The Neighborhood Association

  • Structure: The Altura Park N.A. is an "O-29 organization" recognized by the City Office of Neighborhood Coordination, which basically means it is staffed by member volunteers and entitled to collect dues. Click to review its charter and by-laws, meetings minutes, and notes from sessions with city officials.

  • Membership: APNA boundaries comprise 235 households. Priorities for the Board this year is to increase member engagment, create a healthy and fun environment through events and activities, maintain the beauty of the park and safety of our residents. We can only accomplish this through our annual dues, and the generous donations of those members that contribute more than the $20.00 minimum. Thank you!

  • The APNA Board: A variable number of Board members (currently 11) are elected at a neighborhood-wide annual meeting, to serve staggered 2-year terms. Current Board members are: Neal Spero (President), Robert Jackson* (Vice President/Secretary); Bruce Roach (Treasurer); Judi Lavin, Charlie Bachechi*, Joyce Kolberg*, Nathan Mann*, Gregg Flynn, Jenna Hunter, Debra Heath*.

*elected to serve a two year term at the 2022 annual meeting; October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2024

  • Meetings and Committees:

The annual meeting of the entire membership occurs in September, in the Park.

There are two committees : Park Trees and Grounds, and Outreach and Engagement.