High voltage sensors based on FBG and piezoelectric transducers

Supervisors: Prof. Elnatan Chagas Ferreira (UNICAMP) and Prof. Marcelo Martins Werneck (UFRJ).

R&D Team: Alex Dante, Rodrigo M. Bacurau.

Description: Development of compact, lightweight optical high-voltage sensors (also know as optical voltage transformers, OVT) based on FBG and piezoelectric transducers. primarily for (but not limited to) the 13.8-kV voltage class in substations aiming at the reduction of size and cost of instrument transformers.

Research Output

Journal Papers

Conference Papers

Optical high-voltage sensor conceptualization.

Optical high-voltage sensor conceptualization.

Optoelectronic interrogation system.

Optical high-voltage sensor assembled.