesses told us that the DoD did not plan for the anticipated January 5 and 6, 2021, election protests until the DCNG received the D.C. government’s RFA. They said that there were no contingency plans for conducting CDOs in D.C. because the DoD acts only in response to specific requests from civil authorities unless the President invokes the Insurrection Act. MG Walker told us that he had a contingency

WASHINGTON (TND) — A Capitol Police timeline of the days and weeks surrounding Jan. 6 shows former President Donald Trump’s Department of Defense (DOD) offered the National Guard’s assistance in the days leading up to the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol, validating claims from Trump administration officials that were said to be false by liberal fact-checkers.

What we also know is that President Trump wanted to make sure that the people that came, that there was a safe environment for that kind of assembly,” former President Donald Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows told Fox News’s Sean Hannity.

And I’ve said that publicly before — the 10,000 National Guard troops that he wanted to make sure that everything was safe and secure," Meadows said. "Obviously having those National Guards available, actually the reason they were able to respond when they did, was because President Trump had actually put them on alert.

Liberal “fact-checkers” like The Washington Post and PolitiFact argued the claim about National Guard assistance coming from Meadows and other top Trump administration officials was false, but an official timeline of the events leading up to Jan. 6 apparently shows differently.

According to the timeline, a DOD official reached out to Capitol Police Deputy Chief Sean Gallagher four days before the attack on the U.S. Capitol to inquire about whether Capitol Police anticipated they would request National Guard troops be deployed to prepare for Jan. 6.

“Carol Corbin (DOD) texts USCP Deputy Chief Sean Gallagher, Protective Service Bureau, to determine whether USCP is considering a request for National Guard soldiers for January 6, 2021 event,” the timeline reads in an entry listed for Saturday, Jan. 2, 2021.

The next morning, the timeline indicates, “Gallagher replies to DOD via text that a request for National Guard support not forthcoming at this time after consultation with COP Sund.”

However, that initial rejection from Capitol Police came as they were beginning to change their assessment of the potential threats of violence.

Just hours after Gallagher’s rejection of DOD’s offer for troops, Capitol Police issued a new warning to its commanders and executives, as well as to the two congressionally appointed House and Senate Sergeants at Arms responsible for congressional security, the timeline shows.

Due to the tense political environment following the 2020 election, the threat of disruptive actions or violence cannot be ruled out,” stated the new assessment, chronicled in Capitol Police's Jan. 6 timeline. “Supporters of the current president see January 6, 2021 as the last opportunity to overturn the results of the presidential election. This sense of desperation and disappointment may lead to more of an incentive to become violent.

Within 24-hours of the new assessment’s circulation, then-chief of the Capitol Police Steve Sund changed course and began requesting permission to deploy National Guard troops from the House and Senate Sergeant at Arms – both of whom report to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer, respectively.

“COP Sund asks Senate Sergeant at Arms (SSAA) Michael Stenger and House Sergeant at Arms (HSAA) Paul Irving for authority to have National Guard to assist with security for the January 6, 2021 event based on briefing with law enforcement partner and revised intelligence Assessment,” the timeline notes. “COP Sund's request is denied. SSAA and HSAA tell COP Sund to contact General Walker at DC National Guard to discuss the guard's ability to support a request if needed.”

As Sund’s requests were denied, the Trump administration continued working on getting then-President Trump to formally authorize the deployment of as many as 20,000 National Guard troops to the Capitol ahead of the Jan. 6 rally, according to Just The News, which conducted interviews with then-acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller and his Chief of Staff Kash Patel.

The Capitol Police timeline shows what we have been saying for the last year — that DOD support via the National Guard was refused by the House and Senate sergeant at arms, who report to Pelosi,” said Patel. “Now we have it in their own writing, days before Jan. 6. And despite the FBI warning of potential for serious disturbance, no perimeter was established, no agents put on the street, and no fence put up.

Furthermore, as word began circulating around Washington of the Capitol Police’s changing stance on the need for National Guard troops on Jan. 6, Democratic Mayor for the District of Columbia, Muriel Bowser, wrote a letter to Miller and other Departments of Defense and Justice officials asking that National Guard troops not be deployed unless the local Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) approved.

Bowser cited an earlier event from the summer of 2020, when National Guard troops were deployed to Lafayette Park outside the White House amid social justice protests that took place in the nation’s capital, spurred by the death of George Floyd. Bowser argued the deployment “caused confusion” and could have led to “a national security threat with no way for MPD and federal law enforcement to decipher armed groups.”

“To be clear, the District of Columbia is not requesting other federal law enforcement personnel and discourages any additional deployment without immediate notification to and consultation with MPD, if such plans are underway," Bowser wrote in her letter, adding that MPD was “well trained and prepared to lead the way” on ensuring safety during the rally in the nation’s capital on Jan. 6.

A friend and I friend watched the whole event as it occurred!! President Trump Said, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard," Here is the video! I saw it as he said it.

Click on image below to see video


Shortly before the certification process began at 1 p.m. ET, Trump delivered a speech at the White House.

Pro-Trump protesters breached the US Capitol earlier Wednesday afternoon, forcing Congress into a recess after it had convened for a joint session to certify Biden's 2020 victory. Lawmakers, reporters, and staff were evacuated from the building after mobs gathered outside the House and Senate chamber doors.

About 40 minutes after violence broke out, Trump tweeted that his supporters should "stay peaceful." In another tweet less than an hour later, he wrote: "I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!"

Biden later appeared on national television to condemn the violence and call for an end to the protests, and he urged Trump to do the same. Shortly afterward, Trump posted the video clip on Twitter in which he called the rioters "special."

"I know how you feel. But go home, and go home in peace," the president said. 

