Stolen (with permission) from Kayleigh Schneider who is amazing for coming up with this idea!
Still in testing!

Wouldn't it be nice if you were up for a high level award and the person giving that award could look you up and find your preferences for gaining awards? Your specific colors, your heraldry? Who you would like to make your award, the person you would like to make a hood, a coronet, sash? This is that place. I highly encourage each kingdom to create something like this, and attach it to the google spreadsheet for your award recommendation form.

Fill out the form. You can edit it if you want, but only your own entry.

Now anyone can look up your preferences for being given awards. If you are looking for a specific person, you can open the spreadsheet (little arrow at the top of the spreadsheet on this page) and click the little filter icon by the "Your Kingdom" column to view only one kingdom's entries at a time.

Award Preferences (Responses)