Albert Soewongsono

Hi folks,

Welcome to my personal blog!

I am Albert Christian Soewongsono, an applied mathematician from Indonesia. I was born and raised in a coastal city, Kupang, located in the island of Timor. I did my undergraduate program in mathematics at Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia (2015) with a thesis on point-set topology. Then, I finished a master's degree in Mathematics at the Australian National University, Australia (2018) with a thesis on theoretical population genetics. I, then, continued a PhD in 2019 at the University of Tasmania, Australia, working under supervision of Prof. Barbara Holland and Assoc. Prof. Małgorzata O'Reilly. I just recently received my PhD in December 2023 with a research on developing mathematical models for the evolution of species. 

Currently, I am a Postdoctoral Research Associate under Landis Lab, working in developing mathematical models for species evolution that consider species interactions with their changing environmental conditions. My research interest primarily lies in the application of stochastic processes to model evolutionary processes in species-level phylogeny.