Click on image below to see video

Click on image below to see video

New, Uncensored Police Body Cam Video DESTROYS Feds January 6th LIES! EXONERATES Peaceful Protesters

JUST IN: Body cam footage emerges from inside the senate chamber, rebuking the narrative created by the J6 committee.


The ex-Marine accused of being an 'FBI plant sent to help incite January 6 Capitol riot' Listen to the crowd shouting “NO! FED, FED”

Click on image below to see video

A video of Queen Creek resident Ray Epps was shown by U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky during a House oversight hearing where lawmakers questioned Attorney General Merrick Garland about the attack on the Capitol.

Meet Ray Epps: The Fed-Protected Provocateur Who Appears to Have Led the Very First 1/6 Attack on the 

US Capitol

October 25, 2021 

In a House hearing on Thursday, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) questioned AG Merrick Garland about a mysterious man, Ray Epps, instructing protesters to enter the US Capitol building on January 5, and who later shepherded crowds towards the Capitol on January 6. 

The January 6th video I showed AG Garland, which he refused to comment on, now has 2.7 million views. The article linked here might explain why he won’t tell us if assets of the federal government were present and encouraging others to enter the Capitol: 

Click on image below to see video

The story of the mystery man, Ray Epps, featured in Rep. Massie’s video above is in fact far more shocking than even the good Congressman implies in the hearing. It’s a story so strange, and so scandalous at every turn, that it threatens to shatter the entire official narrative of the “Capitol Breach” and expose yet another dimension of proactive federal involvement in the so-called “insurrection” of January 6th.

If Revolver News’s previous reporting points to a proactive role of the federal government in relation to the conspiracy cases against Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, the Ray Epps story that follows suggests a similar, yet more egregious, explicit, direct and immediate degree of federal involvement in the breach of the Capitol itself.

Here is a transcript of Thomas Massie’s exchange with the Attorney General, just in case you skipped past the video above.

Rep. Massie: As far as we can determine, the individual who was saying he’ll probably go to jail, he’ll probably be arrested, but they need to go into the Capitol the next day, is then directing people into the Capitol the next day, is then the next day directing people to the Capitol. And as far as we can find. You said this is one of the most sweeping in history. Have you seen that video, or those frames from that video?

AG Garland: So as I said at the outset, one of the norms of the Justice Department is to not comment on pending investigations, and particularly not to comment on particular scenes or particular individuals.

Rep. Massie: I was hoping today to give you an opportunity to put to rest the concerns that people have that there were federal agents or assets of the federal government present on January 5 and January 6. Can you tell us, without talking about particular incidents or particular videos, how many agents or assets of the federal government were present on January 6, whether they agitated to go into the Capitol, and if any of them did?

AG Garland: So I’m not going to violate this norm of, uh, of, of, of, the rule of law.

[Looks down and away]

I’m not going to comment on an investigation that’s ongoing.

Click on image below to see video

There is good reason why AG Garland ran from Massie’s question faster than he could find words — and why he couldn’t even keep eye contact as he was dodging Massie’s gaze.

After months of research, Revolver’s investigative reporting team can now reveal that Ray Epps appears to be among the primary orchestrators of the very first breach of the Capitol’s police barricades at 12:50pm on January 6. Epps appears to have led the “breach team” that committed the very first illegal acts on that fateful day. What’s more, Epps and his “breach team” did all their dirty work with 20 minutes still remaining in President Trump’s National Mall speech, and with the vast majority of Trump supporters still 30 minutes away from the Capitol.

Secondly, Revolver also determined, and will prove below, that the the FBI stealthily removed Ray Epps from its Capitol Violence Most Wanted List on July 1, just one day after Revolver exposed the inexplicable and puzzlesome FBI protection of known Epps associate and Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes. July 1 was also just one day after separate New York Times report amplified a glaring, falsifiable lie about Epps’s role in the events of January 6.

Lastly, Ray Epps appears to have worked alongside several individuals — many of them suspiciously unindicted — to carry out a breach of the police barricades that induced a subsequent flood of unsuspecting MAGA protesters to unwittingly trespass on Capitol restricted grounds and place themselves in legal jeopardy.

Corroborating Ray Epps’s Identity

Identifying the individual in Thomas Massie’s video as Ray Epps was a surprisingly quick and easy task for the Internet.

It took less than a week after January 6 for online researchers to track Epps down and confirm his identity. Researchers uncovered his personal Facebook profile, where Epps shared his life story on Mark Zuckerberg’s social media app, under his real name.

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Failure of Leadership in Evacuation

The evacuation of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House on Jan. 6 provides perhaps the clearest case of how security video can define a critical story.

U.S. Capitol Police Lt. Tarik Johnson, who said he was left without direction on Jan. 6 by assistant Capitol Police chief Yogananda Pittman.

After taking to the radio to ask for permission to evacuate the Senate, Johnson got no response. Even after the USCP dispatcher repeated Johnson’s call for direction, there was silence from the Command Center.

Image below is a photo

Johnson forged ahead with the evacuation and went on to direct the evacuation of the House. He said on the radio that he would take any discipline for acting on his own.

“There was no response from anybody at the Command Center,” Johnson told The Epoch Times. “I say even before I initiated evacuation, I say specifically,‘ We’ve got to start thinking about getting the people out before we don’t have a chance to.’

“I heard no response. Then I asked for permission to evacuate. I heard no response.”

Johnson said the Command Center’s silence caused the loss of precious time that might have prevented the shooting death of protester Ashli Babbitt at about2:45 p.m. on Jan. 6.

Click on image below to see video

Videos Shed Light on Death of Rosanne Boyland at US Capitol on Jan. 6

Trump supporter, 34, from Georgia was trampled, struck by police as she lay dying

Bystanders carry an unconscious Rosanne Boyland to a spot in front of police outside the West Terrace tunnel at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. (Screen Capture/via The Epoch Times) 

By Joseph M. Hanneman

January 7, 2022Updated: January 11, 2022

Newly released video from the West Terrace tunnel of the U.S. Capitol provides more details on the collapse, beating, and death of Rosanne Boyland on Jan. 6, 2021.

