Blog Entries

Outside doing science, I enjoy writing some blog entries. These entries often reflect from my personal experience applying for scholarships and some exchange programs for youths, or just for sharing some tips on things like IELTS test. These articles are mostly published in Indonesian since they are primarily targeted for young Indonesians but some of these articles are in English as well. 

These entries are mostly published on the community blog, MITRA, that my friends and I started back in our undergraduate years. MITRA, an acronym for Mahasiswa Indonesia Timur Relasi Asing or Eastern Indonesian Students Foreign Relations Association in English is a community-based youth organization that aims to empower young people in Eastern Indonesia through Teaching, International Relations, and Environmental Works. 

In 2019, a friend of mine and I started an initiative called "Kelas Daring IELTS NTT". The primary reason why we began this initiative is because English proficiency test such as IELTS often becomes a road block for many Indonesians to pursue their further degree overseas. Geographical disadvantage and excessive costs to undertake an official IELTS training also are also the primary holding factors. Running for one year, this initiative aimed to introduce and provide a free guided IELTS learning experience for people from Eastern Indonesia. This initiative also brought together alumni from various scholarships to contribute by becoming a mentor. As a learning platform, participants learnt from a virtual learning platform through google classroom and small discussion groups through WhatsApp. Aside from teaching, we also provided several web-based series on various topics opened for public. We recorded these webinars and published them here: 

2015 Entries

2016 Entries

2019 Entries

2020 Entries

2022 Entries 

2023 Entries 

2024 Entries  
