Genealogy and Family

My Dad was very into genealogy, and most of the subpages will be information from him, after this initial commentary. As a kid, I could have cared less, and something about it seemed narcissistic. Now, it seems super interesting. Thanks, Dad. He has so much information that I doubt I will get most of it posted, but some, anyway.

Obviously, all of his research was done well before the internet existed. Not so obviously, all of his work that he documented was printed on a hand letterpress, after setting each letter by hand, and staying up late printing each of the pages that ended up in one of maybe 100 copies of the publication. The Ancestry Summary subpage is amazingly thorough. The sources and documentation are not detailed, but I know he obtained it from official documents, cemeteries, etc., including research in England.

I am also happy that my brothers Andrew and Donald have been part of my life, not that I see them very much. I also have a brother and sister from Dad's first marriage, Steve and Carol. They were not hardly around as I was growing up, so I was not close to them. Since then, I have not been very good about staying in touch with them, either. Andrew does a better job of that which is good.

Dad died in 2002, and Mom died in 2011. Their obituaries as published are attached on subpages. They are both buried at St. Helena Episcopal Church Cemetery in Beaufort, South Carolina. My brothers and I attended the funerals, of course, along with other family and friends. It was good to see Andrew and Donald and the others, but the funerals were a little bit surreal, even un-mooring. Now we're the older generation.