
An alumni-led service for students and graduates of Dresden International School

What is ConnectDIS?

ConnectDIS is an independent organisation founded by DIS alumni who want to support DIS students and fellow alumni through experience-based-advice. The IB is a real struggle that intensifies towards graduation. On top of IAs, EEs, TOK essays, and exam prep students are expected to make consequential decisions about their future. Because we know what it's like, we are here to help you a little. The service is mainly for students in grades 10 to 12 but we also support students who are doing a gap year or who want to study later. This mentorship program is in its early stages but is developing quickly.

The alumni that are members of ConnectDIS are familiar with university applications and university or work life in the following countries:

A more detailed look: How does it work?

Step 1: What do you want help with?

  • What are your options after graduating

  • University and apprenticeship choices

  • Organizing a gap year

  • Formalities of university application processes

  • Entrance exams or interviews

  • Scholarships

  • Tutoring

Step 2: You make use of our resources

  • Contacting alumni with experiences in the matters you seek advice about

  • Articles guiding you through common challenges

  • Compilation of secondary sources and links

Step 3: You hopefully got the help you wanted and consider joining once you've graduated to keep this thing going!


As a student, you can watch short videos filmed by university students on the universities/degrees you would like to apply to on the platform Vioo. Watch dorm tours, campus tours, days in the life, or videos on clubs and society videos. This is the link to sign up for free:

Use School Code: dresden2021

What does DIS think?

"We fully support this alumni initiative. Our students will certainly benefit from the experience and knowledge of the graduates and thus also get the one or other life hack. The commitment of the alumni reflects the values that Dresden International School lives and communicates to its students. It is great to see our alumni network growing." (Konstanze Gensmann - Development Dresden International School)

What does Mr. Beck think?

ConnectDIS is a growing network our students are encouraged to use to strengthen their university applications. Many of our DIS alumni or ex-students have agreed to be contacted to advise current students on applying for renowned universities. We also encourage current students to join this valuable network to foster the future careers of DIS graduates. Thank you to Christian and Florian for initiating this inspiring project.

This Alumni service also enhances my role as DIS University Counsellor, along with Ms. Kratina (German Universities) and Ms. Bassam- Coles (IB Diploma Coordinator). We can refer students directly to our successful Alumni to provide first-hand advice in course applications.

Presentations from previous careers events:

From DIS to Uni


  • ConnectDIS is maintained entirely on a volunteer basis

  • ConnectDIS does not stand above the school or its careers service and advice should always be checked with the school's careers counsellor

  • ConnectDIS is a private initiative and is run privately by DIS alumni

  • Regarding tutoring services, some alumni and students might make further agreements that are not related to ConnectDIS


Administrator: Christian Pilling

Email: cpilling943(a)