Adhoc and Sensor Networks 

Department of Information Technology, Tripura University


Week 1

Lecture 1 - Introduction to Wireless Ad Hoc Network: Types of Wireless Network, Ad Hoc Network Classification, History of Ad Hoc Networks, General Concepts, Technologies(Bluetooth, Zigbee, IEE 802.11), VANETs (Advantages, components, comparison with MANETs), Wireless Sensor Network, Constraints in Ad Hoc sensor network.

Lecture 2- Introduction to Wireless Ad Hoc Network: Media Access Challenges, Energy Efficiency challenges in Ad Hoc networks, How to attain efficiency, Dealing with misbehaving nodes, solution to this problem(Watch Dog, Path rater), Incentives for cooperating, reputation, security challenges, routing challenges (proactive, reactive, fault tolerant routing, multicast routing algorithms, Device power management.

Lecture 3- Self-organizing behavior of Wireless Ad Hoc network: What is self-organization, primary objectives, principles in Ad Hoc network, Self-organizing network properties, self-healing system.

Lecture 4- Cooperation in Mobile Ad Hoc network: Characteristics of MANETs, challenges, types of Node behaviors(Intentional and Un-intentional), Selfish node characteristics, how does Watchdog, Path rater works.

Lecture 5- Cooperation in Mobile Ad Hoc Network- II: Types of Incentives (Virtual Currency System, Reputed Based System), Packet Trade Model, Hybrid Model, Sprite, Selfish Node in Sprite, Reputation based model (CORE, OCEAN,CONFIDANT).


Week 2

Lecture 6: MAC Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc networks: Need for MAC protocols in MANETs, Classification of MAC protocols (Contention based schemes), Problems of using CSMA(Hidden Terminal Problem, Exposed Terminal Problem), MACAW.

Lecture 7: MAC Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks-II: DBTMA(Steps, Advantages, Problems), MARCH(Basic Concept, Additional Features, Advantages).

Lecture 8: Routing in MANETs-I : Challenges with respect to routing in MANETs, Categorization of Routing Protocols (Proactive, Reactive, Hyrbid), DSDV.

Lecture 9: Routing in MANETs-II: Wireless Routing Protocols (Intro, Working, OLSR), Dynamic Source Routing (Working, Mechanism, Route Discovery, Route Maintenance, Route Cache)

Lecture 10: Routing in MANETS-III: Ad Hoc On-demand Distance, Adaptive Distance Vector, Zone Based Routing protocol, SHARP.

Week 3

Lecture 11: Multicasting in MANETs:Why Multicast is used over Broadcasts in MANETs, Multicast Problems, Source Based Tree(Basic Intro), Core Based Tree(Basic Intro),  Group Based Multicast Routing(Basic Intro), Tree Based Structure: Shared Tree, Source Based, Mesh Based Structure, On Demand Multicast Routing(Intro), Multicast Optimized Link State Routing, Multicast Ad Hoc On-demand Distance Vector.

Lecture 12:Mobility Models in MANETs:Mobility Models in MANETs (Stochastic, Detailed, & Hybrid), Randdom Way Point, Random Walk, Random Direction, Smooth Mobility Models, Group Mobility Models, Obstacle Models.

Lecture 13:Transport Protocols in MANETS Part I:Why standard TCP can’t be used in MANETs, designs goals for TCP in MANETs, TCP-Feedback.

Lecture 14: Transport Protocols in MANETS Part II:TCP-ELFN, Ad-Hoc TCP, TCP-Bus.

Lecture 15: Opportunistic Mobile Network Part I:Challenged Networks, Delay Tolerant Networks, Message Transfer in Opportunistic Mobile Networks, Epidemic Routing, PROPHET, Cooperative Approaches in MANETs.

Week 4

Lecture 16: Opportunistic Mobile Network Part II:Enforcement of Cooperation in MANETs, T-PROPHET, Truncated Levy Walk, Mission Oriented Opportunistic Network

Lecture 17: Opportunistic Mobile Networks Part III: Zones, Routing Incompatibilities, PTU, Societal Impacts of using OMNs.

