Papers and other writings 


PhD Thesis: 

Title: Théorie d'Iwasawa des motifs d'Artin 

Abstract:  This thesis studies from the viewpoint of cyclotomic Iwasawa theory certain non-critical Artin motives (in the sense of Deligne), and in particular those attached to classical weight one modular forms that are regular at p. Firstly we define a Selmer group, and show that it is torsion on the corresponding Iwasawa algebra. We then compute the constant term of its caracteristic series in terms of p-adic logarithms of global units, under some mild assumptions. We also highlight a phenomenon of trivial zeros à la Mazur-Tate-Teitelbaum. Secondly we construct a p-adic L-function by deformation by means of Hida theory. Finally we formulate a Iwasawa Main Conjecture for such Artin motives. We show that it follows from the Iwasawa Main Conjecture for ordinary modular forms of weight greater than or equal to 2, and we inconditionally prove one divisibility of our Conjecture.

Defended at University of Lille on the 13/06/2019


Iwasawa theory - Artin motives - p-adic L-functions - weight one modular forms - p-adic families of automorphic forms - congruence ideals - p-adic transcendence theory -  p-adic Stark conjectures - Bloch-Kato conjecture - Leopoldt conjecture - Gross-Kuzmin conjecture - Harris-Venkatesh conjecture

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Colleagues from University of Luxembourg

Colleagues from Paderborn University 

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