A three-hour video unsealed in late December in a Jan. 6 federal criminal case shows that the 34-year-old Trump supporter entered the tunnel, was pushed back out, fell, and was struck by police before her lifeless body was dragged into the Capitol.

Boyland’s sister and a New York attorney have questioned the District of Columbia medical examiner’s finding that Boyland died of an overdose of a prescription medication she took for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Boyland, from Kennesaw, Georgia, traveled to Washington for the Save America rally at the Ellipse on Jan. 6. She is seen on video entering the Capitol tunnel, walking next to conservative activist Philip Anderson, while bystanders continue filing in toward the double doors leading into the Capitol.

About 2 1/2 minutes later, police begin pushing the crowd back. Boyland is seen at one point looking down at her feet as the mass of humanity flows back toward the entrance. Less than two minutes after that, she disappears from view, after falling. Police continue to push the crowd out of the tunnel, causing bodies to pile up on the stairs.

A man wearing a blue cap and a jacket with a fur-trimmed hood points at the ground and pleads with police to stop pushing. Others in the crowd try to hold off the police, desperately signaling that people are down on the sidewalk. Despite the pleas, police make another push against the crowd, sending more bystanders down the stairs.

Men trying to pull people off the pile are doused with pepper spray. About seven minutes after Boyland was pushed out of the tunnel, a man steps right in front of police and shouts, “Stop!” He grabs an aluminum medical crutch off the ground and holds it out in a blocking motion.

At the lower right edge of the tunnel arch, the video shows a Metropolitan Police Department officer repeatedly striking someone at ground level with a baton or a large stick.

Bodycam footage released in 2021 by the U.S. Department of Justice and cellphone videos posted to social media show that Boyland was hit by a police officer numerous times with what appears to be a small tree branch or walking stick.

A man points down to where Rosanne Boyland and others tumbled after being pushed from the Capitol West Terrace tunnel on Jan. 6, 2021. (Screen Capture/via The Epoch Times) 

Shortly after, a group of men carries Boyland to a spot on the sidewalk directly in front of the police line at the center of the tunnel entrance. 

Other videos show a bystander frantically performing CPR on Boyland, whose lips had turned purple. Another man, wearing body armor with a patch that read “Sheriff” on the front, takes over the CPR for a short time, but is then pulled away from Boyland. Police then grab the apparently deceased woman by the feet and drag her into the Capitol.

“She’s dying! She’s dying!” one man cries out to the line of police. “That’s on you, mother [expletive].”

The crowd outside the tunnel then erupts into a rage, charging at police and throwing objects, including flag poles, a riot shield, and what appears to be a stereo speaker.

The new video confirms the limited bodycam footage and eyewitness accounts from Jan. 6, 2021, that Boyland was crushed and trampled when the crowd was pushed out of the tunnel, then repeatedly struck by police as she lay unconscious.

The New York attorney who released the three-hour surveillance video repeated his call for a special prosecutor to investigate what went on in the Capitol tunnel.

New York Times retracts story about officer Sicknick's death

Feb 15, 2021

The New York Times has updated an initial report from last month claiming that Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick was killed due to blunt force truma from a fire extinguisher during the Jan. 6 riot; Mollie Hemingway reacts.

The unveiling of some of the 41,000 hours of video from Jan. 6, 2021, that was hidden from public view for more than two years has sparked a new national conversation about just how much still isn’t known about the Capitol incursion.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson was given exclusive access by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) to U.S. Capitol security videos and other footage, most of it hidden from public view.

If Carlson’s first broadcast special on the footage that aired on March 6 is any indication, the prevailing Jan. 6 narrative is on life support, and the day’s legacy of troubling questions

continues to deepen as a result.

Through the news media, the public has had limited access to the nearly 4.7 years’ worth of video captured by security cameras, police bodycams, and videos taken by tens of thousands of Jan. 6 protesters.

Much of it, however, has been hidden under a judicial protective order. It’s unclear if Congress, as the custodian of Capitol Police security video, provided its entire collection of Jan. 6 video to the Department of Justice. Prosecutors have for more than a year referred to 14,000 hours of video used in the prosecution of alleged Jan. 6 crimes.

The video below has a lot of other videos I downloaded so as provide more data by Epoch times and some of my thoughts on the subject. Click on the image below to see the video.

The Demon-rats call the January 6, 2021 riot at the US Capitol Building, an Insurrection!

Where is the looting? Where is the burning? Where is the beatings of innocent people? Where is the killing of innocent people? Everything we saw during the George Floyd riots, of which was called the SUMMER OF LOVE!!! Such LIES, such HYPOCRISY! 

Click on image below to see video

New Jan. 6 tapes reveal how Capitol cop used his initiative to evacuate senators after boss went SILENT: He was ousted after wearing MAGA hat to save colleagues.


Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday night condemned the treatment of a Capitol Police officer caught on camera wearing a MAGA cap on January 6, arguing that surveillance tapes showed he was doing his job and was wrongly forced out. 

On Tuesday, Tucker Carlson spoke to Lt. Tarik Johnson about the unrest, and Johnson's infamy after he was seen wearing the hat. 

Johnson told Carlson that his bosses had failed them, saying the Capitol Police commanders were ill prepared and did not answer when he radioed seeking guidance.

He said it was shameful that his boss, Assistant Chief Yogananda Pittman, who oversaw the department's operations in the days leading up to the riot, had been praised by Nancy Pelosi and was now in a cozy role heading up policing at the University of California in Berkeley.'The frontline officers and supervisors were not prepared at all,' Johnson told Carlson.

'We had no idea we were going to be facing what we faced that day.'

