HTMP1 SY2022-23

Year-end Reflections 05/17/23

1. Describe at least two of the most important lessons you learned from our class (refer to your textbooks and also on life).

-Two of the most important lessons I learned in the class is the difference between customer service and hospitality and the courses on Everfi. Life lessons I learned is learning people skills and knowing how to communicate with other people and my peers. 

2. What were your most memorable experiences from our class?

-My most memorable experiences is when we did professional dress and when we had our field trip. I feel as if those two events really brought most of us together and made us feel more confident and comfortable around each other.

3. If I had to redo my school year, what would I do differently?

-During the school year I procrastinated to do my work and I would change that because I wouldn't have been so lazy. Also I would've gotten all my work in on time.

4. Rate your effort for our class (5 being the highest to 1 being the lowest) and describe your one challenge and one success during this school year.

-I would rate my effort a 4. Although I had challenges through out the school year like losing motivation and being lazy, I would say I still put in a good amount of effort to get all my work done. I also made it an effort to get to know my classmates and their interests. One success during the school year would be getting student of the month and realizing how much my teacher actually appreciates having me in class. 

5. Add at least two favorite photos of your class from this school year.

Classroom Environment 04/17/23

The classroom itself is clean enough. It's good that we are able to keep it clean and sanitized. I'm glad that we are able to be in a classroom with aircon and not be hot or sweaty. It's also good that our classroom has no leaks or buckets around that are a safety hazard. 

Being in the classroom makes me feel comfortable. We are able to share our thoughts and not worry about being judged. We can also comfort each other and ask questions about any and everything. I'm glad that we are encouraged to open up to each other because in other classes, our teachers could probably care less about our social life outside of the class. 

Guam through the eyes of a tourist 03/29/23

1. What were your impressions of Guam from the perspective of a tourist? 

-My impressions of Guam is that the island is very beautiful and something you don't get to see everyday. It was also good to find out more information about each site we went to and get a better look into the history. Rare sites don't even get seen often because of how trashy the places get and how far everything is. It takes time and planning to actually go to each site. 

2. What recommendations do you have to improve Guam's scenic and historic sites?

-A recommendation would definitely be to keep all the places clean. Also friendly people and guides to explain where you are and the history behind the place. 

3. Which were the places that you visited for the first time? Which was your favorite site and why?

-I've been to every place we saw on the field trip, but my favorite site was the South Pacific Memorial Park because it's away from everything and has a very unique area to walk down to. You can also find caves at the bottom and experience what it was like for the soldiers.

4. Which team gave the best presentation? Explain. And if you were in a presentation team, comment on how your team did.

-The team for Asan Bay overlook gave one of the best presentations about their site. They memorized everything and seemed very prepared. I feel like my team wasn't as prepared and got really nervous when we started presenting. We also kind of went speechless and didn't help eachother while presenting. Although it was short and brief, we could've done so much better. 

5. What was your biggest surprise about the whole field trip?

-My biggest suprise about the whole field trip was being able to go to each site and spend time there. Also going to a site that wasn't even apart of our plan. It was good to see each one and get the feel of being a tourist. 

6. Please comment on our Lam Lam Tours bus driver, Mr. Mike Santos (how well did he do his job, what was the bus condition?).

-Our bus driver did good. He got us to each site safely and he was very friendly. While getting off and on the bus, he greeted us with a smile. The bus itself was in good condition and wasn't messy or anything. 

7. What would you change if we were to redo this field trip? (sorry, we cannot change the weather or our climate). 

-If we were to redo the field trip, I would change the sites we went to and try to go futher down south. Although the ones we went to were very nice, it's also good to see the ones that are further away from the north. 

Freshman Recruitment Reflection 02/13/23

During recruitment my role was to present to the freshman what the program is about. It was to inform them on what to expect if they were to join the program. The recruitment was conducted by a presentation and questions were asked after. We prepared by practicing multiple times until we got it close enough to right. The preparation was a little stressful because it took awhile to memorize what we had to say. 

The outcome of the recruitment week was successful. I feel like I did good and presented good.The students sounded enthusiastic and seemed excited to join. At first they were shy, but they opened up in the end while asking questions. The freshman responded with positive comments and were happy while we were presenting. 

I think we can improve on our recruitment process by being more prepared and knowing our lines without reading it off of something. Also by taking it more seriously and being professional. Next time, I will read my lines more to be able to memorize them. I will also act more serious and not be nervous or shaky. 

Everfi Reflection 02/10/23

1. How useful was this course to you?

The course was useful to me because it helped me know more about financial literacy.  It also helped me know more about what to expect when I have bills to pay and when I get a job.  It also taught me how to be more responsible with my money and what to do to save more money. It also helped me learn more about insurance and future finance problems. 

2. What were the easiest and most difficult modules?

I'd say the easiest module was banking basics because I knew most about what the module had to offer.  Having a bank account to put your savings in is very useful. The hardest module would probably be income and employment. Not only is it difficult to manage a balanced income, but also to put money aside for your needs and wants. Taxes are also something that gets in the way if you are in financial debt. 

3. What additional topic would you like for this course to cover? (investments, Social Security, retirement, etc.)

I think a topic that would be nice to add is investments because sometimes  people don't know what they are investing their money in and end up in a deep hole of financial problems. Also because sometimes people aren't responsible with their money. 

4. Why would you recommend this course? 

I would recommend this course because it helps you become financially prepared for your future. Also for when you become employed and don't know how to manage the money you're making. This course is also good because it teaches you how to be responsible with your money.