Google Form and Spreadsheet

Warning: You need a gmail account to use these tools!

To help those running amtgard arts and sciences tourneys, I've built a tool for you. Below you will find a google form and spreadsheet. You can make copies of these files with the below buttons, and you will need available google drive space to host uploaded files. Place the two files in the same google folder for it to work correctly.

As the tourney runner, you can send your copy of the google form to have the entrants register their entries. Simply update anything on the form itself that is in between ( ). You MUST update your entry category list, what is there now is only an example. 

This form collects:

This form then feeds into the spreadsheet, which auto-fills itself. All files uploaded are also uploaded to a folder in the same location in your google drive as the form and spreadsheet. Have the entrants submit once for every entry. All information except the ORK link is required each time. On the spreadsheet, also update any information in between ( ) to reflect your own tourney, including tourney rules, name, date, judge's names on the tabs, and link to your own google folder with photos and media. 

It looks a bit complicated, but in reality it will all fill itself out. Simply update the tourney rules tab to reflect your tourney's ruleset. All entries are fed into the tab "Form Responses 1." Those entries are then fed to the "Master Sheet," which gives them each a number (1-99, though you can add more if you really want to hate yourself that badly). 

The judges should ONLY update the information on their own tab, and only the score, comments, and maximum award level recommendation columns, in light red. As the information in those columns is filled out, the cells turn green. The entries and information the judges need will auto-fill as the entries come in.

The "Master Sheet" is where all scores are totaled, averaged, and if you like, the highest and lowest dropped and averaged. (This only works if you have 5 total judges, a little math would have to be done if you change the judge amount, using the formula =TRIMMEAN). You can use the filter views to see who wins, and who wins each category and sub-category. 

After the judges have completed judging, and the winner is tabulated on the "Master Sheet," "Comment Distribution" may be made by copying the row for each entry, and sending via email or messenger, to the entrant, however you choose. 

As well as comment distribution, you may also make award recommendations (I have a link to other kingdom's award recommendation forms—though you should double check, it is likely out of date.) Here, each entry, and the entrant's award levels, and each judge's recommendation for the maximum level of award this item should be given. If you are a Regent, use this to determine awards, or pass it on to your kingdom or park's officers. 

Copy of (NAME_DATE) A&S Tourney (Responses)