
Whole school

with Kelsie Grazier 

Noticing Our Light

In our time together, we focused on how we can notice our light through the lens of mindfulness. We learned how to adjust what we are looking at, to notice in an intentional way. I worked with all ages and grades throughout the school year. It was important to share about my deafness, for communication and to open the conversation about disability awareness in our communities.

The time together started with mindful breathing while holding and paying attention to the contours, colours and textures of the rock the child was holding. It was a chance to slow down and listen within. The children shared that they love holding rocks and it makes them feel happy- I agree and encourage you to try it!

Noticing rocks is just the start to paying attention, listening to intuition and making abstract artwork. Abstraction can be difficult to do with mediums the students know well, such as drawing and painting. The students learned that abstract expression is a process in itself. Sometimes we worked collaboratively, like painting together on a large surface or drawing a reflection, and sometimes we worked individually, doing blind contour self portraits. The students seamlessly transitioned between their collective creativity.

A highlight of the year was turning the art studio into a live camera. We blacked out the windows, included a pinhole and let the light shine through. After their eyes adjusted to the dark, the students learned that the reflection from outside was upside down on the walls! They then traced the houses, cars, and trees from their community reflecting inside. What a surprise to see their collaborative charcoal drawing after the lights were turned on!

Much of the work we did together focused on the process. As creativity is not linear, the process is the most fruitful part. Through the various projects, I hoped to impart wisdom of the importance of embracing the process, with no attachment to the final product. It is all a part of developing a positive mindset towards creativity and their vulnerability in creating abstract work.