Aikido Ebetsu Dojo

Thank you for visiting the Aikido Ebetsu Dojo website.

Aikido Ebetsu Dojo is the first registered dojo of the Aikikai Foundation (approved by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) in Ebetsu City to practice Aikido founded by the founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba Sensei.

Aikido does not have a match, it is a martial art that trains the mind, technique and body together with the opponent in kata training. Through the practice of Aikido, you will cultivate courtesy, concentration, physical strength, and compassion and gratitude. Perfect for relieving lack of exercise, improving health and improving physical performance.

First of all, please come for a tour or a trial lesson. Both tours and trial lessons are free. If you can contact the dojo master in advance, we will carry it out at any time. *In the case of trial practice, only the fee for using the gymnasium will be charged, so please pay at the reception.

Features of Aikido Ebetsu Dojo

*Aikido exercise is a method of exercise designed by the Aikikai Aikido Hombu Dojo Tomohiro Mori Shihan, which is  useful not only for Aikido but also for martial arts and sports in general.

About Aikido

Aikido is a Japanese Martial Art created during the 1920s by Morihei Ueshiba (1883~1969), an expert who reached the highest level of mastery in the classical Japanese Martial Arts. 

Aikido is performed by blending with the motion of the attacker and redirecting the force of the attack rather than opposing it head-on. Aikido has not competition. 

The goal of Aikido practice is not perfection of a step or skill, but rather improving one's character according to the rules of nature.

Introduction of Tomohiro Mori Shihan

7th Dan, Shihan, Aikikai Aikido Honbu Dojo 

Mori Shihan Started Aikido in 1988 at Tohoku University Aikido club. The instructor at the university at the time was Moriteru Ueshiba Sensei, the current Aikido Doshu. After graduating in 1993, he joined the instructors section of Aikikai Aikido Honbu Dojo. Every year, He holds a large number of workshops and seminars  not only in Japan but also in overseas.

Introduction of Toshihiro Hirahata Dojo-cho

5th Dan, Dojo-cho, Aikido Ebetu Dojo

Hirahata dojo-cho joined Aikikai in 1986. In addition to teaching Aikido in Sapporo City, he was dispatched to Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan in Central Asia, for two years from the end of March 2017 as a JICA Senior Volunteer. In October 2020, he established the Aikido Ebetsu Dojo (Aikikai Registered Dojo) and assumed the position of the Dojo-cho. He is a registered instructor of the Ebetsu City Sports Foundation. He also has practiced Jodo, Iaido, Jujitsu, and Karate.

If you would like to participate in our dojo practice, please contact Dojo-cho.

Toshihiro Hirahata

Phone: +81(0) 90 3900 0355

E-mail: syouchikubai.dou (at)

(Replace (at) with a half-width '@'.)

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