Possible Research Topics

(but not limited to)

Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks

A wireless sensor network is a wireless network consisting of spatially distributed nodes with limited resources that can cooperatively monitor physical or environmental conditions at different locations. Each node is capable of computation, sensing, and communication. Challenges may be exacerbated by the presence of mobile nodes in the network. Such networks may consist of independent and isolated fixed devices that gather environmental data, which may be embedded in urban environments in order to facilitate actuation over managed resources, or may be fixed to and move with the object of interest. Ad hoc networks may exist in environments where there is no pre-existing communications infrastructure, and thereby organize to create their own. Ad hoc networks have been attracting great attention from the research and engineering communities, motivated by applications like digital battlefield, asset tracking, air-borne safety, situational awareness, and border protection. As we move towards a world that connects all things, these issues become ever more relevant. Dynamic topologies, bandwidth constraints, energy constrained operations, wireless vulnerabilities, and limited physical security are among the characteristics that differentiate mobile ad hoc networks from fixed multi-hop networks.

  1. Applications and Evolutions of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks

  2. MAC Protocols for Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks

  3. Topology Control and Management

  4. Modeling and performance analysis

  5. Network architecture

  6. Energy efficiency

  7. Routing or Network protocols

  8. Transport protocols

  9. Localization

  10. Power Management and Harvesting

  11. Implementation Challenges

  12. Novel Measurement Techniques

  13. Physical Layer Design of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks

  14. Frequency and Channel Allocation Algorithms

  15. Opportunistic or delay-tolerant communications

  16. Algorithms and Modeling for Localization, Target Tracking, and Mobility Management

  17. Time Synchronization in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks

  18. Architectures of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks

  19. QoS Provisioning in MAC and Routing for Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks

  20. Analytical, Mobility, and Validation Models for Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks

  21. Performance Evaluation and Modeling

  22. Integrated Simulation and Measurement based Evaluation of Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems

  23. New Simulation Languages, Methodologies, and Tools for Wireless Systems

  24. Analysis of Correctness and Efficiency of Protocols

  25. Data Management, Data Aggregation, Data Dissemination, and Query Processing

  26. Distributed Algorithms in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks

  27. Pricing Modeling and Solutions

  28. Pervasive and Wearable Computing

  29. Co-existence Issues of Hybrid Networks

  30. Energy Saving and Power Control Protocols for Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks

  31. Resource Management Algorithms in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks

  32. Real-world Measurements or Test beds

  33. Cross-layer Design and Infrastructure

  34. Energy Efficiency Considerations on the Design or Implementation of Ad Hoc and Sensor

  35. Cognition in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks

  36. Participatory sensing

  37. Crowd sourcing

Underwater Sensor Networks

Underwater Sensor Networks consist of a variable number of sensors and vehicles that are deployed and networked to perform collaborative monitoring tasks over a given area. The underwater environment differs from the terrestrial radio environment both in terms of its energy costs and channel propagation phenomena, and requires more expensive sensors. Due to the economic concern and the complex underwater environment, an Underwater Sensor Networks should have consideration energy efficiency which is critical to an underwater life and normal operation.

  1. Localization

  2. Synchronization

  3. Deployment analysis

  4. Navigation, etc.

  5. MAC protocols

  6. Routing or Network protocols

  7. Transport Protocol

  8. Power Management

  9. Coordinated energy harvesting systems and power systems for underwater networks and systems

  10. Underwater network and system architectures

  11. Energy-efficient algorithms, and protocol design for underwater networks

  12. Modeling, simulation for underwater systems and platforms

  13. Efficient underwater communications (including acoustic, optical, RF, and wired, etc.), with techniques from the physical layer to the application layer.

  14. Cooperative underwater communications, including, PHY, MAC, routing, and data transfer, etc.

  15. Communication & coordination for underwater vehicles and sensor nodes, or human operator interaction

  16. Services for underwater systems

Mobile Computing and Vehicle Communications

Mobile computing is more ubiquitous today when smart phones and other consumer electronic devices become the primary access devices to the Internet. Mobile cloud computing further the integrations of personal computing, distributed computing, cloud computing, and wireless technologies. One of the challenging areas is the vehicle communications and the enabled applications. The continuously increasing interactions between communications, computing and sensing devices in vehicle systems have introduced many interesting yet difficult issues in diverse research areas including computing platform, connectivity, routing and broadcast, channel and link access, collaborations, capacity planning, scheduling, security and privacy preservation, and so on.

