Alcohol, Gambling, Vaping, Smoking

Are things getting out of control?

Are you sick of trying?


actually want to stop or make a change?     

Allow me to assist you


Arrange a time to meet online, or face to face for a 30 - 40 minute consult

A personalized approach. Become one of the thousands of people who have quit vaping or smoking, reduced or stopped alcohol or gambling using hypnotherapy. I use the same successful approach to help YOU back into control.

Many clients report that they experience no urges or withdrawals. I am ready to help you succeed with these life-changing issues!

Whether you have vaped, smoked, gambled or overindulged in alcohol for many years or for just a few, you can stop and gain control for good!

PLEASE NOTE. These sessions are focussing on one area - i.e smoking/vaping or alcohol or gambling. 

Attempting to do more than one at a time splits your intent which is not helpful. You make the choice which to tackle first. 

Please note:  if you are an alcoholic you would need to do a supervised detox and that is not something I offer.

I offer a two, three or four session approach. 

A Two session program

Usually placed 5-7 days apart. For smoking/Vaping - Please bring any vaping equipment/ liquid or remaining cigarettes, papers or tobacco and leave  them with me. 

A Three session program

In this approach sessions are spaced 5 to 7days apart.  

A Four session program

In this approach the first three sessions are weekly and the final session is used within 6 months.


Feeling so much better and am actually managing to save money!  - Lance

Less to worry about and so much more energy. I feel like I have walked out of a cage of some sort. The golf has improved too! - Craigman

Jan worked with that part of me that kept me smoking. I had no urges, no cravings. It's like I just forgot about smoking.  - Di

Two years ago I had a hypnosis session with Jan to quit smoking. I had my last cigarette before the session and I've had  no urges or cravings. I still regularly enjoy a beer - I just changed the brand - I can even handle being around people who are smoking. I feel really sorry for them.  I love being a non smoker and I can't believe Iused to smell like that!  


This is a big THANK YOU to Jan who helped me stop smoking cigarettes. I had been a smoker for approx 30 yrs and after hypnotherapy from Jan I am now free from the thought, habit and any desire to smoke. I had tried the patches, gum, herbal cigs, none of them completely freeing me from the habit. I was constantly thinking of cigs, sometimes consuming my thoughts. Jan eliminated these thoughts and any desire to return to smoking. I'm eternally grateful.- J Tua

I smoked for over 30 years and had tried patches, lozenges , cold turkey and Champix twice. My session with Jan did the trick. Best thing I have done! - Sheryl

Results may vary

You don't have to gain weight because you quit vaping or smoking!

It's about you taking control of your life! ... You're not quitting or giving up anything.

Use the power of your own mind.

Any health-related information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider for any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, or before embarking on any diet, exercise, or wellness program. 

Hypnotherapist: Jan White BCH

        Napier, New Zealand        Phone: (06) 843 6932        Cell: 021 2141376
