Session 1

Workshop details

10:35 - 11:30

WS 1A: Supporting professional development and teacher inquiry

Banquet Room

Julia Crawford: Cognition Education

Let’s focus on the real reasons we are teach and lead our faculties… to inspire fabulous learning and teaching of Mathematics and Statistics. Professional Learning and Development can provide the opportunity to build a strong team that focuses on more than admin, assessment and behaviour management. What does worthwhile Professional Learning and Development look like? How can we lead and support teachers of mathematics in our departments and Kāhui Ako to grow and improve their teaching practice? In this workshop we will explore ways to engage teachers in making changes or improvements by considering teacher inquiry methods, lesson studies, some NZ research on PLD and ways to get funding and support.

Link to resources and presentation

WS 1B: Digging Deeper into Culturally Responsive Leadership and Tapasā

Room: Lagoon Room

Alana Madgwick: Education Consultant

This is a follow-up workshop from the opening address. We will dig deeper into the main ideas presented by Alana through group discussion and solution building


WS 1C: Data Dash you say? Now that sounds like a hoot!

Conference Room

Rhys Jones, The University of Auckland & Jon Fahlander, Takapuna Grammar School

In this workshop, we will explore ways to foster student engagement using real world survey data. This will be achieved by participants undertaking a Data Dash (mini research project), so please make sure you bring a laptop! The session will end with a discussion of the benefits for students accessing rich data sets like the World Value Survey. We will also give suggestions as to where these approaches can be used in the classroom, linked to the relevant NZQA standards.

Link to presentation

WS 1D: No Man Left Behind

Terrace Room

Sam Cooke Vanguard Military School

In this workshop we will discuss and unpack strategies that are used at Vanguard Military school to achieve high levels of success for all ability, ethnicity and engagement levels of students.


WS 1E: FlipGrid & Forms

Waipuna Room

Subash Chandar K, Ormiston Senior College

This workshop will have two parts, during the first half we will explore the use of Flipgrid and Microsoft Forms to amplify student's voice.

Flipgrid is the leading video discussion platform for educators, students, and families. You will learn how to create a Grid community for your classroom and school.

The second half of this workshop will focus on using Microsoft Forms for Quizzes. Please bring a laptop to this session. Office 365 is useful for Forms. Flipgrid is free.

Please note: Download the Flipgrid App to your device before the workshop

Link to presentation