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国際論文 (査読あり)

●Matsuba M., Tsujimoto A., Tsuchiya M., Tanaka Y.Nomaki H., 2023. Effectiveness of hierarchical Bayesian models for citizen science data with missing values: A case study on the factors influencing beach litter in Shimane Prefecture, Japan. Marine Pollution Bulletin 191, 114948.

Bouchet V.M.P., Seuront L., Tsujimoto A., Delaeter C., Richirt J., Frontalini F., Tsuchiya M., Matsuba M., Nomaki H., 2023. Foraminifera and plastic pollution: Knowledge gaps and research opportunities. Environmental Pollution, 121365.

Mamo, B.L., Cybulski, J.D., Hong, Y., Harnik, P. G., Chao, A., Tsujimoto, A., Wei, C.-L., Baker, M. C., Yasuhara, M., 2023. Modern biogeography of benthic foraminifera in an urbanized tropical marine ecosystem. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 529.

Nomura, R., Tsujimoto, A., Takata, H., 2022. Environmental impact of removal of a large-scale sluice gate on Nakaumi Lagoon and adjacent coastal waters, southwest Japan: Evidence from long-term foraminiferal monitoring. Marine Environmental Research, 182: 105767.

● Seto, K., Katsuki, K., Tsujimoto, A., Kitagawa, J., Yamada, K., Suzuki, Y., 2022. Records of environmental and ecological changes related to excavation in varve sediment from Lake Hiruga in central Japan. Journal of Paleolimnology,

●Bouchet V.M.P., Frontalini F., Francescangeli F., Sauriau P.-G., Geslin E., Martins M.V.A., Almogi-Labin A., Avnaim-Katav S., Di Bella L., Cearreta A., Coccioni R., Costelloe A., Dimiza M.D., Ferraro L., Haynaert K., Martinez-Colon M., Melis R., Schweizer M., Triantaphyllou M., Tsujimoto A., Wilson B., Armynot du Châtelet E, 2021. Relative abundances of benthic foraminifera in response to total organic carbon in sediments: Data from European intertidal areas and transitional waters. Data-In-Brief.

●Bouchet V.M.P., Frontalini F., Francescangeli F., Sauriau P.-G., Geslin E., Martins M.V.A., Almogi-Labin A., Avnaim-Katav S., Di Bella L., Cearreta A., Coccioni R., Costelloe A., Dimiza M.D., Ferraro L., Haynaert K., Martinez-Colon M., Melis R., Schweizer M., Triantaphyllou M., Tsujimoto A., Wilson B., Armynot du Châtelet E., 2021. Indicative value of benthic foraminifera for biomonitoring: assignment to ecological groups of sensibility to total organic carbon of species from European intertidal areas and transitional waters. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 164: 112071.

Tsujimoto, A., Nomura, R., Arai, K., Nomaki, H., Inoue, M., Fujikura, K., 2020. Changes in deep-sea benthic foraminiferal fauna caused by turbidites deposited after the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake. Marine Geology 419.

● Katsuki, K., Seto, K., Tsujimoto, A., Takata, H., Sonoda, T., 2019. Relationship between regional climate change and primary ecosystem characteristics in a lagoon undergoing anthropogenic eutrophication, Lake Mokoto, Japan. Estuarine, Coastal, and Shelf Science, 222, 205-213.

● Takata, H., Lee, J.-M., Sakai, S., Nomura, R., Tsujimoto, A., Nishi, H., and Khim, B.-K., 2015. Impact of early Oligocene deep water circulation to the benthic foraminifera in the eastern equatorial Pacific. Micropaleontology 61, 177-184.

Tsujimoto, A., Nomura, R., Takata, H., Katsunori, K., 2013. A Deep-Sea Benthic Foraminiferal record of surface productivity changes during the constriction and closure of the Central American Seaway: IODP Hole U1338B, eastern equatorial Pacific. The Journal of Foraminiferal Research 43, 361-373.

● Takata H., Nomura, R., Tsujimoto, A., Khim, B.-K. Chung, I.K., 2013. Abyssal benthic foraminifera in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific (IODP EXP 320) during the middle Eocene. Journal of Paleontology 87, 1160-1185.

● Nomura, R., Takata H., Tsujimoto, A., 2013. Data report: early to middle Eocene benthic foraminifers at Sites U1331 and U1333, equatorial central Pacific Ocean, Expedition 320/321. Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, Volume 320/321.

● Yasuhara, M., Denise, B., Tsujimoto, A., Katsuki, K., 2012. Human-induced marine ecological degradation: micropaleontological perspectives. Ecology and Evolution 2, 3242-3268.

● Takata H., Nomura, R., Tsujimoto, A., Khim, B.-K., 2012, Late early Oligocene deep-sea benthic foraminifera and their faunal response to paleoceanographic changes in the eastern Equatorial Pacific. Marine Micropaleontology 96-97, 123-132.