  1. Novel applications, services, and mobile cloud computing supporting the mobile environments

  2. Cloud-assisted vehicle communications

  3. Mobile vehicular social networks

  4. Architecture of mobile networks and host

  5. Information systems and applications for intelligent transportation system

  6. V2V or V2I protocols in vehicular networks and communications

  7. Vehicle ad hoc networks and Vehicle sensor networks

  8. Wireless channel and media access control protocols

  9. Multi-channel organization and operation

  10. Wireless access virtualization and resource management in mobile environments

  11. Performance modeling and characterization in mobile environments

  12. Mobility management, analysis and vehicle traffic analysis

  13. Quality of service for mobile communication systems and interactive applications

  14. Economics of vehicular communications and intelligent transportation system

  15. System evaluation methodologies and testbed experiments and measurements

  16. Security, scalability and reliability in mobile communication system

  17. Data management and analysis in mobile environments

  18. Inter-networking between mobile communications systems

  19. Application and service in wireless sensor networks

Wireless Networks

The next generation of wireless networks is expected to encompass heterogeneous access technologies and an Internet backbone so as to provide bandwidth-intensive wireless services to both mobile and stationary users. The Wireless Networks Symposium at ICNC will focus on topics related to all aspects of wireless communications and networks spanning the PHY/MAC layer, Network layer, Transport layer, as well as cross-layer designs. The objective of this symposium is to serve as an international forum for experts from academia, industry and government to exchange ideas and results on research and development, and to promote and accelerate standardization and services of current and future wireless networks.

  1. 4G and beyond wireless networks

  2. 60 GHz mm-wave networks

  3. Network capacity analysis

  4. Cognitive radio networks

  5. Cross- D2D communications

  6. Energy efficient wireless networking

  7. Femtocell/Picocell and small cell networks

  8. Flow control and congestion control

  9. Green wireless networking

  10. Integration of heterogeneous wireless networks

  11. Backhaul design for heterogeneous networks

  12. Measurement studies in wireless networks

  13. Medium access control

  14. Mobile cloud computing

  15. Mobility, handoff, and location management

  16. Multimedia communications over wireless networks

  17. Network architecture

  18. Network planning

  19. Optimization and theory for wireless networking

  20. Personal/Home/Neighborhood area networks

  21. QoS provisioning andResource allocation in wireless networks

  22. Smart grid powered wireless networks

  23. Traffic modeling and management

  24. Testbed development and deployment

  25. Ultra-wideband networks

  26. Wireless ad-hoc and mesh networks

  27. Wireless local area networks

  28. Wireless personal area networks

  29. Wireless networking standards

Network Algorithms and Performance Evaluation

The Network Algorithms and Performance Evaluation (NAPE) Symposium will focus on topics related to all aspects of network algorithms and evaluation techniques. Of special interest are papers reporting on novel, practical and theoretical solutions to routing, QoS, topology control, energy-aware design, security modeling and large-scale performance models.

  1. Adaptive Routing

  2. Admission and Congestion Controls

  3. Cognitive Protocol Designs and Evaluations

  4. Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation

  5. Energy-Efficient Protocols

  6. Localization and Mobility Management

  7. Localized Algorithms for Data Routing

  8. Localized Algorithms for Network Configuration

  9. Network Coding

  10. Network Performance and Protocol Optimization

  11. Network Planning and QoS Provisioning

  12. Network Security and Anomaly Detection

  13. Network Survivability

  14. Performance and Reliability Tradeoffs

  15. Performance Modeling and Analysis Techniques

  16. Performance Models for Voice, Video, Data, and P2P Applications

  17. Performance Models of Cloud Based Services

  18. Performance of Overlay Networks and Over the Top Services

  19. Resource allocation and scheduling

  20. Security Modeling and Measurements

  21. Simulation Methods and Tools

  22. Traffic and Performance Monitoring, Measurements and Forecasting

  23. Wireless Sensor Network Algorithms

Green Computing, Networking, and Communications Symposium

Green computing has recently become a major research topic due to its various economical and environmental impacts. Recent studies have shown that the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced by computers, communication systems, and other information and communication technologies (ICT) alone is almost equivalent to that of the entire aviation industry. Moreover, according to many studies, ICT and computing resources account for 2% to 10% of the world power consumption, due to the ever increasing diffusion of electronic devices.

To reduce these environmental problems and maintain a sustainable environment, novel paradigms, methods, techniques, tools, and systems are needed so as to develop green computing and communication technologies with high energy efficiency, low greenhouse gas emissions, and better re-use of resources and material.

  1. Green computing models, simulations, designs, and paradigms

  2. Energy-aware software-defined network management

  3. Energy harvesting in HetNet deployments

  4. Realization of Smart Grids by the application of ICT

  5. Design and analysis of the smart power grid

  6. Energy-aware computing and communications

  7. Energy-efficient networking and computing infrastructures

  8. Energy-efficient multimedia systems

  9. Energy-efficient cloud computing

  10. Energy-aware resource allocation and scheduling mechanisms

  11. Green materials and devices designs

  12. Usage of renewable energy for green ICT operation

  13. Cross-layer optimization of green networking infrastructures

  14. Life-cycle analysis of computing equipment

  15. Ambient energy harvesting, storage, and recycling Climate and ecosystem monitoring

  16. Energy-efficient data center and cloud technologies

  17. Green high-performance computing and applications

  18. Integration of Distributed Energy Resources and EVs utilizing ICT

  19. Applications of energy efficient connected systems


  1. Energy efficient localization algorithm in underwater sensor networks

  2. Energy efficient clustering algorithm in underwater sensor networks

  3. Acoustic sensor networks in the internet of things applications

  4. Underwater acoustic sensor networks with cost efficiency for internet of underwater things