All Saints On-line

On-line services and meetings

YouTube or Zoom

Link to All Saints Zoom services and events. Link to All Saints YouTube services and events Link to All Saints Prayer meeting on zoom

  • Sunday mornings at 10:30
    Do download the service sheet and join in (we may have a special order of service on some Sundays)

  • After-church catch-up on Sundays at 11:45 or straight after the service
    Make yourself a hot drink and join us to share news and chat, like we used to do after service in church.
    When the Sunday service is on Zoom the catch-up will follow straight after the service ends.
    When the Sunday service is on YouTube the catch-up will start on zoom at 11:30

  • Thursday Prayer Meeting at 8pm on Zoom

Our YouTube channel

Click to go to Our YouTube channel to join our YouTube Services Subscribe to receive notifications
The Sunday service starts at 10:30. At present our services are pre-recorded but have the same lessons, prayers and sermon as in church.
Previous services are available on catch-up on our channel.


Click to go to Our Zoom meeting to join our Zoom services and events or use the Meeting ID: 838 7077 1571 and Passcode: 035548
Zoom meetings are usually started on time. Please wait to be admitted.
During services please MUTE yourself (or keep muted) unless you are leading part of the service.

Our WhatsApp group

If you have a smartphone do join our WhatsApp group. It's an ideal way to keep in touch with the group and with individuals. On a smartphone click on this link to join