Carlson broadcast footage of Johnson appearing to help protect the members of Congress inside the building when it was stormed.

Johnson was suspended the day after the riot, when footage of him in the MAGA cap emerged.

He then resigned, believing he had no future at the force.

Carlson presented Johnson diligently doing his job. 

'Around 2 o'clock I hear an officer say the Capitol was breached. So I ran inside to assist,' said Johnson, adding that he locked doors to keep the political leaders safe.

He then radioed his bosses for help. 

'I said something to the effect of, we need direction,' Johnson said.

'"What do you want me to do?" Nobody responded.'

Johnson continued: 'I was requesting permission to evacuate the senate side, the senate chambers, because I had a clear line of sight to get them out the senate door, and I didn't get permission.

'The dispatcher called a couple times to see if I could get permission.

'No response.'

He said that his superiors failed, so he had to take the initiative.

'The person that I thought was going to authorize the evacuation didn't do it,' Johnson said.

'I wanted to get those members of congress out as quickly as I could.

'That's why I initiated those evacuations.'

He said he deliberately ignored the chain of command, and usual procedures. 

'Me being disciplined, it wasn't as important as not getting the members of congress and their staff to safety.'

Carlson asked him about the moment he donned the MAGA cap.

'There was a demonstrator on the right side of me, he reached over and put the MAGA hat on me,' said Johnson, a self-professed Biden voter.

'He asked for it back and I said I would like to keep it as the hat is going to help me.'

Carlson said: 'It's your passport through the crowd.' Johnson agreed.

'I figured if I had the hat on, it would be easier for me to navigate my way through the crowd.

'It was basically self-preservation and de-escalation and I needed to get up those steps.

'I couldn't say what would have happened walking through that crowd without it.'

Johnson said he was never contacted by the January 6 Committee, even though he wanted to testify about what he had seen.

'I asked myself why every day,' he said. 

'And every day I might have a different answer but I looked at how pretty much they focused on Donald Trump, and not the failures of the Capitol Police.'

Asked by Carlson why the rioters were in the Capitol, Johnson said some wanted to be violent, but others believed they were acting patriotically. 

'I think that some people there had planned on being violent. Some people may have turned violent after what they were going through. 

'I think that people wanted to support their president. 

'Some of those people wanted just to support him and some of those people didn't commit violence, and some of those people didn't plan on it.'

The Demon-Rats call the riot at the Capital Building an Insurrection

But yet they ignore the true insurrection that went on for a whole summer calling it a summer of love!

Seattle Mayor Celebrates “Summer of Love” as Rape and Violent Crime Soars in ‘CHAZ’ Communist Utopia

Everything unfolding exactly as predicted.

Published 1 year ago on 12 June, 2020

Paul Joseph Watson

The Mayor of Seattle celebrated a “summer of love” even as rape and violent crime soared in the new “autonomous zone” Communist utopia set up by left-wing extremists in a 6 block area of the city.

The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, or CHAZ, is a police-free district of Seattle that has been overrun by Black Lives Matter protesters since Monday.

After the police building was boarded up (with the tacit support of members of the city council), the first thing protesters did was to build a border wall and check the identities of everyone entering and leaving (oh the irony).

Click on link above

Is this not the true insurrection? 

Click on image above to see video

A riot was declared around 90 minutes later, after some protesters “started throwing ignited paper inside of the Multnomah Building in an attempt to start a fire.” Police said when this did not work, “the group began spraying lighter fluid.”

Investigators Provide Proof Trump & Rally Patriots Had Nothing to Do With 1/6 Storming of DC Capitol ~ Was Preplanned Event by Bad Actors

January 14, 2021

Those of us on the right have known all along that Trump had nothing to do with the riot, but it appears law enforcement is beginning to come around as well.

If they prove that this was a pre-planned event by radicals who just wanted to see destruction, it will be the biggest news story of the year after the media viciously slandered Trump for “inciting” the scattered violence that occurred.

In what should be front page news, federal law enforcement officials have told CNN that they believe the January 6th storming of the Capitol was planned ahead of time by bad actors instead of a random riot inspired by President Trump’s speech.

The entire impeachment witch hunt and de-platforming of the President is based on the lie that Trump “incited an angry mob”. As the investigators are beginning to learn, that was not the case at all.

In fact, CNN even admits that law enforcement is leaning towards the fact that everything was planned, rather than just a riot that “spiraled out of control.”

Here is the report from CNN

Did we see people being beaten to near death during the riot at the US Capital Building?

Machete-wielding man attacked by Dallas mob in disturbing video

By Stephen Sorac, Fox News

May 31, 2020 2:33pm

A machete-wielding man in Dallas was surrounded by a mob and brutally beaten and stoned in a horrifying moment captured on video Saturday night, as looting and violence gripped cities across the country in the wake of the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. 

The man was carrying the machete to “allegedly protect his neighborhood from protesters,” police said, according to WFAA-TV. He confronted protesters while holding the machete and was then assaulted. 

Click on image above to see video

Democratic terrorist Armies BLM and ANTIFA

The Democratic terrorist Armies BLM and ANTIFA looted, Burned, beat up people, and YES, KILLED SOME WITH IMPUNITY!! But when freedom loving Americans protest what they believe to be a fraudulent election at the US Capital building, the Demon-Rats call it an insurrection, talk about hypocrisy!!!

The US Capital building has been bombed several times. There have been shootings. One legislator almost killed another. The most famous episode occurred in 1954, when four Puerto Rican nationalists unfurled the island’s flag and, to shouts of “Freedom for Puerto Rico,” unleashed a barrage of about 30 shots from the visitor’s gallery of the House. Five congressmen were injured, one of them seriously.

