Offered privately & in group settings, these classes can take place online 

or in person 

    *How to communicate with your care provider
    *Answers to your questions
    *The stages of labor from both a physiologic standpoint, and from the prospective of standard of care
    *More than 30 skills to cope with the intensity of labor and childbirth
    *How to witness, understand, work through, and redirect fears surrounding labor and birth
    *Movement, comfort measures, and positioning during pregnancy and labor
    *Medical interventions: When and Why they are necessary, and what standards of protocol may encourage more intervening than is needed
    *How to communicate effectively and advocate for yourself with your healthcare provider
    *Practical and intimate ways for people to support laboring parents, and what to expect as the non-birthing party.
    *The importance of labor support

Offered privately and in group settings, these classes can take place online or in person.