
Want to learn more about each specific committee?

Explore our website for information.

The Band Council Executives are responsible for
keeping band council up and running.



Learn more about the executives below!

Planning committee is in charge of brainstorming ideas, purchasing items needed for events, set-ups and clean-ups, and everything planning wise. 

Do you enjoy being organized?
Do you enjoy planning ahead?
Do you enjoy hosting events?

Then consider joining the Planning Committee!

Click HERE to learn more about the Planning Committee.

Publicist committee is in charge of publicity and advertisement.

Photography committee works both semesters taking all of our band photos.

Technology committee is the band council tech support.

Class representatives are in charge of conveying
information to each individual band class.

The video committee is in charge of filming, editing,
and producing all videos for band council.

The yearbook committee is responsible for
creating the Band Yearbook anually.

The logistics committee helps with the set-up & tear-down of all events in the band, including concert and marching band.