“I did not come to kill anyone. I came to die for Puerto Rico!” cried the leader, Lolita Lebron, when she and the others were arrested. Before and since, the Neoclassical building has been a target. In 1915, a German man planted three sticks of dynamite in the Senate reception room; the bundle went off shortly before midnight, when no one was around.

The bomber — who had previously murdered his pregnant wife by poisoning her, and who went on to shoot financier J.P. Morgan Jr. and bomb a steamship loaded with munitions bound for Britain — killed himself before he could be arrested.More recently, the Weather Underground set off an explosive in 1971 to protest the U.S. bombing of Laos, and the May 19th Communist Movement bombed the Senate in 1983 in response to the invasion of Grenada. Neither caused any deaths or injuries, but both resulted in hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage and led to tougher security measures.

The most deadly attack on the Capitol occurred in 1998, when a mentally ill man fired at a checkpoint and killed two Capitol Police officers. One of the dying officers managed to wound the gunman, who was arrested and later institutionalized. A nearby statue of Vice President John C. Calhoun still bears a bullet mark from the incident.In 2013, a dental hygienist with her 18-month-old daughter in tow tried to drive onto the White House grounds and was chased to the Capitol, where she was shot to death by police.

There have been other storied attacks. In 1835, a deranged house painter tried to shoot two pistols at President Andrew Jackson outside the building; the guns misfired, and Jackson caned his assailant into submission.

And famously, in 1856, Rep. Preston Brooks attacked abolitionist Sen. Charles Sumner with his cane on the floor of the Senate after the senator gave a speech criticizing slavery.

Sumner was beaten so badly that three years passed before he had sufficiently recovered to return to Congress. The House failed to expel Brooks, but he resigned — and was immediately reelected.


JAN. 7, 2021 8:28 AM PT


Investigators Release Huge Bombshell That Could Change The Entire Narrative About January 6th

 January 14, 2021  11 Comments

What the Media Isn’t Telling You About Jan. 6

Rob Bluey / @RobertBluey / February 07, 2022

The events of Jan. 6, 2021, are often portrayed by Democrats and their friends in the media as an insurrection. It’s a loaded word meant to imply that protesters were mounting an organized rebellion against the U.S. government.

That description might fit the left’s narrative of what happened on that day in Washington, but it’s a far stretch from the truth, according to Julie Kelly, author of a new book, “January 6: How Democrats Used the Capitol Protest to Launch a War on Terror Against the Political Right.”

Kelly, who is also a contributor to American Greatness, joins “The Daily Signal Podcast” to reveal what she’s uncovered in her new book. Watch the full interview, listen to the podcast, or read a lightly edited transcript below.

Rob Bluey: Let’s start from the moment that this happened at the U.S. Capitol. You have described in other interviews and in the book how you were immediately suspicious or skeptical of the media narrative that was forming on that day. What were the red flags, in your mind?

Julie Kelly: It, first of all, was so out of character for any other Trump rally. How many rallies has he had, including huge ones, that had taken place in November and December late in 2020? None of them had turned violent. I mean, people just weren’t behaving that way. So I think that that really raised some red flags, it just looked so out of character.

And also, just the instant branding of it as an insurrection. That word was planted, seeded very early that day and then it just kept rolling. So you had lawmakers referring to it as an insurrection while it was going on. Joe Biden gave his speech at like 4 o’clock that day, he called it an insurrection. George W. Bush called it an insurrection. Like, where did this term come from?

So to me it just sounded like collusion. It was like a Fusion GPS-type orchestrated campaign, PR campaign, but then a little more sinister behind the scenes. Like, who provoked this? How did this all happen? So that’s some of the things I detail in my book.

Bluey: I’m glad you brought up the point about the word insurrection. Tell us why this was not an insurrection. And then I want to go a little bit deeper and ask about some of the things we see now playing out in our politics today, including in some congressional races where they’re trying to use that same term to get some members of Congress thrown off the ballot.

Kelly: That’s exactly right and I think that that should raise red flags in people’s heads. Was this just an organic uprising incited by [Donald] Trump and the Democrats just happened to be weaponizing it, not just government agencies, but politically? Or was this orchestrated, mainly orchestrated and executed by Trump’s political enemies? Of course, he has a lot of them to do exactly what they’re doing right now.

So yes, they’re targeting these people as insurrectionists. But how can you overthrow a government with no weapons, with no orchestrated groups who were doing it? Of course, the only person who had a firearm or used it that day was the officer who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt. You have kind of these ragtag militia groups, they also did not have any weapons.

The idea that this was an insurrection to overthrow the government that day just makes no sense, but it’s a term that the public could grasp super easily—politicians could, Joe Biden, everyone in charge. Now, of course, no one’s been charged with insurrection, but it doesn’t matter. It’s just law fear and it’s propaganda.

The truths the Jan. 6 committee will never uncover

Much has come to light about the Capitol's security failures that day

By David N. Bossie - - Thursday, July 28, 2022 


Congressional investigations are designed to root out the waste, fraud and abuse of taxpayer dollars as well as provide transparency on important issues for the American people. And there’s widespread agreement that the most effective oversight committees in history have been honest, bipartisan and fair.

By now the American people know that the House Jan. 6 select committee is none of these things; in fact, it’s the exact opposite. It’s an illegitimate committee that has no minority members or rights, it is completely partisan, and its focus is not on the truth, but rather on stopping former President Donald Trump from running for president again.

In the sham committee’s desperate drive to take down Mr. Trump by any means necessary, they’re crafting a narrative that doesn’t quite add up and omits important facts that would not stand if there were proper Republican representation on the committee. Career-politician Reps. Bennie Thompson, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger and Adam Schiff, whose failed job performance has helped pave the way for Congress’ 19% approval rating, want the American people to believe that Mr. Trump did nothing to defuse the riot at the U.S. Capitol. This is the big lie that Ms. Cheney continued to spew on Fox News Sunday recently.

