Becoming a Member School
AIMS Membership
Schools seeking membership in AIMS will:
Request, in writing, to the AIMS Executive Director, that they be considered for membership.
The Executive Director will schedule a school visit and request a checklist of information from the candidate school.
The checklist of information will include: documentation of school accreditation, a budget for the current operating year, a copy of the IRS tax exempt letter, a list of the candidate school’s board of trustees, and a copy of the school’s by-laws.
Upon the recommendation of the Executive Director, and the approval of the AIMS Board of Trustees, the Head of the candidate school will be invited to attend a regular meeting of Heads of AIMS schools.
When the AIMS Board of Trustees is satisfied that the candidate school meets all requirements for membership, a recommendation for Full or Provisional membership will be presented to the full Association.
Applications for membership from schools are approved by majority vote of the Association's Heads of School.
Heads, or designates, from candidate schools are recused from the portion of the meeting at which their membership eligibility is discussed.
Schools have been or are in the process of being evaluated by an outside agency are Full members of AIMS. Members have voting rights, may attend all meetings, conferences, seminars, etc, and will pay dues and assessments in full.
Schools which meet basic membership criteria but have not yet gone through an evaluation/accreditation process or do not plan to seek evaluation/accreditation by an outside agency are Provisional members without voting rights. Provisional members may attend all meetings, conferences, seminars, etc., and will pay dues and assessments in full.