Workshop Information
May 19, 2023
Workshop resources are being linked under descriptions below and in this folder as we receive them
Leading through choppy seas with Laurayne Tafa
Our whakataukī for this years HoD day He moana pukepuke e ekengia e te waka - A choppy sea can be navigated.
In this keynote Laurayne shared with us her whakaaro around this whakataukī.
Laurayne is a highly skilled and engaging professional with extensive experience in instructional and transformational leadership, teaching, advisory and evaluation.
She focuses on building capability within school communities for cultural transformation and draws on evidence-based research to improve organisational performance.
Laurayne is unapologetic about supporting schools to challenge the status quo to achieve improved outcomes for those groups that do not yet experience equity.
The NCEA Change Programme, Ministry of Education Panel
The NCEA Change Programme is the result of Kōrero Mātauranga in 2018. As we look towards the imminent implementation of NCEA Level 1 and the new literacy and numeracy requirements, a panel from the Ministry of Education working in the NCEA Change Programme are here to respond to your questions, concerns and hear your feedback.
Join Mark Hooper (Learning Area Lead for Mathematics and Statistics), Catherine Newson (Lead Secondary Advisor), Edwin Small (NCEA Implementation Facilitator - Mathematics and Statistics) and Karen Chow (Learning Area Lead - Numeracy) for this kōrero.
To begin the conversation with the panel, we encourage you to submit your questions through AMA as it would be good to have an indication of common questions so we can make sure we respond to those first.
Please submit your questions during the registration process or here. Note. no questions will be taken from the floor during the session.
Session One: Auckland Regional Breakouts. 10am - 10:30am
Bringing back the clusters to support the changes
Navigating our way through these times of change is better done together. AMA would like to help navigate these choppy seas by supporting local cluster meetings.
In this session we will gather in our local cluster groups to reconnect.
For today please join the cluster region for where your school is located.
For more information contact with the word "cluster inquiry" in the subject line
Room 1: South Auckland and Counties Manukau
Room 2: East Auckland Schools
Room 3: Central Auckland
Room 4: Orewa, North Shore and those outside Auckland
Room 5: West Auckland
Session Two: WS1. 11am - 12:15pm
Workshop details
2A Revitalising Mathematics Teaching for Year 9 and 10: Sharing Strategies and Pedagogies for the Curriculum Refresh.
Sunny Dama and Thur Borren, Pakuranga College
This collaborative session is designed to help HODs support their teachers in teaching mathematics and statistics effectively to Year 9 and 10 students, in light of the Curriculum Refresh. We will share insights and tips on how to adapt to the changes in the curriculum and ensure that students have the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. We have been working on this in our Kahui Ako (CoL). We also intend to unpack the Common Practice Model further and see how that will influence our Year 9 and Year 10 program.
Sunny Dama is a passionate Mathematician who is in his seventh year as a Mathematics Educator. He is currently the Head of Junior Mathematics at Pakuranga College and is working on unpacking and implementing the Curriculum Refresh with the Kahui Ako (CoL) and College
Thur Borren was a Mechanical Engineer before moving into teaching more than a decade ago. He previously was the Head of Mathematics at Pakuranga College and now is leading the Mathematics Focus Group as an Across School Leader in their Kahui Ako (CoL).
2B Course Design for Year 11 – starting the important pathway to Phase Five of the refreshed curriculum.
Mark Hooper, Ministry of Education
Mark’s workshop will focus on course design for students entering Year 11 to help set up an ambitious pathway through Mathematics and Statistics through to the end Year 13, ensuring pathways beyond high school are set up. Using the new Learning Matrix and refreshed curriculum for Mathematics and Statistics Mark will exemplify what the opportunities in Phase Five of the refreshed curriculum could look like. Tools will be shared that help in this planning as well as practically using some latest evidence based research to help guide – and challenge – our thinking for Mathematics and Statistics pedagogy.
Mark is the Learning Area lead for mathematics and statistics at the Ministry of Education.
2C NCEA Change Implications for Assessment practices.
Edwin Small, NCEA Implementation Facilitator (NIF), Ministry of Education
Thanks to Karyn Chow for stepping in to cover for Edwin
Edwin’s workshop will focus on NCEA Change Implications for Assessment practices.
Broad implications of the 7 key aspects of the changes
Implications for credible assessment of the new internals
Implications of offering the new externals
Edwin is currently an NCEA Implementation Facilitator in the Te Tai Raro region Ministry of Education. He has had experience as a Mathematics HOD and Senior Leader in New Zealand and abroad.
2D Top tips for a new head of department in Mathematics and Statistics.
Alan Santos and Lucy Edmonds, Papatoetoe High School and Green Bay High School
Moving from being a teacher to a middle leader or moving as a middle leader between schools offer opportunities to shape innovation and lead change in schools, particularly change directed at raising student achievement.
In this collaborative session Lucy and Alan will share with you their experiences in leading a team and offer guidance to help you smooth the transition.
2E Common Practice Model: mathematics and statistics : cancelled
Julia Crawford, Cognition Education
Room 5
An opportunity to explore the Phase 1: Principles and pedagogical approaches of the Common Practice Model (CPM). Julia will talk through her understanding of the CPM. We’ll do a deeper dive into the pedagogical approaches and consider what the practices might look like. Bring your thoughts, musing and wonderings.
Julia is an experienced Mathematics and Statistics teacher with a passion for supporting teachers to make learning engaging and relevant for all. Julia is a member of the Common Practice Model Contributors Group. She is an accredited PLD facilitator with Cognition Education. Julia has expertise in improving pedagogy in mathematics and statistics, designing school wide programs with a focus on the transition between primary and secondary school, statistics teaching and learning, and NCEA assessment.