According to a November 2021 Department of Defense Inspector General report, at a Jan. 3, 2021, meeting in the Oval Office, Mr. Trump made it clear he wanted sufficient National Guard available on Jan. 6. The report states, “Mr. Miller and GEN Milley met with the president at the White House at 5:30 p.m. The primary topic they discussed was unrelated to the scheduled rally. GEN Milley told us that at the end of the meeting, the President told Mr. Miller that there would be a large number of protestors on January 6, 2021, and Mr. Miller should ensure sufficient National Guard or Soldiers would be there to make sure it was a safe event. Gen. Milley told us that Mr. Miller responded, ‘We’ve got a plan and we’ve got it covered.’”

Furthermore, Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller’s testified under oath before Congress in May 2021 that on Jan. 5, 2021, “The president ‘commented that “they” were going to need 10,000 troops the following day … I took his comment to mean that a large force would be required to maintain order the following day.’” This doesn’t sound like a president uninterested in safety and security.

Indeed, there is much more to the story than the one-sided “unselect” committee would like to admit. Look no further than the Jan. 4, 2021, memo to the secretary of the Army from Mr. Miller approving the District of Columbia’s request for D.C. National Guard support in response to the upcoming event in Washington on Jan. 6. Mr. Miller wrote “… you are authorized to approve the requested support, subject to my guidance below and subject to consultation with the Attorney General …” This authorization came out of the two meetings with Gen. Milley and Mr. Miller and clearly came from the president of the United States. 

Corrupt, Democrat-Run DoJ Wants Millions More for Jan 6 Political Persecutions

By Pamela Geller - on October 23, 2022

The Soviet-style kangaroo court seeks to expand in order to solidify the 2020 Democrat coup against America.

Is This America? Jan. 6 Prisoners Suffering the Horrors of the Gulag, Ask for Transfer to Gitmo

Since Jan. 20, 2021, America has gone swiftly from being a free republic to being an authoritarian regime in which foes of the rulers are locked up and subjected to conditions that are designed to destroy them and deter others from emulating them. Based on the false claim that the Jan. 6 entry into the Capitol constituted an “insurrection” aimed at nothing less than overthrowing the government, the Biden regime, chiefly Attorney General Merrick Garland, are working to criminalize legitimate political opposition to the Democrats’ far-Left agenda.

The Democrats’ Insurrection Circus Ignores the Real Insurrection, the One They Supported

Compare the reality of Jan. 6 with what happened in Washington during Donald Trump’s inauguration as president on Jan. 20, 2017.

EXCLUSIVE: Jan. 6 Capitol Hill Security Footage Challenges Key Narratives

WASHINGTON—A three-month investigation by The Epoch Times of 41,000 hours of U.S. Capitol Police surveillance video has uncovered dramatic footage that in many cases challenges longstanding narratives about what took place on Jan. 6, 2021.

Since late April, the newspaper has analyzed hundreds of hours of video that was previously hidden from public view.

