United Airlines Refund Policy


Read this article to learn everything you need to know about United Airlines refund policy, including how to request a refund and how to contact United Airlines at +1 888-356-0962. 

United Airlines Refund Policy

you need to cancel your flight with United Airlines and request a refund, you'll need to familiarize yourself with the airline's refund policy. Here are some of the key points to keep in mind:

Types of Tickets Eligible for Refunds

Not all tickets are eligible for refunds. Here are the types of tickets that may be eligible for a refund:

How to Contact United Airlines

If you have any questions or concerns about United Airlines Refund Policy or need to request a refund, you can contact the airline's customer service team at +1 888-356-0962. Here are some of the other ways to contact United Airlines:

Frequently Asked Questions

Ans: If your refund is approved, it may take up to seven business days for the refund to be processed and credited back to your account.

2. What fees are associated with canceling a flight?

Ans: The amount of the fee depends on the type of ticket you purchased and how close to your departure date you canceled your flight.

3. Can I get a refund if I missed my flight?

Ans: If you missed your flight, you may not be eligible for a refund. However, you may be able to get a credit for future travel.

4. How do I know if my ticket is refundable?

Ans: You can check your ticket details to see if your ticket is refundable. If you're not sure, you can contact United Airlines customer service at +1 888-356-0962 for more information.

Reach Us : +1 888-356-0962