● Pälike, H., Lyle, M.W., Nishi, H., Raffi, I., Ridgwell, A., Gamage, K., Klaus, A., Acton, G., Anderson, L., Backman, J., Baldauf, J., Beltran, C., Bohaty, S.M., Bown, P., Busch, W., Channell, J.E.T., Chun, C.O.J., Delaney, M., Dewangan, P., Dunkley Jones, T., Edgar, K., Evans, H., Fitch, P., Foster, G., Gussone, N., Hasegawa, H., Hathorne, E., Hayashi, H., Herrle, J.O., Holbourn, A., Hovan, S., Heyong, K., Iijima, K., Ito, T., Kamikuri, S., Kimoto, K., Kuroda, J., Leon-Rodriguez, L., Malinverno, A., Moore, T.C., Jr., Murphy, B.H., Murphy, D., Nakamura, H., Ogane, K., Ohneiser, C., Richter, C., Robinson, R., Romero, O., Sawada, K., Scher, H., Schneider, L., Sluijs, A., Takata, H., Tian, J., Tsujimoto, A., Wade, B.S., Westerhold, T., Wilkens, R., Williams, T., Wilson, P.A., Yamamoto, Y., Yamamoto, S., Yamazaki, T., and Zeebe, R.E., 2012. A new Cenozoic record of equatorial Pacific carbonate accumulation rates and compensation depth. Nature 488, 609-614.

● Joachim Schönfeld, Elisabeth Alve, Emmanuelle Geslin, Frans Jorissen, Sergei Korsun, Silvia Spezzaferri, Members of the FOBIMO group, 2012. The FOBIMO (FOraminiferal BIo-MOnitoring) initiative - towards a standardised protocol for soft-bottom benthic foraminiferal monitoring studies. Marine Micropaleontology 94-95, 1-13  (Members of the FOBIMO group =  Sigal Abramovich, Ahuva Almogi-Labin, Eric Armynot du Chatelet, Christine Barras, Luisa Bergamin, Erica Bicchi, Vincent Bouchet, Alejandro Cearreta, Letizia Di Bella, Noortje Dijkstra, Sibelle Trevisan Disaro, Luciana Ferraro, Fabrizio Frontalini, Giordana Gennari, Elena Golikova, Kristin Haynert, Silvia Hess, Katrine Husum, Virginia Martins, Mary McGann, Shai Oron, Elena Romano, Silvia Mello Sousa and Akira Tsujimoto)

● Yasuhara, M., Hunt, G., Cronin, T. M., Hokanishi, N., Kawahata, H., Tsujimoto, A., Ishitake, M., 2012. Climatic forcing of Quaternary deep-sea benthic communities in the North Pacific Ocean. Paleobiology 38, 162-179.

●  Lyle, M., Paelike, H., Nishi, H., Raffi, I., Gamage, K., Klaus, A., and the Expedition 320/321 Scientists, 2010,  The Pacific Equatorial Age Transect, IODP Expeditions 320 and 321: Building a 50-Million-Year-Long Environmental Record of the Equatorial Pacific Ocean. Scientific Drilling, 9, 4-15.

●  Lyle, M., Raffi, I., Paelike, H., Nishi, H., Gamage, K., Klaus, A., and the Expedition 320/321 Scientists, 2009, Pacific Equatorial Transect. Preliminary Report of Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Exp. 321.

Tsujimoto, A., Yasuhara, M., Nomura, R., Yamazaki, H., Sampei, Y., Hirose, K., Yoshikawa, S.,2008. Development of modern benthic ecosystems in eutrophic coastal oceans: the foraminiferal record over the last 200 years, Osaka Bay, Japan. Marine Micropaleontology 69, 225-239.

● Yasuhara, M., Yamazaki, H., Tsujimoto, A., Hirose, K., 2007. The effect of long-term spatiotemporal variations in urbanization-induced eutrophication on a benthic ecosystem, Osaka Bay, Japan. Limnology and Oceanography 52, 1633-1644.

Tsujimoto, A., Nomura, R., Yasuhara, M., Yamazaki, H., Yoshikawa, S., 2006. Impact of eutrophication on shallow marine benthic foraminifers over the last 150 years in Osaka Bay, Japan. Marine Micropaleontology 60, 258-268.

Tsujimoto, A., Nomura, R., Yasuhara, M., Yoshikawa, S., 2006. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages in Osaka Bay, southwestern Japan: faunal changes over the last 50 years. Paleontological Research 10, 141-161.


● 入月俊明・林広樹・辻本 彰,2024パレオパラドキシア瑞浪釜戸標本産地の瑞浪層群宿洞層から産出した貝形虫化石と有孔虫化石瑞浪市化石博物館研究報告5081-89

辻本 彰・瀬戸浩二,2020.中海における2016 年の底生有孔虫群集の分布.Laguna(汽水域研究)27,59-68.

● 廣瀬孝太郎・瀬戸浩二・辻本彰・中村英人・安藤卓人・入月俊明・香村一夫,2020.中海Nk-3C地点における湖底表層堆積物層序および過去約600年間の地球化学的環境の変化.Laguna(汽水域研究)27,41-57.

● 野村律夫・田中裕一郎・ 辻本 彰,2018.島根半島中新統,成相寺層下部から産出した有孔虫群集とその意義.地質学雑誌 124,95-109.


