Laboratory I (Based on Cores) IT0904C 

M.Tech IT (1st Semester)

Department of Information Technology, Tripura University

Syllabus: Laboratory I (Based on Cores) IT0904C is based on syllabus of Computer Networks and Internet Protocols (IT0902C)

Prior Software Installation and Setup


To write TCL programme: vi filename.tcl

To compile TCL Programme: ns filename.tcl

Prior Write-up

Lab Experiments

Experiment x. Basics of Network Simulation

Please read the information given in the Introduction, Theory, simulation, procedure, exercise tabs of the link: 

Q1(a). Write a TCL script to simulate the network described below: Consider a small network with five nodes n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, forming a star topology. The node n4 is at the center. Node n0 is a TCP source, which transmits packets to node n3 (a TCP sink) through the node n4. Node n1 is another traffic source, and sends UDP packets to node n2 through n4. The duration of the simulation time is 10 seconds. Hints:

Q1(b). Write a TCL script to simulate a file transfer with ns2. 

Consider a client and a server. The server is running a FTP application (over TCP). The client sends a request to download a file of size 10 MB from the server. Write a script to simulate this scenario. Let node #0 be the server and node #1 be the client. TCP packet size is 1500 B. Assume typical values for other parameters.

Note: This simulation require transfer of a fixed size file. Therefore, time required for the transfer would be constant for a given bandwidth of a link. To verify this, determine the time that would roughly be required for the transfer. Then look at the bottom of the trace file and verify whether there is any transmission beyond the time calculated. 

To verify that the client has downloaded the entire file, plot the "Bytes Received " curve for node #1. The y-axis is in Kbits. Convert it to MB and verify whether it approximates the specified file size. TCP headers would effectively increase the count of received bytes at node # 1. Hints:

July-Dec, 2023

Internal Test: 21/12/2023 

Feedback Link (M.Tech IT)

July-Dec, 2022

Internal Test: 27/01/2023, 12.30 pm to 1 pm 

Feedback Link (M.Tech IT)

July-Dec, 2021

Meeting URL:

Lab Copy Submit: 17/01/2022

Lab Class Test :  21/01/2022, 11 am 

July-Dec, 2020

Meeting URL: 

Lab Copy Submit: 08/02/2021

Lab Class Test: 15/02/2021