Cancer and the Environment 

What do we mean by environment?

The environment is your surroundings, like where you live, work, and play. It also includes the kinds of things people do. 

Environmental factors include

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Cancer and the environment video 3.mp4

Listen to our interview with Alex Whiting who is the Environmental Program manager for the Native Village of Kotzebue.   Alex has decades of experience working with environmental issues in the Northwest Arctic Borough.  

His message just might surprise you!

Environmental factors and genes contribute to the development of cancer.  The types of cancers people develop are influenced by different causes.

Figure 1. The role of genes and environment in the development of cancer. 

A. Percent contribution of genetic and environmental factors to cancer. About 90 to 95 percent of all cancers are caused by environmental exposures including the lifestyle choices people make. Only 5 to 10 percent of all cancer cases occur in someone who inherited a small change (called a mutation) in a gene that increases cancer risk.  

B. Percent contribution of each environmental factor.   For example, tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke causes 25 to 30 percent of all cancer cases. 

Source: Anand, P., Kunnumakara, A.B., Sundaram, C. et al. Cancer is a Preventable Disease that Requires Major Lifestyle Changes. Pharm Res 25, 2097–2116 (2008).

What are carcinogens?

How do we come in contact with carcinogens?

Sometimes substances that can cause cancer naturally occur in the environment. Usually the risk is very small because the method or the amount of exposure is very small.

What are some examples of substances in the environment that can cause cancer?

What determines if cancer may occur from an environmental exposure?

To learn if a chemical will harm us, we need to ask these questions:

And, it depends on how that chemical gets into our bodies:

Why is it difficult for scientists to decide if an environmental exposure caused cancer?

Should I be worried about my subsistence foods?

In general, subsistence foods are very healthy and high in nutrients and antioxidants.  Being involved in getting subsistence foods can also help you get physical activity, stay connected to the land, and connected to your culture, which are all ways to stay healthy. Being active while doing subsistence activities counts as exercise which has been shown to prevent cancer.  Subsistence activities can lower body fat and LDL-cholesterol (Coker et al. 2018).

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