● 駒井幸雄・米林甲陽・勝見尚也・入月俊明・辻本 彰・岡崎正規,2015.炭素・窒素安定同位体比とメイオベントス相から見た瀬戸内海の底質環境の変遷.水環境学会誌 38, 39-47. ※日本水環境学会平成27年年間優秀論文賞(メタウオーター賞)

辻本彰・野村律夫・福田賢一,2013.児島湾における底質中の有機物と底生有孔虫群集の季節変動.Laguna (汽水域研究) 20, 61-71.

● 野村律夫・辻本彰・福田賢一・井上睦夫,2013.岡山県児島湾における密度流拡散装置周辺の228Ra/226Ra比の深度別変化.Laguna (汽水域研究) 20, 73-87.

● 河野重範・辻本 彰・鵜飼宏明・入月俊明・野村律夫,2011.熊本県天草市五和町の更新統小串層から産出した微化石群集とその古環境,化石研究会誌 44,1-10.

● 野村律夫・河野重範・辻本 彰,2011.島根県佐陀川に記録された Ammonia イベント,Laguna 18,1-12.

● Nomura, R., Seto, K. and Tsujimoto, A., 2010. High tide dispersion of marine benthic foraminifera into brackish waters: implications for dispersion processes during sea-level rise, Laguna(汽水域研究) 17, 15-21.

辻本彰・安原盛明・山崎秀夫・廣瀬孝太郎・吉川周作,2008.大阪湾における過去150 年間の環境変化:微化石群集から読み解く富栄養化の歴史.第四紀研究 47,273-285.

● 廣瀬孝太郎・安原盛明・辻本彰・山崎秀夫・吉川周作,2008.大阪湾における過去約120年間の珪藻遺骸群集組成変化と人為環境改変・汚染に よる影響.第四紀研究 47,287-296.

その他 (紀要・論文集・報告書など)

辻本 彰.表層コアから見積もられた奄美大島周辺海域の堆積速度.地質調査総合センター速報,77,146-152,2019.

辻本 彰・野村律夫,2017.GK15-2-825 及び 874 地点の堆積速度と底生有孔虫群集.地質調査総合センター速報,72,92-100,2017.

辻本 彰・野村律夫,2016.GK14-693, 755コアの堆積速度と近年の東シナ海の環境変化.地質調査総合センター速報, 70,105-115,2016.

● 野村律夫・高須晃・入月俊明・林広樹・辻本彰・田坂郁夫,2016.くにびきジオパーク・プロジェクトが目指す出雲地域のジオパーク構想.島根県地学会会誌 31.27-29.

● 上森さくら・橋爪一治・冨安慎吾・辻本彰・畑智子,2015.島根大学教育学部2014年度入学生の入学時学力調査結果の分析.島根大学教育臨床総合研究 14.27-36.

辻本彰・冨安慎吾・上森さくら・橋爪一治・畑智子,2015.現入試体制にみる島根大学教育学部生の状況就職状況と入試形態,教職志向性,GPA,1000時間体験学修との関連.島根大学教育臨床総合研究 14.37-49.

● 石黒貴裕・辻本 彰・野村律夫,2014.児島湾における堆積物中有機物の分布と炭素・窒素安定同位体.岡山水研報告 29, 51-55.

辻本彰・瀬戸浩二・野村律夫,2014.中海の湖底堆積物を用いた環境学習の実践.日本科学教育学会研究会 講演論文集.

● 野村律夫・辻本 彰,2012.荒井晃作編「東シナ海沖縄トラフ海域の海洋地質学的研究」平成23年度研究概要報告書-北部沖縄トラフ海域-,産業技術総合研究所地質調査総合研究センター速報,no. 58,146-155.


● 北村真一・辻本彰・吉川周作,2008.底生有孔虫群集解析による過去約1万年間の大阪湾水域環境変遷.第18回環境地質学シンポジウム講演論文集.213-218.

● 吉川周作・長岡信治・辻本彰・村上晶子・三田村宗樹・山崎秀夫,2008.長崎湾飽の浦沖ボーリングコアの岩相層序と放射性炭素年代.第18回環境地質学シンポジウム講演論文集.201-206.

● 成瀬元・大村泰平・辻本彰・伊藤拓馬・吉川武憲,2007.堆積学スクール2007「コア解析法入門」(2007年11月,高知)参加報告.堆積学研究 66.33-37.

辻本彰・吉川周作・三瓶良和,2006.全有機炭素・窒素・イオウ濃度分析及び有孔虫群集解析に基づく河内 平野中央部における完新世の堆積環境変化.第16回環境地質学シンポジウム講演論文集.231-236.

辻本彰(2006)風蓮湖の有孔虫.科学研究費基盤研究 (A) (課題番号15204046;代表者 野村律夫)-20世紀の異常海水準変動と沿岸生態系の動態解明のための層位・古生物学的手法の確立-報告書.風蓮湖1-8.

辻本彰・野村律夫・安原盛明・山崎秀夫・吉川周作(2005)大阪湾における人為汚染と底生有孔虫群集変 化:有孔虫に基づく人間活動が及ぼした閉鎖性海域の環境評価.第15回環境地質学シンポジウム講演論文集.161-164.