Eggsistential Bread

Designer and Pixel Artist

This was our submission for Global Game Jam 2024.

The theme was "Make me Laugh", so we created a cooking-based game inspired by Flash free-to-play games of our childhood.

The player is tasked with creating dishes from mixing various foods and objects depending on a short interaction with the customer. More points are awarded when creating puns, jokes, and other fun combinations.

I worked on the UI design and assets, various props, and ideation/design of the game.

I designed some UI elements such as the main menu (made to look like a restaurant menu), and the structure of the "client" interface, although the art was made by the other artist.

The cooking screen went through several iterations while we were planning, but we ended up going for having categories listed on the left and a scrollable shelf with the ingredients (which change based on the category) on the top.

Some icons/concepts for the ingredients list, and UI.

Check out the page!

 (And try the game out for yourself)