Feature Translations

Chinese to English Language Translation - feelings and emotions


When you have a wife like this, what's more should you ask for?


When even jumping into the sea could not cast off the assasination that followed, the life-threatening spear fell from the sky and ruthlessly penetrated his chest.


Sergey who knows medical, understood that everything had been helpless, the spear shot him in the aorta and he will soon be dead. He just wanted to see his fiancée again for the last time.


Risking his life with expectation, enduring the immense pain in the heart, over the mountains, from the sea to the city, people on the way sit on the sidelines, looking coldly, surrounded Sergey. Sergey shouted: "Go away!" But people were indifferent.

跋山涉水,历尽千辛万苦的来到未婚妻居住的小区。这一刻, 时间静止,让谢尔心想: 上天也算待我不薄。

Over the mountains and rivers, gone through all the hardships to come to the residential area where his fiancee lives. At this moment, the time is still, Sergey thought: God treats me well.

展开双臂,未婚妻毅然决然的飞奔入谢尔的怀抱,不顾长矛也刺穿她的身体。生同衾,死同穴, 也算不负这份感情了。

Spreading his arms, his fiancee resolutely rushed into those arms, despite the spear piercing through her body. Together, through life and death, is the ultimate of a relationship.