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In the cloud and through the Dropbox interface, the extra protection from Vault would be available. On a local storage device, it would be "business as usual". However, some users (like myself) might find the extra security more valuable specifically in the cloud and through the Dropbox interface.

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As secure as Dropbox sync presumably is, perhaps Dropbox wished to eliminate recurring sync from Vaulted files to avoid the repeated exposure of such files to data transfer between cloud and local, just to be extra cautious. However, I'd still be interested in "business as usual" syncing of such files with the added security of Vault limited to the cloud storage / Dropbox UI side.

I don't see the problem there in providign access to the Vault folder offline. There can be just an extra encyption for the folder which should solve the issue. Othe cloud storage and backup providers like pCloud which also I am using has got this feature available which is making the secret folders easy to access from desktops locally.

I like the idea of backing up (and accessing) my data online in case my computer, say, gets run over by a bus. I also like the idea of backing up my online files on my computer in case I loose access to the internet. It is disappointing that my most important and sensitive files would be in a vault the violates this concept of Online backs up Hardware and Hardware backs up Online. Seems easy enough to sync an encrypted file that could be opened offline.

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The only workaround I could think of was to use editor tracking fields, but these fields are not populated until after a data point is collected. So form calculations needing this information will not have it unless the user re-edits the newly added point. This is not a great solution.

I figured, the editor tracking fields clearly have access to usernames, so maybe GetUser() does too. This DOES work while offline. When I say offline I mean my device is in airplane mode and I am using either an offline area created on the device, or an offline area created in Field Maps Designer. I tested both.

In my specific case, our organization uses first initial and last name as part of their usernames, so I can still get the information I want. I won't mark this as a solution though, as it is not quite as good as retrieving a full name. I also find it frustrating that this is not documented anywhere in the Field Maps references or the Arcade reference.

I created a bit of a workaround for this if anyone is interested. I would imagine this workaround is not practical or applicable for all use cases, but it is still something. I literally have not tested this offline, but I see no reason why it would not work, since the table in question could be synced and available offline. (I will test that in the coming weeks, but I figured the concept was worth sharing.)

For an unrelated task, I created a table with key (field) names, and lookup values to search for, then "value" field names, and values to return. I initially put last_edited_user to try and populate this, but that only hits the form on submit (so it couldn't actively apply from the lookup table.)

Would love to have an offline version of Monday.com for those of us who spend a lot of times on the planes and in super remote places :). Ideally, the offline version would sync with the online version once the user is back online. Thank you! Love your work.

This would definitely be useful for my team as we travel all over the US and often find ourselves without internet (trains, planes). This is especially difficult for when we have meetings and need to record all minutes that require action. Currently, we make lists on excel and then batch copy to the corresponding board whenever we get some access. This causes a delay between the time when we have the meeting and when our team members not present get the notification that action is required.

More complex usability in offline mode would be the cherry on top, but this basic use is really impacting our team.

Aside from this, we are loving Monday!!! We even fully migrated to it to get past some of the awkward yoga poses our previous software was forcing us into

It would be awesome to have this feature!

all my friends is crazy about Monday when see how I use it and how it helps me. But you right. Planes, trains, travel thoughts push me to use notepad or other soft to fix my thougts on paper and then (when the Internet connection appear), manage it in Monday

This would be great for me too, i sell headstones for a living and spend a lot of time in churches and cemeteries, neither of which are always within reach of internet, i often need to get onto monday.com to see the customer info and find myself unable to.

Please implement this feature. I have 4-6 flights a month and I find that a flight without any access to wifi is the best time to review tasks, clean up my backlog and plan future tasks. It would be super helpful to be able to use Monday on flights.

Hi Monday. What is the update on this feature? Our sales team travels a and right now we cant use monday on flights or offsite. You say no demand but surely we are not the only people traveling and working!

Does anyone out there have users with massive (thousands of rows and dozens of columns) XFGetCell() workbooks that are seeing issues with the "Save Offline Copy" feature? (and yes, I know.. they should not be creating these massive workbooks in the first place - that's not what XF() is meant to do)

My organization loves XFGetCells and a lot of our FP&A users have retrieves pulling 25,000-30,000 data cells. Typically, I recommend two things when facing issues similar to what you're describing. 

1. Ensure the entire workbook has been refreshed before attempting to save offline copy. If the entire workbook isn't fully refreshed, it will appear that the offline file saved but you won't get the desired outcome. 

2. Review your preferences in the Excel Add-in. The below screenshot of my setup has always worked for saving offline files.

I was always under the impression that when saving an offline copy, the addin attempts to refresh the entire workbook one last time before saving anyhow - just wanted to confirm that you're saying we should still do that anyhow because it's possible the offline save isn't finishing the refresh before attempting to save a copy?

Thanks for the screen capture as well - looking at your preferences, it would appear that you are on a later version than we are. May I ask what version you're on? We're still plodding along on 6.8 and I wonder if they made improvements to this offline feature in later versions?

I also suggested to my users that it might be a good idea to set their Excel calculation to Manual instead of Automatic because there's an additional checkbox that causes the entire workbook to recalculate. I'm not sure if they've tested that yet or not. And I'm not sure how helpful it'll be but I know these folks have combined vlookups() within the same cells as their XF() functions so it's a guess on my part.

Looking forward to hearing what version you're on because I feel like we're doing what you're suggesting. On the plus side it gives me greater comfort that this is offline save is doable without issue and maybe we just need that upgrade.

Yeah, to confirm, it's recommended to click Refresh Workbook and ensure that all cells are refreshed prior to clicking Save Offline Copy. 

We are on v7.4 which if I recall correctly, only adds that last preference option as compared to any v6.X. I'm not sure if any noticeable changes were made, but I've recommended these settings (excluding the last one since it's v7.X related) over the years and it's always been successful, even in the very large data cell workbooks.

I'm trying to create an offline basemap in ArcGIS Online, to use in Survey123, which contains a satellite image and two reference layers (vectors). I followed Esri's link step by step ( -br/arcgis-online/manage-data/take-maps-offline.htm#), but it didn't work as desired. The image appears as a basemap option, but the reference layers do not appear. I followed the following steps:

The problem is not about insert the base map into the device, but how to make the layers available offline as well. The offline basemap is working (image only!), but I want to make available the whole Web Map, including the vector layers and not the image only.

I'm wondering if you could confirm whether this is still the case - that operational layers are still not available in an offline map created for Survey123. I have gone through the workflow and I am unable to see the layer, so I'm guessing the answer is yes. If this is still the case, are there any workarounds available? My operational layer is the actual survey responses as I want the user to be able to see whether a survey has already been submitted at a particular address so we don't duplicate our efforts. 152ee80cbc

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