Lecture 18: UAV Networks Part I:UAV networks and challenges, Multi-UAV networks(Advantages), UAV topologies.

Lecture 19: UAV Networks Part II:Star Network vs Mesh Network, Categorization of UAV Network: Internet Delivery, Sensing, Attack, FANETs, Layered Gateway in FANETs.

Lecture 20: UAV Networks Part III:Handover, Steps in Self-organization, SDN and its use in FANETs and challenges in implementing it.

Week 5

Lecture 21: Introduction to Wireless Sensor Network Part I:Intro to WSN (Stationary and Mobile), Source Node and Sink Node in WSN, Common challenges in WSN< Cooperation in WSN, Security challenges, types of node in WSN (Normal and Misbehaving).

Lecture 22: Wireless Sensor Network Part I:Social Sensing in WSN, Applications (Coal Mines, Wildfire detection, Healthcare, Target tracking, Agriculture

Lecture 23: Wireless Sensor Network Coverage and Placement Part I:Transmission Range and Sensing Range, Coverage, Problems with Static WSN (Area coverage, Point Coverage, Barrier Coverage, Coverage Maintenance), OGDC.

Lecture 24: Wireless Sensor Network Coverage and Placement Part II:Sensor Placement (Problems, Detection time), Mobility Controls, Fast vs Slow Sensor Nodes.

Lecture 25: Topology Management in WSN:Topology Management, Top Disc-3 and 4 color approach, STREAM, STEM, GAF, CEC, ABEE


Week 6

Lecture 26:Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks: Mobile Sensor Nodes, MWSN Types: (Underwater, Terrestrial, Aerial), Possible Entity, Human Centric Sensing.

Lecture 27: Mobile Access Control in Wireless Network Part I:Classification of MAC, Energy efficiency, MAC performance, Energy trade off

Lecture 28: Medium Access Control in Wireless Network Part II:SMAC protocol( Design, Message passing, SMAC variants)

Lecture 29: Routing in Wireless Sensor Network Part I:Reactive Routing, Data centric routing,  Flooding and Gossiping, SPIN, SPIN types

Lecture 30: Routing in Wireless Sensor Network Part II:Greedy vs Shortest Path, Flooding Based strategies, Clustering Algorithm (LEACH)

Week 7

Lecture 31: Congestion and Flow Control – Part I: Sources of Congestion in MANETs, Congestion Control in WSN, Congestion Control Protocols (ESRT, CODA).

Lecture 32: Congestion and Flow Control -Part II: PSFQ, RCRT

Lecture 33: Underwater Sensor Networks -I :Intro, Difference between Terrestrial and UWSN,  Multipath propagation, Ambient noise, localization.

Lecture 34: Underwater Sensor Networks -II: UWSN deployment (Static, Self-adjusted, Movement assisted).

Lecture 35: Underwater Sensor Networks -III :2-D and 3-D UWSN architecture, Energy efficiency, Battery technology, Topology management.

Week 8

Lecture 36: Underwater Sensor Networks -IV: Localization and its need, techniques, Meandering Current Mobility Control, Oceanic Forces Mobility Model

Lecture 37:Secuirty of WSN -I: Need for security in WSN, Different keying schemes, Limitation in WSN, Security requirement in WSN, Attacks specific to WSN, Main Attacks on WSN, Hello Flood Attacks, Spoofing Attacks, Replay Attacks, Sybil Attack.

Lecture 38: Security of WSN-II: Warmhole Attack, Selective Forwarding Attack, Acknowledgement spoofing, Compromised Node Attack, Node replication Attack, Attacks on information in transit, Denial of Service Attacks at different levels, Jamming Attacks(types), Physical Attacks (types), security protocol in WSN.

Lecture 39: Hardware Design of Sensor Nodes: Characteristic and Requirement, Design Challenges, Architecture of Sensor Node, Communication Module, Radio Frequency, Optical communication, Infrared, Wireless Sensor Operating System(challenges, Event- driven, thread driven)

Lecture 40: Real life deployment of WSN: Agricultural Intrusion Detection Using Wireless Sensor Network, Agricultural Intrusion Detection (layers, procedure).