Sharyl Attkisson: Three Pivotal Moments Revealing Instigators Allowed Behind Police Lines On January 6"Full Measure" host Sharyl Attkisson reveals the results of a year-long investigation into alleged agent-provocateurs in the crowd on January 6, 2021, "the largest mass prosecution of our time." Attkisson examines the actions of three protesters identified as "earmuffs man," "knit-cap man" and "thin-hair man" with John Dodson, the federal agent who blew the whistle on the government's Fast and Furious scandal in 2011, and former FBI agent Stephen Friend. "I think it's odd the way that either he feels comfortable enough or the officer feels comfortable enough to allow him to come in so close and almost whisper to him or talk quietly... He's almost overacting. It's embarrassing," said Dodson about one of the men bouncing between protesters and police lines. "It's allowing those individuals to, those agitators to lead the group, almost like a Pied Piper style, through the Capitol. Those are all problems that could be easily rectified by taking that person out of the equation, removing them, arresting them. It's just very unusual that he's sort of allowed back from behind the lines," said Stephen Friend. "In a matter of just a couple of minutes, these key figures, who'd all once been allowed on the police side of the line are about to break through the police line together and lead the crowd further toward the Speaker's Lobby where Congress is meeting to certify the 2020 election results," Sharyl Attkisson explained. "I didn't see key provocateurs removed from the crowd. In fact, the key provocateurs in this case seem to be sort of tolerated, if not encouraged, by some of the police officers on the front line." "They were definitely tolerated," agreed Dodson. "I understand it's a very dynamic situation. There's a lot going on. But for all these, you know, emergency response team or rapid reaction team to just keep passing him back to no one and allow him to go digging through that bag in the stairwell, it raises a lot of questions." A "high-ranking law enforcement source" told "Full Measure" that "for the first time he knows of, Capitol police weren't given the standard intelligence briefing telling which intelligence agencies, officers, and informants would be in the crowd on January 6." Stephen Friend said: "Could they have been an informant? Perhaps. Could they have been undercover? You never know. I don't think that this is a perfect puzzle where all the pieces go together. I do think though, that there were some just blatant behaviors that day that were not normal, they were very unnatural, that necessitate a full, transparent, and open investigation." SHARYL ATTKISSON: We begin with a look into the role of key instigators and police in the January 6, 2021 U.S. Capitol protests. Authorities haven't provided answers about the role of undercover agents and informants in the crowd that day. A Rasmussen Reports survey found 65% of likely voters say they think undercover government agents likely helped provoke the riots. We review keys moments on video with law enforcement experts who ask, why did police inexplicably stand by and allow some demonstrators to drive the crowd to violence? Today, the results of our yearlong investigation. Untold thousands attended the massive pro-Trump rally on January 6, 2021, questioning the overnight, come-from-behind victory for Joe Biden. President Donald Trump (January 6, 2021): I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. The vast majority were peaceful. But some became violent. More than 1,000 have been arrested in the largest mass prosecution of our time. A persistent unanswered question: did the same government agencies whose officials conspired against Trump, including an FBI attorney convicted after falsifying evidence, use January 6th to try to do more political damage? Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) (July 12 Congressional hearing): How many individuals were either FBI employees or people that the FBI had made contact with were in the January 6th entry of the Capitol and surrounding area? Christoper Wray/ FBI Director: So I really need to be careful here, talking about where we have or have not used confidential human sources. Our Full Measure investigation examined video taken inside the U.S. Capitol by Black Lives Matter supporter and activist John Sullivan, who admits he was there impersonating a Trump supporter. In an earlier video -- now removed from the Internet -- Sullivan urges a crowd of supporters to attempt a violent coup against then-President Trump. John Sullivan (August 2020/Washington DC) : We gotta f--in' rip Trump outta that office right over there, f--in' pull him out that s--. Naw naw we ain't about f--in' waitin' 'til that next election, we 'bout to go get that mother f--er. I ain't about that s--. Five months later, on January 6, 2021, Sullivan recording this video at the Capitol pretending to be a Trump supporter... Sullivan: We took this s--. ...heard from behind the camera instigating others. Sullivan: Let me through, I got a knife. I got a knife. Sullivan's video inadvertently shed light on key moments and key players in action. More than a dozen FBI agents and other authorities analyzed the video for our investigation. Two agreed to appear on camera. John Dodson, the federal agent who blew the whistle on the government's Fast and Furious scandal in 2011, a secret operation under the Justice Department that put thousands of weapons into the hands of Mexico's drug cartels. Stephen Friend made news last year as an FBI Special Agent who refused to take part in SWAT raids of non-violent January 6 suspects and blew the whistle on what he sees as the FBI's political slant. Both have extensive experience working undercover with informants. Sharyl: We would expect there to be federal law enforcement and maybe local law enforcement undercover in this crowd. What would cross a line? What are you not supposed to do? Dodson: Well, you can't incite violence or incite a riot. You can't smash a door down and then have everyone come in and then charge everyone with trespassing. You're not supposed to, you know, hype people up to a frenzy, to the point where they're -- where otherwise law-abiding citizen is going to violate the law. And, so there are rules on all these things. But primarily your job there, whether you're an undercover law enforcement officer or you're an informant or confidential human source, you're supposed to observe and report real-time intelligence back to your handler so that they can make the decisions and get the assets in place that are needed to control the situation, not to incite it and let it go out of control. On the video, authorities didn't follow routine procedures to defuse the situation by quickly separating leaders and instigators from the crowd. That was a pattern identified by our analysts. Two instigators surprisingly appear from behind police lines. Other demonstrators are seen briefly joining police on or behind the line, conferring in a familiar way, before leading the crowd in pushing past police. We'll review three pivotal moments. In the first scenario the man in a knit cap and blue jacket with his back to us appears and engages an officer. Dodson: I think it's odd the way that either he feels comfortable enough or the officer feels comfortable enough to allow him to come in so close and almost whisper to him or talk quietly. You're holding a line. Like, that's your job while you're there. So you maintain a distance of safety and a reactionary distance where, in case things get bad instantly, you can do that. But it looks like that's vacated here. A supervisor tells police and the knit-cap man to "hold." Police supervisor: Just hold everybody. Hold. Hold. Seconds later, a man dressed as a Trump supporter with a beard and flag -- we'll call him "Santa Claus" -- appears from behind the police line with an apparent escort. The escort goes on to join the police line. Dodson: Wondering where the individual came from that came from behind their line, and to just, for him to have free rein standing along behind them? And the other individual that escorted him there just kind of disappeared forward of the line. So, it's strange why, if you're holding off a section of a building or any area for a protest or anything like that, that you allow people to mingle around behind you. Even if they somehow manage to get there, once you notice that they're there, you should immediately place them on the other side of the line. "Santa Claus" blends into the scene by joining "knit-cap man" engaging the officer. Within seconds, the two men push past police and lead the crowd through. Friend: The "knit-cap man" is still very angry and very determined. He's very resolute in the way that he walks down this hallway. When he comes to this juncture here, there's no looking either way, left or right, trying to figure out where you're gonna go. He is beeline straight for his destination, which to me seems like he knows where he's going, which is very unusual for a regular person. The second scene we focus on happens a