Monteliusvägen (Stockholm, Sweden)

Preprints under submission

Non-defectivity of Segre-Veronese varieties
with H. Abo, M. C. Brambilla, F. Galuppi
arXiv:2406.20057 (2024)

Hadamard-Hitchcock Decompositions: identifiability and decompositions
with N. Vannieuwenhoven
arXiv:2308.06597 (2023)


Research Papers

On schemes evinced by generalized additive decompositions and their regularity
with A. Bernardi, D. Taufer
J. de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, in press (2024)
journal | preprint

Waring decompositions of special ternary forms with different Hilbert functions
with E. Angelini, L. Chiantini
Deformation of Artinian Algebras and Jordan Types: AMS Contemporary Matematics, to appear (2024)

Identifiability for mixtures of centered Gaussians and sums of powers of quadratics
with A. Casarotti, M. Michałek, A. Taveira Blomenhofer
Bulletin of London Mathematical Society, 55(5):2407-2424 (2023)
journal | preprint

Strength and slice rank of forms are generically equal
with E. Ballico, A. Bik, E. Ventura
Israel Journal of Mathematics, 254(5):275-291 (2023)
journal | preprint

Secant non-defectivity via collisions of fat points
with F. Galuppi
Advances in Mathematics, 409(B):108657 (2022)
journal | preprint | computations: base_cases.m2, numerical_appendix.m2

The set of forms with bounded strength is not closed
with E. Ballico, A. Bik, E. Ventura
Comptes Rendus - Sèrie Mathématique, 306:371-380 (2022)
journal | preprint 

On the general strength of polynomials
with A. Bik
Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 70(21):6114-6140 (2022)
journal | preprint 

Geometric conditions for strict submultiplicativity of rank and border rank
with A. Bernardi, E. Ballico, F. Gesmundo, E. Ventura
Annali di Matematica Pura e Applicata, 200(1):187-210 (2021)
journal | preprint

On minimal decompositions of low rank symmetric tensors
with B. Mourrain
Linear Algebra and its Applications 607:347-377 (2020)
journal | preprint | computations: apolar_lowrank.m2

On the Hilbert function of general fat points in ℙ1 x ℙ1
with E. Carlini, M. V. Catalisano
Michigan Mathematical Journal 69(3):601-632 (2020)
journal | preprint 

The monic rank
with A. Bik, J. Draisma, E. Ventura
Mathematics of Computations 89:2481-2505 (2020)
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Unexpected curves arising from special line arrangements
with M. Di Marca, G. Malara
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 51:171-194 (2020)
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Tangential varieties to Segre-Veronese surfaces are never defective
with M. V. Catalisano
Revista Matemàtica Complutense 33:295-324 (2020)
journal | preprint

Partially Symmetric Variants of Comon's Problem via Simultaneous Rank
with F. Gesmundo, E. Ventura
SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications 40(4):1453-1477 (2019)
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On generic and maximal k-rank of binary forms
with S. Lundqvist, B. Reznick, B. Shapiro
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 223(4):2062-2079 (2019)
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On the quantum periods of del Pezzo surfaces with (1,1) singularities
with A. Petracci
Advances in Geometry 18(3):303-336 (2018)
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Waring-like decompositions of polynomials - 1
with M. V. Catalisano, L. Chiantini, A. V. Geramita
Linear Algebra and its Applications 533:311-325 (2017)
journal | preprint

Waring loci and Strassen conjecture
with E. Carlini, M. V. Catalisano
Advances in Mathematics 314:630-662 (2017)
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On the real rank of monomials
with E. Carlini, M. Kummer, E. Ventura
Mathematische Zeitschrift 286(1):571-577 (2017)
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Mirror Symmetry and the classification of orbifold del Pezzo surfaces
with M. Akhtar, T. Coates, A. Corti, L. Heubergher, A. Kasprzyck, A. Petracci, T. Prince, K. Tveiten
Proceedings of American Mathematical Society 144:513-527 (2016)
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On a class of power ideals
with J. Backelin
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 219(8):3158-3180 (2015)
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Monomial as sum of k-th powers of forms
with E. Carlini
Communications in Algebra 43:659-658 (2015)
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Book Chapters

Minkowski sum and Hadamard products of algebraic varieties
with N. Fiedenbrg, R. Williams
Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry: selected papers from the 2016 Apprenticeship Program (eds. G. G. Smith and B. Sturmfels) AMS Series: Fields Institute Communications (2017)
book | preprint

Survey Papers

The Hitchhikker guide to: secant varieties and tensor decompositions
with A. Bernardi, E. Carlini, M. V. Catalisano, A. Gimigliano
Mathematics (special issue Decomposability of Tensors, ed. L. Chiantini), 6(12):314 (2018)
journal | preprint

Algebraic stories from one and from the other pocket
with R. Fröberg, S. Lundqvist, B. Shapiro
Arnold Journal of Mathematics 4(2):137-160 (2018)
journal | preprint

PhD Thesis

Waring-type problems for polynomials: algebra meets geometry
Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics (2016)