Making Masterhoods Matter

The following is a repost of a tumblr post I made some time ago (I don't really use my tumblr, but I really like this post. I was pretty rambly though.

Making Masterhoods Matter
Or How Gift Swag Can Change Amtgard, Part One: The Hoodening

By Luminary Alona TwoTrees

I think we have a problem in amtgard, specifically in how little value we place on the awarding of masterhoods. To most, I fear it is only viewed as a stepping stone towards knighthood. But the fact of the matter is not everyone will become a knight.

To me, personally, and I can’t say that this is across the board by any means, a master has proven skills in their particular craft. They are at the top of their game. The work of a master is internal. A master says “I am a master at this craft, try to beat me at it.”

A knight’s vision, however, is different fundamentally than a master. A knight’s path is one that takes others along with. A knight says “I am a master at this craft, let me show you how I did it, so you can be the best at your craft as well.”

Both of these paths are equally worthwhile. For knighthood, (except crown) one must first be a master (ok, warlord). And therein lies the problem. Not everyone will become a knight. There is a temperament that is needed, and not everyone has that. And that is ok.

But for most, it isn’t ok. Someone who sits at masterhood can feel themselves be judged by the knight’s circle. If you don’t ever pass a vote, an inevitable feeling of “why don’t they like me? Why aren’t I good enough?” That outside validation is so vital to so many people. And knighthood candidates don’t get choices. Sometimes they get discussions though.

Tangent: I have a secret to tell you. I have had my own award mind twister game. I’ve recently figured it out. The only validation that matters is your own internal validation. It’s nice to have others show they like you. But it’s really you that needs to like you. Let that be your nourishment, while the occasional cookie from others is nice too.

Back on track: So, we need to elevate masterhoods. We make masterhood as important and as awesome as we can, and we set those with masterhoods to be what they are, at the top of their game. How? Well, one of the great things about receiving a knighthood, in my opinion, is the gift swag.

Why not give gifts, more different gifts, for those at the top, the masters?

That is something I’ve tried to do in the last few years. Like a knighthood, why not reach out to those who are close to a soon to be master, and they can give gifts appropriate, celebrating their awesome achievement?

I cannot take responsibility for this idea, it was given to me by Dame Maera. A masterhood deserves a:


They are easy to make. You can make one in an afternoon. And it’s easily embellishable with applique, embroidery, silkscreen…I”m planning on making myself one out of wool (for those cold Florida…nights?) that I am going to needlefelt my design onto. Here’s some resources (the last three, thanks to current NW Regent, Pumpkin Jack:

These are easy gifts that can be made in an afternoon. If you have any questions, or want to bounce ideas for gifts off of me, feel free to shoot me a message on the book of faces:

Masterhood Heraldries

Master of Battle .png | .ai

Master Crown

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Master Dragon

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Master Garber

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Master Lion

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Master Owl

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Master Rose

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Master Smith

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Masterhood Outline

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Masterhood Designs

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Viking Hood Design Template

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Embroidery Files for Sale

Masterhood Photos


Viking Hood Instructions

by Frú Ka'a

Viking hood instructions.pdf

A Tutorial and Resource

by Lady Armstrong

Armstrong HOODS

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