few minutes later. This man with thinning hair works his way to the front of the crowd and, along with the man in the red cap, they aggressively beckon authorities and confer with them. "Thin-hair man" is allowed behind the police line where he has extensive discussions with the Capitol sergeant at arms law enforcement official in the dark suit. That official leaves the conversation and appears to give instructions to two people who scurry down the hall. Two minutes later, another instigator is about to appear -- again from behind police lines. You can't see him yet, but you'll see him in a moment. He appears to be escorted by that sergeant at arms official here, and also by police who -- instead of arresting him -- guide him toward the crowd. He's wearing an earmuff hat. Dodson: Let's see, he's almost like, overacting. It's embarrassing. Yeah, where does he come from? And why does he walk through? And if he's already, you know, breached one significant area or a control area that you have control over, why isn't he arrested and immediately removed from the scene then? "Earmuff man" -- you're seeing the back of his head here -- calmly confers multiple times with an officer who points directionally. There's more chatting with the officer. And then, "Earmuff Man" suddenly changes demeanor, starts acting out again, and is allowed to join the protesters in a lead position. Friend: There just was some basic safety protocols that were not being followed. And that is escorting individuals who you perceive to be potentially violent agitators and allowing them to go through your ranks and stand behind you when you're not able to keep eyes on them, unsecured. It's allowing those individuals to, those agitators to lead the group, almost like a Pied Piper style, through the Capitol. Those are all problems that could be easily rectified by taking that person out of the equation, removing them, arresting them. It's just very unusual that he's sort of allowed back from behind the lines. And then, when he is pushed to the group, and they've sort of put him in the lead position, which is unusual. A man with gray hair, dressed as a Trump supporter, is allowed behind the police line, where he talks to police and even joins them facing protesters. In a matter of just a couple of minutes, these key figures, who'd all once been allowed on the police side of the line are about to break through the police line together and lead the crowd further toward the Speaker's Lobby where Congress is meeting to certify the 2020 election results. There's the gray-haired man, he's first. That's "thin-hair man" and "earmuff man". Dodson: The first thing you gotta do is you gotta get rid of the troublemakers. Sharyl: I didn't see key provocateurs removed from the crowd. In fact, the key provocateurs in this case seem to be sort of tolerated, if not encouraged, by some of the police officers on the front line. Dodson: They were definitely tolerated. Now outside the House floor, our analysts note numerous protesters using hand signals. John Dodson: So, watch his hand. Stephen Friend: Yeah. He's identifying somebody. Dodson: Yeah, he's picking somebody out in the crowd and pointing to them up there. Friend: He is signaling somebody. And there's another fist up right now. So there's multiple people that are doing the fist. Some ten minutes after "Earmuff Man" first appeared on the video from behind the police line and blended in with the crowd, he's the key instigator outside a hallway called the Speaker's Lobby. Notice the officer doesn't react or pull away when "Earmuff Man" grabs him by the hand. A police team in riot gear arrives. They're nearby off-camera, and three officers guarding the Speaker's Lobby suddenly walk off. Friend: And immediately they all walk away. Dodson: I'd love to know why or who gave the order for them to abandon that post. Everything seemed calm. They had it under control. They were holding their line. And then they forfeited, and I don't know why. "Earmuff Man" removes his hat and mask and takes the lead, beating on the glass with a helmet as police and a sergeant at arms official watch. The gun of Capitol Police Lieutenant Michael Byrd can be seen. He fires, killing an unarmed protester named Ashli Babbitt as she climbs through a broken window. "Earmuff Man" immediately runs behind the line of police in riot gear who are watching, positioned on a staircase just steps away, and they let him in. Though he was a violent leader just moments before, he can be seen speaking with and touching officers who then allow him to crouch and dig through his backpack as they turn their backs to him. Friend: Yeah, that's an emergency response team. So they're not there to negotiate with you. They're there to put you on the ground. But they're letting him back. Dodson: If you look down there now, so he's changing his shirt. Friend: He's getting things or putting things in his bag. Sharyl: So in police training, would you ever let a demonstrator after a shooting come behind your line and turn your back on him, dig through his backpack? Friend: No. Dodson: No Friend: No. Dodson: He's gonna be controlled. Firstly, if he's behind the line, it's because we want him there, and then he's gonna have somebody with him. He's gonna have somebody probably on top of him. Sharyl: If he were a demonstrator? Dodson: Right, yeah. Literally. If I need to talk to him, hold onto him, and we pass him to the back, then they're holding onto him very, very securely until it's over with and we're done talking to him. Sharyl: What does this scene say to you? Dodson: He obviously has free range to do -- now I understand it's a very dynamic situation. There's a lot going on. But for all these, you know, emergency response team or rapid reaction team to just keep passing him back to no one and allow him to go digging through that bag in the stairwell, it raises a lot of questions. Sharyl: Tell me about procedure and what you see here? Friend: He would've been passed down the steps and restrained. He might have handcuffs, zip ties on him, if he was somebody that you were passing down the line. If he was a crowd control issue, he's certainly within lunging distance for these guys. They're clearly comfortable with him being there. The last guy on the line doesn't even have his face towards him. He's got his back towards him. "Earmuff Man" wasn't arrested that day. But images of him breaking the glass before Ashli Babbitt was shot were shown on the news and online. Amid the public uproar, he was arrested about a month later. His name: Zachary Alam. His indictment didn't explain why he took a lead that day, or mention any evidence he's a Trump supporter. We asked the Justice Department to help identify and provide context for key instigators seen on camera, but they declined. Lawyers representing Alam didn't return calls. He now awaits January sentencing on 10 criminal convictions. A Justice Department press release says Alam had roamed violently around the Capitol on January 6 until he was quote "corralled" in that hallway, where police inexplicably allowed him to join the crowd and become a leader. More questions are raised by a high-ranking law enforcement source that day. He tells Full Measure that, for the first time he knows of, Capitol police weren't given the standard intelligence briefing telling which intelligence agencies, officers, and informants would be in the crowd on January 6. And last month, former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund testified that, in a deviation from normal practice, undercover officers from other departments were embedded without his knowledge. Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) (September 19 Congressional hearing): We actually have evidence and records indicating plainclothes MPD officers were on Capitol grounds on January 6, and you're saying you weren't aware that they would have embedded those officers within the crowd? They didn't make you aware of that? Steven Sund: No sir, they did not make me aware of it. FBI Director Christopher Wray has gone on record denying his agency played any improper role. Christopher Wray/FBI Director (July 12): I will say that this notion that somehow the violence at the Capitol on January 6 was part of some operation orchestrated by FBI sources and agents is ludicrous and is a disservice to our brave, hardworking, dedicated men and women. Sharyl: Is it a rational question to ask, whether those people were working with the federal agencies or with police? Friend: Yes, it's absolutely a completely reasonable question. What, could they have been an informant? Perhaps. Could they have been an undercover? You never know. I don't think that this is a perfect puzzle where all the pieces go together. I do think though, that there were some just blatant behaviors that day that were not normal -- they were very unnatural -- that necessitate a full, transparent, and open investigation by the individuals that are positioned to do that in government and by individuals such as yourself in media who should have access to that footage so that they can present it to the American people.