updated on 06/11/2024

HARKBird is a set of scripts that allows us to conduct the following processes using HARK and a microphone array with a simple GUI interface:

Selected papers (updated 06/11/2024)


A zip file can be downloaded from, here [3.0d]

Tutorial pdf: [Japanese], [English (translated with DeepL)]

Previous versions: [3.0a],  [2.091, 2.08, 2.05, 2.02, 2.0].

Installation and operation

For 3.0a+:

For 2.08 and 2.091:

For 2.0.2:

- We recommend to use the HARKBird on Ubuntu Linux 18.04, and assume that it is based on this. 

- Install the latest version of HARK and hark-python3

- Install the necessary packages for python2 and python3 (PySide, pandas, scipy, numpy, soundfile, etc.)

(You can use pip2 and pip3 for installation of packages for python 2 and 3)

(install pyside using "sudo apt-get install python-pyside")

- Install sox and xterm

- extract this zipped folder

- move to "harkbird" folder

- run "./harkbird" or "python ./harkbird"

Follow the installation (2.0) and operation manual here (English, Japanese).

HBPi (Raspi node for HARKBird)

About HARK, HARKBird and HBPi




Snapshot of English manual

An example recording and analysis

A snapshot of HBPi