Sagrada Familia (Barcelona, Spain)

Outreach Events Organised

Matematici per Gioco
21 October - 2 November 2022 @ Festival della Scienza, Genova, Italy
14 April - 16 April 2023 @ Educa, Rovereto, Italy
co-organised with Agnese Del Zozzo, Matteo Tomasi, Carlotta Vielmo
financially co-supported by INdAM - Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica

A laboratory about the relations between Mathematics and Games through the history and in different cultures.

Prima implementazione di un protocollo di disseminazione: Università, Scuola e Società
Spring 2022 @ U. di Trento, Italy - Laboratory PopMat
co-organised with Marco Andreatta, Agnese Del Zozzo, Carlotta Vielmo, Francesca Fiore and Alberto Montresor
financially co-supported by INdAM - Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica

The University of Trento offers students (in particular those of the three-year degree in STEM disciplines and the master's degree in Philosophy) an exam in Science Communication whose owner and coordinator is Marco Andreatta, professor, researcher and disseminator at the Department of Mathematics . The course explores and analyzes various examples of dissemination and communication of science, involving expert teachers in the communication of various scientific fields (mathematics, physics, biology, philosophy and cultural mediators of the museum).

At the end of the course, the students present projects that have been archived over the years. To enhance this material, a mathematics dissemination protocol was launched which, involving high-school students through Pathways for Transversal Skills and for Orientation (PCTO - Percorsi per le Competenze Trasversali e per l'Orientamento), allows exam projects to take the form of science communication actions in society.

After the first successful implementation in the year 2022, we hope that this protocol can be offered not only by the PopMat laboratory, but also by other departments and universities offering science communication courses.

International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2019
14 February, 2019 @ Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, Spain
co-organised with Marta Casanellas and Marina Garrote López

We participated to the event organised by Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics for high school student with an interactive workshop on how we might reconstruct the evolution history of species from a mathematical point of view. The algorithm of ''maximum parsimony'' was explained with interactive games in teams.

Formae Mathematicae
30 September, 2018 @ Dipòsit del Rei Martí, Barcelona, Spain
co-organised with Marina Garrote López

With the support of the Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics, together with Marina Garrote, we organised an event open to a general audience within the program of the first edition of the European Researchers’ Night in Barcelona. Hosted inside the evocative location of the Dipòsit del Rei Martí, in Barcelona (just next to the Bellesguard Tower, designed by the renowned architect Antoni Gaudí), the event offered a tour inside the geometry, the mathematics of shapes and their applications. 

The beautiful location of the event have been decorated by a selection of fascinating images from the galleries of IMAGINARY, spanning from hypnotic tilings, famous surfaces with a lot of singularities, and representations of the projective plane. 

The activities of the day included: micro-talks on the uses of mathematics and geometric modelling in applications and hands-on activities as learning geometric facts by having fun with soap bubbles and constructing polyhedra or challenging the participants to construct geometric figures by only using ruler and compass.