About This Course 

CNSL 72 | Foothill College 

Alexis Donato, MA, LMFT

Course Description

What We'll Do Together

Together we will define the main concepts of class including stress, wellness and what it means to "cope". We will implement strategies to prioritize wellness and become aware of how are wellness is supported by external and internal factors, including external and internal barriers that impact our wellness such as our thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

We will explore and become familiar with symptoms of stress, depression, anxiety, and how that translates to nervous system dysregualtion. We will also examine the social and psychological factors that contribute to these problems and the patterns of your thoughts, emotions and behavior as a response to stressors also known as identification of 'triggers.' 

We will be identifying and utilizing effective coping strategies and resilience skills to promote self-awareness, nervous sytsem regulation, personal wellness, and academic success, and model these strategies for members of the community. 

This class will emphasize the concept of mental health and application of self-help skills by engaging in weekly practices, reflections and class community check ins. 

Please see the additional disclaimer, but it's important to note that while this class discusses mental health and ways to cope, and sometimes feel therapeutic, this course is not therapy, a substitution for therapy, nor group therapy.

Student Learning Objectives

At the End of This Course

A successful student will be able to:

Textbook & Materials


Resilient by Rick Hanson


Pocket Folder 


There's research around writing as a wellness tool. Our handwriting is slower than our typing which engages a different part of the brain that processes information. This is a great way to integrate the material and engage the parts of the brain that internalize information.

Course Disclaimer

Please Note

Although this class will address different mental health techniques and issues, and can feel 'therapeutic' at times, it is not to be considered a substitute for therapy/counseling or group counseling services. 

With increased self-reflection, sometimes uncomfortable thoughts, feelings and memories can be triggered. Please use these triggers as information to continue to explore or receive support necessary to help you develop additional strategies and integrate course material.

Please consider if more individual counseling or therapy services are necessary to address these needs. These services can be addressed free at our Mental Health & Wellness Center.

We also have many free amazing mental health resources in addition to individual counseling such as:

Additionally, please be aware of any medical conditions that may be exacerbated if we are practicing the various relaxation or coping techniques in class. Various people could have different physical reactions to the practicing of the various techniques.

If need be, please go to the Health Services offices and receive a medical check-up if you have not done so in the last year. Please see me or inform me of your desire not to participate in any activity due to medical concerns.

If you're noticing yourself getting stuck with the content in this class or your other classes, Foothill has some amazing resources. Check out the support for you tab above for more resources.