Session Three : WS2. 12:20pm - 1:35pm
Workshop details
3A Exploring Mātauranga Māori using pūrākau
Dr Pania Te Maro, Massey University
Te Poutāhū senior (curriculum) manager Rob Mill told the Herald that “An operating model was … developed for all Learning Areas in the NZC (New Zealand Curriculum) that embeds mātauranga Māori in subject materials and products, where appropriate, as they are being developed.
Inclusion of mātauranga Māori is adding local and authentic context, as well as deepening each subject’s existing knowledge base.” Mātauranga Māori and te reo Māori are being woven throughout curricula and pilot feedback data suggests that kaiako and ākonga have been positive about the inclusion of mātauranga Māori in NCEA level 1.
This workshop will be a space to ask burning questions and share ideas about what works, following a quick example of how mātauranga Māori differs to mathematics, yet each body of knowledge can contribute to the other. It is worth reading this article before joining the workshop.
Associate professor Pania Te Maro is a mum of 5 adults and nanna of 12 mokopuna. She is also Associate Dean Māori for the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kaihautū Māori for the Institute of Education and one of the Kaiārahi Tiriti for Massey University. She is based in the Manawatū, but is Ngāti Pōrou. She taught for 14 years in bilingual and immersion education (from Kōhanga to Wānanga), and has spent 18 years teaching in Initial Teacher Education in tertiary education, completing a Ph.D. focused on mathematics education in Kura.
3B Situating Numeracy within Maths. Karen Chow, Learning Area Lead Numeracy, Ministry of Education
With the release of the Literacy & Communication and Maths Strategy in March 2022, the Common Practice Model - Principles and Pedagogical Approaches in March 2023, the term Maths has become used with greater frequency. This workshop looks at how the new Numeracy standard fits into these wider pieces of work, and provides an update from the announcement made by Minister Tinetti.
Karen has a decade's experience in teaching Mathematics and Statistics in Wellington secondary schools. She is currently the Learning Area Lead for Numeracy. Her work involves supporting teachers and schools with the changes involved in strengthening Literacy and Numeracy.
3C Using the Level 1 Matrix for creative teaching and learning Catherine Newson, Ministry of Education
This workshop will look at ideas for creative teaching and learning using the Learning Matrix for Level 1 Mathematics and Statistics. This will be a practical workshop to help teachers identify how teaching and learning can contribute or build towards assessment. We will cover all areas of Level 1 learning with all achievement standards in mind, thinking about a range of topics or themes that interest young people. Universal Design for Learning will be covered as part of this workshop.
Catherine is currently a Lead Secondary Advisor for the Ministry of Education, working across the Mathematics and Statistics learning area. She has taught in a range of secondary schools in the Lower North Island and has experience as both a dean and HoD.
3D Teaching financial literacy to senior students using Sorted in Schools.
Claire Bailey and Su Min Ahn,
Would you like some free financial literacy resources for your senior students? Sorted in Schools offers assessment materials that you can use in your classroom to teach financial literacy. In this workshop, I will give you an overview of the unit standard and achievement standard materials that we have to offer. I will show you how to find resources for your students on the Sorted in Schools website and answer your questions
Claire is the Learning Specialist for Sorted in Schools. She supports teachers in English medium schools to teach financial literacy using the Sorted in Schools resources. Claire worked as a secondary school teacher in Auckland for 10 years before joining the Sorted in Schools team.
Su Min has 10 years of experience teaching in secondary schools in Auckland. She has been working as a learning designer of EME (English Medium education) at Sorted in Schools for two years.
3E Coaching teachers? Lets go to the North East.
Nadeen Papalii and Maria Sevao, Ako Mātātupu Teach First NZ
North east refers to the interface of high interactions (North) and highly relational (East).
As we lead our department there is a presumption that we ourselves exemplify the effective teacher and often we want to check that and uphold that. A tool to support your own development that could also support the growth of your team to implement effective teaching is the actions found within Teaching to the North East. This session will take you through Russell Bishop's actions in Teaching to the North East as a tool to apply to yourself and your team.
As we mentored beginning teachers we realised upon exploring this model that this isn't just for beginning teachers, if anything, it's our gauge to see we are North East Teachers.
Nadeen Papali’i and Maria Sevao currently work in Initial Teacher Education, nurturing beginner teachers at Ako Mātātupu, Teach First NZ. They both proudly represent the communities that raised them, Samoa and South Auckland. They have been teachers of Mathematics and Statistics at Tangaroa College, James Cook High School and Southern Cross Campus and have been in education for over a decade. Both have held various positions in tertiary and secondary schools; Dean, Kahui Ako (Col) and curriculum, but most importantly a classroom teacher.
Session Four: Panel Discussion with Ministry of Education. 2:15pm to 3pm
Questions for Panel - these were answered on the day
Additional questions responses
The NCEA Change Programme is the result of Kōrero Mātauranga in 2018. As we look towards the imminent implementation of NCEA Level 1 and the new literacy and numeracy requirements, a panel from the Ministry of Education working in the NCEA Change Programme are here to respond to your questions, concerns and hear your feedback.
Join Mark Hooper (Learning Area Lead for Mathematics and Statistics), Catherine Newson (Lead Secondary Advisor), Edwin Small (NCEA Implementation Facilitator - Mathematics and Statistics) and Karen Chow (Learning Area Lead - Numeracy) for this kōrero.
To begin the conversation with the panel, we encourage you to submit your questions here prior to the day. No questions will be taken from the floor during the panel discussion