What is aphasia?

Exploring the complexity of aphasia with network analysis. (2021)

Network analysis was used to identify relationships between various language assessments. Out of the examined assessments, comprehension (as measured by the WAB-R) was central to the aphasia network. 

Ashaie, S., & Castro, N. (2021). Exploring the complexity of aphasia with network analysis. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 64(10), 3928-3941. 

Complexity of participation post-stroke: Longitudinal assessment of community participation, positive affect, social support, and functional independence. (2022)

To identify progress after a stroke, an individual can look at a person’s ability to participate in socializing, learning, self-care, and domestic life. This study looked at the relationship between social support, positive emotions, functional independence, and participation in desired activities.

Ashaie, S. A., & Castro, N. (2022). Complexity of Participation Post-Stroke: Longitudinal Assessment of Community Participation, Positive Affect, Social Support and Functional Independence. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 54, jrm00335-jrm00335.